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Posts posted by SaggyBalls

  1. man, both sides are arguably on the wrong on that one...it's just which one to you is useing excuses and which one has explanations.

    i don't think it's at all an issue of anything more than political situation with those guys.

    i can understand both sides of the situation, it's just the more barbaric methods are used by those that feel they have to resort to it.

    not to make this a political thread...but it definitely will be interesting. post rock bands always give me a way more vivid soundscape than the average groovy jamband. these guys will take you somewhere else. i saw explosions in the sky, blurtonia, and trail of the dead in london this year and was absolutely blown away. fantastic sounds and interaction...it made me feel like i was in a park on a sunny summer day watching clouds...ytou know that fantastic euphoric feeling you had when you were a kid just chilled out as much as you could be for a kid??

    same deal.

    post rock is awesome and wish more bands got into touring and jamming/set blending with other genres.

    oh well...if i could have my way...

  2. where were all you dorks last night...it was smokin!

    you'd better show to lee's palace tonight for an awesome afro-beat extravaganza...

    deep basslines(that don't change a whole lot in the songs...which is okay)

    exams end for me on tuesday, so if you know anything going on in london that you want to enjoy, come for a visit.


  3. Hey Jeff,

    It's Jesse here, big friendly's brother. I was hoping if you could drop me a email. I was wondering if your still interested in doing some session work. I have a bunch of studio time in the new year and need to record some tracks for school.

    Email me at:


    and i can give you more details.

    Hope you manage to not get that wierd cruise sickness and maybe they'll let you out of your room.



  4. So there i was all crazed and damp at the comfort zone on saturday and what happened??

    the band stopped playing.

    how could those nero boys do that to me? they STOPPED PLAYING!!

    it tore me up so much i had to go party afterwards and enjoy myself even more.

    thanks for everyone that came out and had a good time both with and without me.


  5. every time i see those guys it's as good as i can imagine the band being and evey time they're better and better and more interesting.

    a stellar night.

    i wish they had more different computer animations to play for us though...i saw the same images like 20 times and i wish they'd take into accunt the netire package when they hold an event...they never play the same twice and i'd like to be able to be suprised by EVERYTHING when i see those guys.

    nitpicking is something i have to do when there's so little room for improvement...as far as one would think anyway.

  6. Hey everybody!

    i'm looking to start making music with some musicians relaly soon and thought i'd turn to a bunch of music lovers, listeners, and makers for some help.

    i'm looking for players to collaborate on a project - a different one.

    next semestr i have a term project due(at the end) that needs to be big(i'm in MIA at fanshawe...music is my homework) and i'm looking to put together a group for a downtempo/chillout/deep drum n bass/dub sort of group. live players create quality relaxation and this is one way to get it out there. if things work out i may look to work with this seriously and since nobody's doing this sort of thing in the jamband/neo-fun music scene and i think we really need it. everyone's really funky and upbeat all the time - or dark and dramatic.

    if you want and idea of what i have in mind here it is...

    portishead meets bill laswell, meets early new deal, meets greyboy...and so on...trippy, smooth, mellow, dynamic, dramatic, emotional, pallatable.

    some rock elements, but even though i love the dead and phish and rockier jams i dont' really want this project to have that flavour too heavy through the sauce. i don't like tasting the same thing all the time but i'd love to be able to savour some subtlety and feel-good sounds. it'll take a lot of communication and planning.

    i'm in london and will be until at least may. if you're close and willing to work with this i'll be looking to start seriously focusing on this after christmas...school's hectic and it's too easy to go full tilt into things i love without looking at it all objectively.

    i know i can find the people and minds to make this work - it's just organization and genuine desire to make this work.

    please contact me if you're interested...i'm still up for jamming with people but this project is not going to be just for fun. it's initially worth marks for me, but considering i'm ultimately very picky, when school's done i dont' care about marks i care about the experience and potential we'd have. it can be done and done well. don't be scared.



    apartment 310, 107 grand ave

    london ontario

  7. the show - KILLER!

    it did sunshine and becky in though. they had to go home after...can out on a party??

    oh well at least they made it out - unlike scottieking...boo-urns to that guy.

    i was enjoying ever minute of that show, partly because i'm a funny guy and get to listen to myself all the time in my head and that my head was altered slightly - which put a spin on my funny head.

    every time there's a show at the bacchus lounge i have a great time there. it gets packed and everyone's having a great time. similar faces consitently as well as new ones all the time. definitely a hot spot that i appreciate, especially when i have beautiful things to distract me from my funny head.


  8. you can't rely on a big puppeteer to make the scene more enjoyable.

    it's up to you to get through life with the choices you make. advice is definitely a good thing to give unless it's not payed attention to. i hope everything is going at least manageably in your life and that you'll cfome to terms with everything. One thing you must realize is that anything in enough moderation and treated with the right amount of respect can turn out to be a worthwhile experience. make sure your friends are unable to show life that amount of respect before you make an issue about it, even if you think you're doing the right thing by piping up too loudly.

    adults should be able to be rational and if you lose that rational edge when you're 24 then you need a little advice...if you still got it you're doing alright in my book.

    just remember: time goes on and you'll get through everything even if it's not how you'd like things to unfold.

