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Posts posted by SaggyBalls

  1. Everyone has got to make this an eerily groovy place to be. I know Gosium is playing every friday in London (waterloo at horton at the passage to india(new rose+crown) as well as the golden caramels, but where else are us kind pholk flocking to for local grooves??

  2. i can't believe nobody else noticed this - MICROBUNNY IS PLAYING!!!!!!

    I saw them open up for metalwood. picture a trippy portishead on crack with less melancholy overtones and you've got a sweet band. they were (dare I say) as good as metalwood. totally different band...don't miss them - effected vox, upright bass/key grooves, mad drums, guitar/samples/ambience/keys.

    you've got to check that band out if you can.

    and if you're confused as to how you didn't know about them, start listening to brave new waves on CBC 2 late nights.

  3. So we figured it'd be a good idea to find a website other than MP3.com to post info about the band and to have documentation(sort of at least) to keep our name.

    are there any good websites that take band info and publish it?? i couldn't figure out UBL/artist direct.

    any ideas(as many as possible please)

    cheers, folks...and if anyone in london is out tonight i'll be at call the office.

  4. there's absolutely nothing wrong with covers but what do you guys sound like. like when you're playing your own tunes/jams??

    i have no clue what to make of such an array of great tunes and cool instruments that it'd help for you to help me visualize/auralize your concept. i don't mean define i mean describe, dude.

    i'm happy ottawa's finally getting interesting.

  5. i can't believe you forgot about me, velvet! me - the incoherent wierdo.

    well that kinda makes sense, but i'm joking anyway.

    it was a killer show. thanks to pete and tasha for everything.

    to you characters - check out heroes comics in london for all your collectibles. awesome store - worth the drive for sure.


  6. well there are a few but they all seem to be from this one stellar mixed tape which i have since lost...sorry, bo(if you're even reading this) but i lost the tape you made me years ago(you were in grade 10 or 11) that had the acoustic magnet's coil. i wish i could listen to it and recall my early part of highschool...damn parties!

    it was an indie alt rock sort of mixed tape circa 1995 - one of the best presents i've ever received.

  7. hey puddles! if you're offering, i'd love a copy of the harmony show and wouldn't say no the the BT show.

    if you're sending them send them to

    rob newbold

    rr#1 oxford mills ontario

    k0g 1s0


    519.670.2575...if you need to get in touch

    i don't mind discs withwriting on them but prefer to have it on the centre...i heard pen leaks through but i don't hinkit matters...does it?? f you use a sharpie it dries right??

  8. I can't believe it! not even a single post to say 'what shameless self promotion' on our pars giggles...not even a reply of 'i'm sorry i can't make it' or 'why should i go see you guys' or something like that.

    anyways, it'd be nice if people showed up if they can. I understand other things are going on but if you can come out to a free show and want to dance we'd love to see you there.

    i'm the dude with the red 4 stringed guitar if you're there.

  9. That's right, characters!

    on Friday, June 7th, Gosium will be playing the Rose and Crown, Passage to India for a rare concert appearance.

    Gosium is an organic groove band. sort of like a 'Drum and Bass meets house and funk', all played in a traditional power trio sort of setting like blue quarter and the new deal.

    Gosium, June 7th

    the rose and crown Passage to India

    waterloo and Horton

    London, Ontario

  10. if you still have those tix, giggles and I are close to michigan and if you need a ride from London we'll supply it.

    just a thought...


    519.670.2575 - if you need to leave a message.

    come on down and visit anytime though.


  11. Yes, Puddles was the one with the tickets for me...interesting...i wonder who you are...sanctuarians following me around the city when i come home ti visit...stalkers truly flatter me as long as they're at least seemingly female... [smile]

    kille zappa show, puddles. killer.

  12. Mark Tonin is far too cool for words. I loved that tape - it made for great tunage for the trips into town. Totally dig your little girl'd pipes, Mark. If you're lucky and she's not going to rebel against parents she's going to be a super cool girl.

    Don't stop writing dude.

  13. power point is a great way to give yourself hints and guides. if you have time and a way, do a power point presentaztion.

    also, smoke a doobie before work or have a beer with your co-workers before. hell, present at a bar if you can.

    get up super early, sleep in, take a long shower/bath, cook a great big but light breakfast, eat it over CBC radio or a great CD, spend more time and doll yourself up a bit more but be very comfortable(if you look good you'll feel a bit better), if you wear perfume, wear a light perfume and put it on right after the long shower you're taking(it';ll be more subtle and smell more fitting for you), and remember...when you're presenting, SLOW DOWN! pace is totally vital to a good presentation. be friendly and more conversational in your presentation.

    and go over your presentation with phriends tonight. get a good night's sleep and remember that you're the only thing that can make you feel uneasy. there's no reason you won't have a decent presentation as long as you have a good time and flow with it. sure, there could be little snags as every other day but none of them really have any bearing to your presentation. what you say has nothing to do with whether or not you got a puddle splashed on you or you broke a heel on a shoe or somehting else that is pretty unrelated to the content and delivery of your fabulous presentation.

    remember - bullshit may smell a bit foul but it can still grow the prettiest flowers.

  14. i'm happy you finally found out who newbacca is.

    it's the beard and the fact that i'm an animal...just call me a bear and you'll get some laughs from those at frontiertown on may 24.

    puddles...thanks again for the phil ticket and hook up to fun. come to london sometime and party with giggles, scottieking, and myself.

  15. we're all wearing masks but underneath the mask is an imprint of where the mask was. a relaease is left see from your avatat, phaknit that you're a reflection of every other person's vision of you, making you genuine to everyone but are you truly having a ball? I would hope so since most people i've met that are Phans tend to be true to themselves.

    i think i missed the other 2 questions...

  16. to try to get the toaster award on saturday night for drums and Tuba/GTB

    we all know i did it before for the bands...well D&T anyways. I hope my night stays as interesting as possible and that more people show for this than did the new deal.

    don't can out on me this time, guys(and dolls).


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