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Posts posted by SaggyBalls

  1. well booche - he never said hi for you. what a guy huh...

    anyways, gosium is going great. we've got a few tricks up our sleeves yet. we're playing a lot more comfortably and laid back. it's really helping our sound and comfort level with playing a weekly. not enough people are coming out and it's really hard to inform the kids in london about shows. we see a lot of them at call the office on wednesdays(funk nights) but other than that, you've got to know when the shows are that people might know about and it's a bit of digging to find it out, as not everyone that's cool to hang out with is as into music and shows are you and i and everyone here might be.

    if ANYONE IN LONDON OR AREA wants sometihng to do on a friday, the bar's really nice, the location isn't all that great but it's a bit of a retreat which is great for sanctuarians, and there's no cover. it'd be easier to rally people around with gigs at another bar but we're still plugging away.

    the seamless sets with the caramels we played last thursday was a big help. as much as E'n and DayRock are fantastic people to create and play with sometimes you need to have another character join the musical dialogue. nice ideas and interjections, as well as support and harmony. you folk should really really really really really see the caramels. great band, great guys, great times, and seriously - if you have otehr plans yo ushould maybe break them(well...maybe not for nero or the bus or d&t or trey or something...) because giggles seriously knows his shit.

  2. i know I'LL be there.

    so tomorrow(the 18th) at the passage, in a week(the 25th) at the office, and then at the passage again on the 26th.

    if anyone wants us to play a show with them as far from london as toronto we're down for it.

    i know I'M always down for playing ottawa, we just need the bookings.

    get to us if you know anywhere we could play, doulouhoo!

  3. yeah yeah yeah...so it's another week and another show tonight...gosium: you really should.

    no cover, peeps.

    fridays at passage to india, waterloo+horton, london ontario.

    ltc routes 3, 13, 1A

    come and dance it up for us. i think the whore'll be there.

    cheers and i hope to see you there.

  4. i had a blast but i've got to say that phil and friends teased more than a highschool cheerleader.

    i was soooooooooo frustrated but they still did it for me.

    thanks everybody.

    i can't wait for the gosium show tonight. i hope someone tapes it... [Wink]

  5. okay...here's my perspectives. i love life. i almost always have and i certainly almost always will. i admit i do take drugs. i'll try anything that I don't have to inject. i don't like to do things all the time and there are times where I don't think it's wise to be high...like when you're flying a plane or trying to get things done(i get distracted...what was i saying??)

    oh yeah! i'm sure you all understand by my posts that i enjoy drugs...i also enjoy alcohol but anyone at CT fest on my 24 knows that raspberry vodka is a very interesting thing to give me. i think it's unfortunate that i have to relive my experiences through the stories of others...so for me, alcohol is not something to do in excess. at least i'm everyone's friend when i'm drunk.

    the first time giggles And I had a band i got really really really high before the show...for some 'inspration' and i found it eventually, but before the show i turned to giggles and said 'dude i've got a problem: i don't remember how to play bass'

    serious. totally forgot what the hell i was doing in the youth arena in smiths falls ontario. needless to say, the night went well and i remembered how to play and we rocked that joint(and the several before the show) but it was pretty sobering.

    i really enjoy taking substances at and before shows but i like my experiences with and without. i'm easygoing about it all. the show to me is like the ice cream with the drugs being the sprinkles and syrup, but when it gets to the point where you're not even eating the ice cream you've gotta ask yourself: why do I have the sweet tooth?

    sometimes there's a point where you've just gotta take a break and eat healthy.

    and yes, weezy - maddak DOES rock. you should hear her play her sax. sweetness!

  6. hey everyone...i have a huge dilemma that i need a hand with...

    last friday, i lost my bag of tricks. all my bass effects and cords, as well as my fave weed tin, and some miscellaneous other goodies(a few bucks in change and such...little things too) got up and walked away after my gig on friday.

    does anyone know how i could replace my pedals for cheap? i'm unemployed and any way to save money would help.

    the pedals i used are as follows:

    electro harmonix bassballs(dynamic filter)

    electro harmonix bass microsynth (my baby...phat bass synth)

    boss bass chorus

    boss bass equalizer.

    i really wish i had my bassballs and EQ pedal the most though...the synth can be lived without even though it's my baby...far too pricy to replace - i'd like to get an octave, bassballs/envelope filter, and some sort of sustainer. i have a bass wah but it needs to be fixed a bit. i used my EQ pedal like a preamp so if i can get a preamp or EQ for cheap i wouldn't really be too choosy.

    seeing as my band's a 3 piece, effects are more tools than toys for me. we don't have loopers yet so texture is of severe importance.

    it really sucks that i lost them all and if i were to ever get a helping hand so far this would be the time i'd appreciate it the most. any info is appreciated.

    if you know of something that can't take time, call me at 519.670.2575

    if you want to help me/us out but cna't directly link me up with a rd octave pedal or other toy, please try to come out on a friday. i need to get as much money as i can as soon as possible...so hey - if someone has a job as fare away from london as brantford, sarnia, even hamilton, i've got a cr so after gas costs for the day i'm sittin pretty...

    anyhow, sorry to impose and ask for help but i'm going crazy here...i'm sure you all understand.