  9. kevo - it was just a sort of all in one sort of descriptor - music is so intricate that a single description could easily be a paragraph iff you let it...the silver hearts remind me of tom waits with overtones of old country...it's a 13 piece band with a theremin, trumpiano, harmonica, and saw player...

    killer band that you should all go see. it's not groovy but it's nice to have a break every so often....

    i'm in studio and a friend of mine put on the new chevelle album....it's the first time i've heard the band...heavy, aggressive band...but i know it's be a great show and it's produced with some interesting low octave sweeps and such...interesting sounds on heavy albums for sure.

    you'll be hearing this on x-fm sometime soon i'd assume.

    but yeah, the silver hearts. check em out.

  10. I'm wondering what's going on as far as pre and post festivities for nero's new year's - considering that mroe and mroe people are listening to these guys, people may want to travel and if that happens, then a few party days may be in order.

    it'll be worthwhile to make this whole ordeal an event that people remember for a long time to come.

    is it going to be an all out lights and video show or just music(no complaints there, but a sound and light nero presentation would be stellar)

    also, how do I get a preorder of tickets??

    i know i could direct this to someone specific but it's november and i'm starting to think about my vacation - maybe we all should, just to make sure procrastination doesn't kill any plans...

    it's happened before, and heads tend to put things off.

    anyways, it'd be nice to have the best time in the nation's capital for new year's - it'd be nice to come home to enjoy the town and party there.


  11. You know...there are few times when you feel truly lucky to be in the situation you're in - for me at least.

    the first time i really stated to feel that way is when I moved away from Kemptville and started meeting fantastic musical and creative people through school and shows. I first met Jim Lewis out and about enjoying some music. he was the drummer for Yaqui mystic...i think he still is but i haven't heard anyhitng from them in a very long time...I always knew he was a unique dude, always so energetic and totally friendly - and it showed in his playing. He's in another band, the Ming Poppies and they're playing the rose and crown monday the eleventh. rememberance day.

    so be proud and revel in your memories and thoughts while groovin' with some good vibes in a cozy pub.

    the ming poppies

    mon, nov. 11

    the rose and crown,

    albert at talbot

    London ontario

  12. why did you guys leave so soon at caution jam??

    I hope that doesn't happen again at jomomma.

    you've got to be able to keep up with your brother at least! i know it's a tough order, but you're capable.

    if your'e looking for something to do on monday, the ming poppies are playing at the rose and crown, all you lurking londoners looking for life and lovely lyrics.

  13. shane: last year we were trying to get people out from ottawa to fredericton to see nero and GTB and you know who went through with it??? 4 people.

    it's way cheaper to rent a car and drive and split gas than a bus was supposed to be, considering you're comfy with a few friends and decent conversation.

    i'm down for going on the bus - but if you want to go i'm totally down for the drive. it'll save everyone bailing on you the last minute.

  14. Hey!!

    if you're going to the jomomma show in london try to find myself and hopefully scottieking if he ends up going out.

    i'm a tall guy with shaggy hair, glasses, facial hair...a few extra pounds...

    if anybody wants to get together beforehand and have a bit of a party we'd better get it figured out soon.



    it should be a decent night...i'm thinking maybe hit the rose and crown beforehand?? find somewherte to jam or have a houseparty?

  15. here are some faves of mine right now.

    funk/rock: the meters - cabbage alley

    tom waits meets a 13 piece band: the silver hearts - (??)

    introspective and emotional flamenco jazz: charlie haden/egberto gismonti - live in montreal

    music to make me want more of a tan: pyramid trio - ethnic stew and brew

    catchy, funny, pop: steven malkmus - s/t (ticks)

    spooky sequenced breakbeat jazz madness: the grassy knoll - III

    who's playing in here: garcia/grisman - so what

    spacy college rock: black rebel motorcycle club - s/t

    pretty much any elliot smith(songwriting), mogwai(orchestral build), cat power(raw emoitional songwriting), tortiose(free jazz post rock fun), chicago underground(post rock free jazz fun)

    experimental 70's guitars: trans am - s/t

    solid: beastie boys - check your head/paul's boutique

    nice airy acoustic guitarts: damon and naomi - with ghost

    when sebadoh's just too much: folk implosion - dare to be suprised

    ambience: bob marley -

    (I don't remember the title but it's

    ambient dub translations by bill laswell)

    alkaline - s/t

    groovin: MMW - jungle/dropper/uninvisible

    more groovin': greyboy - freestylin

    melancholy: portishead - dummy

    hope i could help a bit.

  16. the duds will come out with buds and suds,

    but only after i sort through the crud

    (which is my whiningly stress filled present life.)

    i may have looked sharp

    but if i dressed the part

    i'd have been the carp

    of stagnant dress.

    bottom feeding isn't my way,

    for the behind isn't always as kind

    so from that i sway

    - however -

    when wearing that suit

    i'll look good to boot

    and perhaps find a new game to play

  17. dance club huh?? well there, secondtube, there are so many times that I almost wish i dind't love music so much because everyone in the dance clubs here are absolutely sexy. i just can'yt bring myself to get into the ultra-shallow image of the club goer. some days though...if i didn' thave to get uyp for school some days i'd be out the night before...

    luckily enough, bacchus is a beautiful place too.

  18. phunkycauldron, you jerk! you never said hi! i didn't have a clue you were there.

    man...that coulda been fun to see you rthere...I don't feel hurt just a bit disappointed to have found out...but I'm sure you're not too hurt anyhow,

    stellar show - i'm happy to actually catch them the whole way through this time unlike in ottawa opening for d&t in may...15 minutes was such a tease.;

    anyhow, before the show i got ready with some indian food. tasty meal with some tasty characters. i love okra curry...and mmmmmmmmmm...silky juice.

    cut that hot on the spot, love it's not; it's mango!

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