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Posts posted by SaggyBalls

  1. Okay - here's the deal. the pocket dwellers are playing at forwell hall at fanshawe college in london tomorrow and the opening act(grand poo bah)'s drummer shane deller broke his hand and we need an opening act.

    this email is specifically for anyone in jomomma (you too MK)

    but any band that can make it to london tomorrow please let me know. i don't know the particulars about pay oir anything but get back to me today via email and phone if you can.

    it'd be a sweet show to play.

    hope to hear from you




  2. Okay - here's the deal. the pocket dwellers are playing at forwell hall at fanshawe college in london tomorrow and the opening act(grand poo bah)'s drummer shane deller broke his hand and we need an opening act.

    this email is specifically for anyone in jomomma (you too MK)

    but any band that can make it to london tomorrow please let me know. i don't know the particulars about pay oir anything but get back to me today via email and phone if you can.

    it'd be a sweet show to play.

    hope to hear from you




  3. i WANT to go...depends on whether or not i can make it back and be awake for school and if i'm not burnt out from my grandfather's funeral.

    you're in chatham?? how are you going? do you go by london?? maybe we can car pool and save the earth or some crazy hippy thing like that. whaever...all i know is that if i can help someone drink i've made a difference in the world.

    call me if you have and fun ideas for the night.

    my name's rob and i'm at 519.433.1733

    that goes for anyone that's going and would like to chip in for gas...just a few rules though...don't slam my doors, don't eat in the car, ash out the window, and drink responsibly enough to save yourself a car cleaning bill [Razz]

    other than that, i'm not a tight ass about anything.

    i have class until 4 on thursdays, so if people want to gather and party it up in london then go i'm totally down for that.


  4. yeah yeah yea...pot on time. whatever...

    anyhow, it was nice to get back home to see such a great band but it's all too super to gt such a warm welcome every time i see you folks. I realy wish i was there at times, but every time I see a show in Ottawa i get reminded about why i'm suprised to get such a warm welcome. aside from the people dancing, everyone else was sitting on their hands watching. when you see bands in clubs in other cities, everyone's happy and goofy and freak out. ottawa's too reserved and I don't know what to think about it. every time I hear 'you guys rock' i chortle to myself because i know the band can't see the whole audiece...so that says to me...the fans get up to the front where they can be seen and the rest of the people sit in the shadows. i'm not tlaking about anyone I saw there. the room cleared out for second set, or at least halfway through second set. what can we do to combat this complacent lack of free aloofness??

    i had an arduous journey from london to make the show. my goatskin was starting to chafe from the car ride and i still was up there groovin to myself. you can't get into a band like tND sitting and watching. people cn complain all they want about people not coming out to shows, and i know i shouldn't complain about the people that get there, but really, all the are is income for the door and bar. it kinda ruins the atmosphere. the more fun everyone has, the mre fun tey'll have next time and the time after that and the time after that...the scene will be so much more fun and happy and friendly. some time there should be a killer groove show where barrymore's takes away all the chairs and has ushers telling people to lighten up and have a blast. would it work?? i doubt it but at least the bar would have to do SOMETHING for the 20 dollar ticket. i always forget how expensive that place is. nice sound though...not too loud but loud enough.

    i missed formula/escalate but yo uknow what?? every time i come home and go to shows i feel like i'm missing out on chillin in the country. next time i think i'll try to have some people over...would that work?? even though it IS my folks' place i know everyone'd have a decent time. email me with an idea...entertainment, theme, how many people can drive 45 minutes out of town, whatever you can think of...anyways, just a thought.


  5. every CT fest I was at this summer(missed august) i heard a dr. didg CD playing...people north of the border HAVE heard these guys...killer stuff. i'd love to see stuff like that at frontiertown.

    watch out for that jaymz dude though...anyone working for free must be a crazy person [Razz]

    one of the many brantford pholk. nice guy.

    anyhow, this year CT fest was mostly a party with music except for may 24...a concert that was a party. i hope next year turns out to have every weekend like victoria day weekend. the party's too distracting.

  6. alright...so here I am online and nobody's even posted abotu the saturday show in london??

    am i just illiterate??yikes! it's gonna be a blast!

    well - i hope it is. i've got a friend up for the weekend and time off work is hard to get...i hope to see loads of people bustin it out and having a helluva time.

    i know i'll be there.

    will you??

  7. quote:

    Originally posted by doubleB:


    The Following things STILL suck!

    1. Parking tickets

    2. last call

    3. NSync

    4. Dave Matthews

    5. Toronto Maple Leafs

    6. neo-hippy, love everyone poserism

    7. the bayou

    8. pickles

    9. wet farts

    10. coyote mornings

    11. survivor

    12. when the filter comes out in your mouth

    and oh yeah.... can't forget the Bare Naked Ladies... yup they still suck to...

    I truly hope I have offended somebody

    BB - I thought we were friends! i really do tend to love everyone, but i think it's because i get along with everyone...but don't worry...i'm not offended because i already know you're a great big jerk.

    I thiink it's kinda funny how up in arms people can get over something as trivial to one person as the musical tastes of another. People are often so sensitive about that and it's kinda funny to see how crazy people get.

  8. I would hope yo uottawa folks don't have to say you miss shane because you'll never see him at a nero show...I wish everyone the best of luck and I hope to see you folks soon. As much as i dig on shane's grooves, it'll be nice to see chris dig on the nero groove.

    i am disappointed however that I didn't get the call to play...now i'm still just stuck with giggles...

    i guess that's not TOO bad.

    you'd better play london soon, boys!!