  7. Hey folks!

    i had a great night the sunday I was there. I wanted to be there the whole weekend but i couldn't afford everything that went along with it. i ended up only eating one can of zoodles and some fruit to go...well i had some salmon but that was a gift. thanks to everybody that helped my party go smoothly. I'm always so happy to go to frontiertown for the music but i always leave feeling fulfilled because of the people. everyone I met for the first time were great to have around and talk to while everyone i already knew were even more of the same. thanks for putting up with MY drunken/sketched out ramblings and comments. I always feel so content and energized when i'm around so many intelligent, creative, open minded people. I had a lot on my mind when i showed up and it mostly all got sorted out thanks to perspectives, experiences, and substances.

    about the music: every band i saw was awesome. i could get all serious and critique the burties, but even though they weren't sounding as good as nero they're still great...even the lesser of a group of awesome bands is still awesome. thanks buys for helpin' me get my funkin' shoes on. I understand that we're all openminded people but a lot of us use disclaimers to make sure we don't offend everyone. i'm tired of it but i've gotta do it again...sorry burt boys but don't take it personally if you're reading...i think the atmosphere was a bit off for the burties after nero. it's like string cheese playing after phish...everyone was totally impressed by nero(as they should have been) and i don't think that BNB had the right vibe going onstage. the set was totally emotionally exhilirating and overwhelming. how do you follow that up? i danced but if i were the band after i'd have doubted myself just a tad and any sort of hesitation can set an artist off. mental situation has a whole lot to do with expressing yourself and i don't know what the burties were thinking at the time but emotional people(musicians) are often driven by their feelings. if anyone is down on the burt set maybe the onus is on nero for playing too well. (which would be a ridiculous thing to really be serious about)

    anyhow, after the music on the stage ended i wound up at the campfire and then the saloon...the caramels are awesome and nobody showed. too bad. lauzon rocked the campers to sleep for the most part...i was on a bit of a dazed wander and wanted to groove in the saloon...then i had an urge that normally would be out of place but not at CT fest(at least in my situation, being ian from the caramel's friend) - i started playing with the boys and to be honest, i don't remember if anyone thought i was good or not (nor would it really matter anyway as it's in the past)but i had a great time and it made me really happy to be a musician starting up in the scene. everything about the night was definitely not a disappointment. yay!

    it's really hilarious when everyone's compelled to talk to everyone for hours on end...given that everyone is pretty much unsober for the most part. i know people aren't around for my own entertainment - we're around for everyone's entertainment and i've gotta thank you all for being so entertaining. be proud that your brains work so well even if it doesn't seem like it at the time. you're all brilliant.

    hey, GM...sorry i stormed off before you could give me my hotdog...i'm sore it would've been a succulent weiner.

  8. i saw supertramp a coups ago for their newer album.

    if you can afford to waste your money go ahead - but be forewarned - it's nothing special. they're old and still playing their old songs the same way they always did. i didn't remember any stellar jams or anyitng.

    nothing of note.

    but after all - it IS your money.

  9. i think playing corporate functions is fine as long s you don't mind an audience of people not quite as into you as your fans.

    album sales net bands a very small amount of revenue so playing shows is the best way tyo keep bills flowing well. i could stand to play all the time. it's a bonus to get paid.

  10. i remember jif actually did taste a lot nuttier than kraft...that's when you could really only get it in the states. i prefer real peanut butter but i like the cheap stuff too. smooth is generally preferred because it's been years and years since i've had crunchy.

    if you're interested in marmite/vegemite might i suggest that you try beefy bovril. it's a spreadable boullion that has similar nitritiuonal value but tastes like beef broth. definitely pallatable unless you're a vegetarian...even then you could turn the cheek as it's not really a piece of meat. depends on your own moral fortitude. i don't mind the fact that if vegetarianism is truly the way to go steaks are worth the karma to me...unless they'5re well done. then the onus is on the barbequer for ruining a perfectly good cut of meat...

    peanut butter...yeah...

  11. I don't know if anyone's reading this but I don't know how to navigate toronto and I have nobody to go with...so i'll be driving alone. giggles will likely get a ticket but other than that there's nobody going down with us and i dont' know where to meet up with anyone.

    also, CT isn't gong to be a full weekend...friday gig conflicting. if only i could work there and have a good time while trying to help out.

  12. ...i'll put it all in one message.

    Okay - for anyone that's in the area, Gosium(giggles, myself, and our drummer Ian Montgomery) have our regular weekly gig at passage to india at waterloo+horton in London. this is the 2nd rose and crown. it's got more room to groove and a higher ceiling than bacchus. drunks are potentially cheaper there and there's great food. we start between 9 and 10 and will likely play a few sets. hopefully if people show up we'll be able to rock your socks off. no cover.

    also, for anyone in the area, i'm going to see phil and friends, moe, soulive...i'm sure you've heard of this show people...i need to split gas with characters or at least meet up with some at the show so for those people, showing up to my show would be a great way to meet me...I'm the bassist - glasses, beard.

    and also - jukejoint is playing bacchus tomorrow.

    i hope i can get to it and see loads of kind pholk there.

    keep in touch, everybody!

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