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Posts posted by SaggyBalls

  1. hey - good point!

    it's exactly my sentiment with a lot of bands that jam - i think the talent's there but the players just haven't found it yet.

    I hope more people start college jamband/good music radio shows. there's ALREADY a plethora of great music on college radio but we need to get more kids into it.

  2. okay...you can still tape phish shows. you're not supposed to burn and trade albums, and essentially, this is what the live phish downloads are.

    i don't know why you smart people don't realize this is a phish release, just not on CD and it reflects as such in the lowered price.

    you can complain about it not being free and the downloading taking time, but then just buy them when they come out. nobody's complaining about the live phish releases on CD...with the fancy binders and everyhting costing more than just B+P.

    sure phish are making a lot of money but if you don' tthink they deserve it and then go on later to talk about the great times you had at phish shows(multiply that by hundreds of thousands of people) don't you think it's fair to realize that maybe they DO deserve it?

    i mean come on, trey has to pay for his coke habit SOMEHOW. [smile]

    i don't understand why you pholks turn your nose up at something that adequately fills peoples' needs for live phish. i mean, come on - a phish soundboard no less than 2 days after the show that you likely weren't at?

    why do you have to be so unneccessarily negative when you can just opt to wait till someone can trade you for them or you can buy them in CD form...for a bunch of peace loving music lovers you've got some strong negative emotions. i just hope you can get them out at the nero NYE or wherever you are.

  3. mine was the sega master system.

    i loved it. it was spectacular. i was soooooooooooooooo happy to have my first real video game system. it helped me through so many times, and it gave me something to do with friends.

    that, or my dunlop bass crybaby...a crappy wah pedal overall...squeaks and the batytery doesn't work, but it's a totally expressive pedal for a bass player to have. i love you dad.

  4. if i could i'd have a party in the country but by the time we all drove out we'd be groggy and have to pee. i was hoping that SOMEONE was going to have a kicker after the kicker at Dekcuf. anyone want to have a hundred rowdy hippies at their place to party their faces off??

  5. so it's come to my attention that canada only has 3 Jamband radio shows, all on campus radio stations. I think that some of us should try to get our own shows. it'd really help get more kids out to shows and help people appreciate tunes...because, frankly, most people don't know what Jam is.

    i think i'll try to get my own show in london but anyone else that thinks they'd have fun on the radio playing long songs and talking into a microphone should really really really really try to get a show at your local university radio station. they're generally volunteer and you don't HAVE to be a stundent to be on air unless it's an educational radio station. still - ask. everyone here is fun, witty, and intelligent. a natural for the radio. just speak up and don't swear. that's all i can suggest. the radio's a whole lot of fun, especially when you don't have to play certain tunes you don't like.

    do it!

  6. jazz pharmacy's an awesome band...i lost a bit of interest when they released their full length...didn't seem to have the same earthy sound i totally loved...couldmn't hear the vox enough on a couple of songs...really digital sounding...too crisp for a trippy jazzy band if you don't want them to become a fusion band...

    great tuff, and i want to see them live sometime.

  7. So it's the Holidays - a time of excitement and release, but also a time where we can sit back, relax and be totally honest about the past year. i really hope this isn't too strange a question of the day, but if you can be frank, you might really like this one. interpret it however you want...it's pretty vague.

    What was your most successful emotional conquest??

    Mine's music. i always used to play guitar whenever things were getting me down in highschool(which was pretty often, being constantly bored and shy destroyed a lot of my sanity whenever i had time to myself) and i never really took music as seriously as i could. I don't know what it was but i realized that i was expressive. Ever since about the first year of college, when i've been able to center myself, making music has been able to be a complete meditative action and it's helped me get in touch with a feeling of self-worth i never had before.