  9. okay dude...you'll want to get to frontiertown somehow...

    take the 401 west to guelph.

    get on highway 6 and go north.

    take it all the way to durham

    continue on highway 6 about 10 km past durham

    turn right on Grey Road #12

    look for Frontier Ghost Town Camp Grounds(a big wooden arch/gate on your right with a smaller sign on the mailbox(unless they changed it)) approximately 1 minute down Grey Road #12 on your right hand side

    serious, dude. you'd better make it.

  10. sorry shane...i know you mean the best by the smooth comment but it kinda gets on my nerves when nobody mentions it let alone when i'm reminded of it. i'm just a naturally friendly guy. i just never think with my reserve brain and since i'm not a monk it kinda drives me crazy sometimes. but seriously - we should party sometime dude.

    JSB tuesday in ottawa if you can make it up.

    it's monday and i've no set plans. let me know what's going on people

    (613) 258-3897

    ask for rob.

  11. okay so sue me...i know i'm a bit late on this thread but i've gotta say some things that are dreadfully overdue.

    we are amongst the biggest music snobs around although we're the biggest music lovers around. there are a lot of great mainstream bands around and i realize that...although i know as well as anyone here that they're really not as free as they should be. we all resent the media for improperly depicting our music and us as stoned hippies.

    what do we do?? try to do it all ourselves and we know that's so hard. we all have things to do and it's hard to find time to write 50 letters to media personalities and call 75 radio stations just to get a few bites.

    also, there are a whole shitload of heads around. someone said there aren't a lot of heads?? bullshit. there are a whole whackload of openminded music loving people around we just have to get the word out to them to become involved or at least come out some night to a show. i was in toronto today and saw a plethora of headdy folk that were smiling and enjoying their day. i stopped and talked to about 10 people and told them about frontiertown while waiting for the train to brockville. they all seemed shocked. i think that's really the key. don't just poster for shows if you're a bar. walk around downtown and meet every heady kid and make them feel appreciated and understood. that'd be a great job. i'd do that for minimum wage.

    obviously, being intelligent people, we all understand that the mass media has to be an integral part of our scene's success. saturation will bring out the lot trash and misunderstanding will bring out bad press.

    we've got to start writing and volunteering at campus radio stations.

    we've got to start realizing what could be.

    i was in HMV and saw galactic in the dance section. that's another problem. where can you get a jamband's album?? what section can you find it in? you have to search for 3 hours in stores to find what you're looking for.

    okay so a few of you don't like electronic jambands...too much breakbeats...and a few of you think lyrics are essential for success...and a few of you think we're starting to sound derivative...well when you put a moniker on anything (jambands) people start to emulate it. i love neo-fun bands as much as you all but when a new genre pops up and you try to understand how to describe it to people some people genrify their style and don't realize that these bands started up as absolutely unique bands that had few fans. now that people hear it there is bound to be overlap. i'm not excusing it just explaining my point of view.

    as a musician in the scene i know that songwriting is ultra important. it's also really difficult to pull off and stay totally fresh sometimes which is really the biggest obstacle for a lot of people.

    money is a huge concern. us musicians do it for the music while entertainers do it for the money. entertainers get the attention and the musicians get kraft dinner. i'm not saying undermine your creativity and sell out, but maybe we could find a way to get paid better...anyone have any good ideas??

    i've played for 2 bucks before. it sucked but was fun...in a very sucky way.

    i really resent the idea of a musicians' union but it makes a lot of business sense...it's just a bit scary how you can never realyl get out of it...someone always knows you got out or don't follow policy(if you're a realistic person) and there are a lot of assholes out there that have issues to deal with...you never know what can happen.

    we 4really need to organize ourselves to help rather than just expecting people to do it. i'll give the ideas but don't expect me to coolate them or organize anyithing just yet.

    i wish i could. soon.

  12. you know...i think it's silly how you KNOW you're never going to be satisfied with mass media polls regarding quality musicianship but still look to them to tell people so we can sort of complain about it...now obviously, i have my qualms with it as well but i don't know...maybe we should be doing more about it by writing emails or getting polls together and sending it to these publications to let them know that heads buy magazines too. heads do have money for things advertied. we're maybe a bit mreo intelligent and dont' get suckered into flashy big hair ads...

    maybe send them some music...blank CD...i'd chip in a couple of cents for postage...maybe some nero/gtb/d&t/jukejoint jams for the guys...i think lauzon should be on the list over kobain. heck, almost anyone in the jamband scene over kobain...except for giggles. that guy stinks.


    i'll be back this weekend...collect a couple or so if you're really gonna do it.

  13. okay so i'm coming home this weekend for at least a week...this means gosium will not be playing at passage to india(or at all) next week.

    if you've been meaning to see us for a change of plans or to come have a good time in london, this is the week.

    no cover, at passage to india/rose and crown 2, horton at waterloo.

    try to show for around 10:30 or a bit later to say hi before the first set. cheers!

    oh yeah...the food before 11 is stellar. definitely worth not eating before. indian food or pub grub. i suggest: the crunchy munchies, samosas, biryani, naan bread, egg wraps, and anything from the bar.


  14. yeah i'm confused too so i'm coming home this weekend. anyone in the ottawa area feel free to get ahold of me saturday night and beyond...i'm going out of town with he folks next week but still...if you want me to show up for festivities in your neck of the woods and know of a place where i can crash(so i don't have to drive home...unless you're thinking of offering me a place so we can snuggle) then email me, call my cell at 519.670.2575, or call my folks' place at 613.258-3897.

    i really miss all you guys. pity me.


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