  8. well...i dont' think a band is one of the best if they don't play mostly originals. i know there are killer bands that play covers but anybody can learn other people's songs - even though not everyone can do it really really well...those same people could likely play really realyl good originals too.

    i'd have to say that i think that the aaron macdonald band is one of the better underrated canadian jambands. i don't really dig on the whole poppy side (songy) of jambands but they're pretty good. great songs and good voices. i think jukejoint is a jazz band more than a jamband but they're not as prolific as they deserve to be.

    if i counted coverbands, i'd say the music never stopped or caution jam...tmns is tribute and caution jam are a bunch of geezers that want to play fun tunes. those guys have really impressed me before. great party and greater jams by the day. caution jam are worth cover and tmns don't play enough.

    really, a lot of jammier bands aren't really underrated, just underappreciated. few bands really unimpress me. i'm not a fan of AMB but i understand the talent. i just don't dig on em. same with fat cats and they're a fantastic band. i just don't like to hear a lot of stuff that reminds me of the radio and a lot of rockier bands do that to me.

  9. so here i was this afternoon reading this message board and BAM! i see the post where i won a ticket for the sens game. i was happy to get a stuper ticket...section 225, on the corner. the game was a blowout, which is good for a fan but not for the intensity of a game. the ticket's good for a slice of piuzza...which i forgot to get...maybe tomorrow. anyhow, the game lets up and i say to arcane 'you wanna go to dekcuf??' to a resounding yes. so there we are having enjoyed a stellar hockey game where there was a lot on chit chat(to fill in where ottawa was toying with the sharks) and laughter at spartacat shooting the sandwich in the nuts with another sandwich. the joke is old but worth seeing the sandwich limp away in sheer hammily-acted agony. and yes, arcane, it would have cool to switch centres with the mascots. we get to the bar and the band is yet to get on. dr hux definitely impressed me a lot more than i was expecting ( now wait you may have already judged this comment but you have to keep in mind that i understand how genuinely interested and knowledgeable we all are regarding music, thus making Dr. Huxtable already an impressive band in my mind) considering i'm picky when it comes to even music i really really really like. i was definitely impressed with the amount of soul was put into the jams and the songwriting. A n ultra feel good set. the transition happened and i was disappointed there was only one bass playing at a time but again, i'm picky. then the bob dylan project got on (after a china cat teasy jam, which woulda been a cool jam tune, but it was awesome anyhow) where i was surely impressed by an already warmer vibe. I'd only heard about this band for a couple of months and I didn't expect much to be honest. Even if i was expecting a lot i'd have been content with the set. i started thinking about what started to make the night A bit magical and my mind wandered to 'girls'...now i have to admit i really like expressive artistic women but that's really not the point, it's the honest expression i was seeing that you need for great vocals. (don't worry geoff, don't feel left out. i started thinking about the vocals and realized it's not a girl thing. you have a great voice and you know how to use it. good vocals are hard to find and feel lucky you've got em everyone at deckuf was.) It seems to me that women just give it a bit more. Anyhow, set blends into set blends into set...each one was special and to be honest, i didn't keep a setlist and i was trying to experience the show as a set, but i know i got into hiway freeker more than the bob dylan project. I know i had a good time with my friends, I know I learned how talented my friends are(which makes me a bit more understanding of your points of view generally which is nice) and I know that i'm going to enjoy seeing either band in the future as much as i can.

    thanks for the great night everybody.

  10. the most fantastic women i've known have all been into music. i always liked going to shows but never went to the 'right' ones.

    amanda turned me onto phish and the dead, and hence the magic began.

    maddak ended up going to the shows i suggested (if i couldn't go someone had to)

    i love people that love music. plain and simple...at times i think having different interests would be good, but then i snap out of my wierd trance and realize that enthusiasts are all great people. arguably better than most.

  11. totally choice entertainment on SNL...they need to have a good time more often. i think SNL is still a great show, but not when compared to the days of yore.

    anyways, i turned on the tube after the morn on the movie network and holy shit! i saw chuck norris! I remember there was this one time that he hit me with his van...i was gonna kick his ass but he knows karate.

    but damn...the guy can play guitar.

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