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zimmerman pt3

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Posts posted by zimmerman pt3

  1. Hey,

    so let's face it, there's no way in hell any of us are getting tickets for the upcoming Phish reunion shows. Well don't let this get you too down, because there is hope, and that hope lies in this new and exciting band out of Colorado. No, I'm not talking about String Cheese. What could possibly be better than the original phab 4 you ask? Well allow me to introduce you to the new wave of jam-band jams.

    They are called PHIX, and they are the only Phish cover band you need to see! Don't believe me? Check out there website and download some mp3's (for 2nd hand jamming wizardry, check out the Reba or Divided Sky!). They're so headee, they even select lucky phans to pick the setlist. What could be more headier than to actually witness epic segueways such as Antelope>Wilson>Mango Song>Antelope, performed by a cover band. And for those shut out on New Year's Eve, don't fret because Phix will have someone inside the show to directly inform them what song is being played, so Phix too can jam out the same show. WOW!!


    OK, seriousely speaking, I feel ill. Something about a Phish cover band doesn't sit well in my stomach. Caution Jam I can appreciate, but once they started covering Wolfman's Bro, I just couldn't get it. Don't get me wrong, when these guys make it to the Comfort Zone, I'll be there front row with my N2O tank ready to groove.

  2. it was summer tour 98 where they were busting out a new cover every night.

    I was at Vernon Downs standing close between the stage and the backstage trailer where the boys came out from. I got their attention by yelling "PLAY SOME SABBATH MAN". Trey gave me a weird "what" look while Fishman gave me a thumbs up!

    Then there was the time I scored backsatge at the Pantera/Sepultura concert at Maple Leaf Gardens in '94 and Phil (the lead singer) and I shared a doob. Then my friends and I got caught by Phil as we were drinking all his private Heineken stash from his dressing room. He belted out "what the fuck are you kids doing in my room?" while my drunkass friend replies "Phil man, you said meet me in my dressing room and we'll Parteeeee". Phil calmly replied, "get the fuck out before I kick your asses".

    ahh, the memories!

  3. what's up y'all?

    remember me? I used to be Zimmerman from Toronto, then Zimmerman pt 2 from England. Now I'm pt 3 while I'm here in Moscow. For the last 5 months I was working for the Red Cross way out on the north east tip of Russia in a poverty stricken province called Chukotka (it's just across the Bering Straight from Alaska). It was quite the trip to say the least!!! I faced some depressing shit and I never drank so much vodka or ate so much fish/potato and butter in my life (don't recommend it). I was doing all sorts of stuff, but the most morally rewarding thing was working with kids in this day camp we organized. Being out there was probably the headiest stuff I've done since Phish NYE '97 run at MSG.

    If there's one tip of advice I can share is for you not to take your freedom for granted!!! Cherish it and use it to its fullest. Be grateful you're in Canada where there's ample supply of toilet paper in the shops, nugs on the corner, and jams for your listening pleasure. Good god what I'd do to throw down at the Comfort Zone right now (you have no idea how bad Russian Rock is). Doesn't matter who's playing, as long as there's a beat and Cosmic Steve giving me a HIGH 5.

    Anyhow, I'm here in Moscow until October, then I go to England (and catch MMW, yafuckinghoo) and then shortly be back in Tdot.

    So, what did I miss? One day I'm off to Russia, the next day Parliament is thinking about legalizing the Sweet Smoke. What were some summer highlights, and lowlights.

    There's actually one favor I ask. NOw that I have some cash to blow, I really need a laptop with an external burner. Could someone who is well versed in computer terminology, give me the low down on what kind of hard ware, speed/memory requirements I should be looking for in order to download and burn phatty shows (and watch dvd's etc... fuck, I'm so out of it, for the last 5 months I've been living in a trailor, fishing for food, picking berries in the tundra and doging dogs without leashes...

    glad to be back in civilization!

    so I heard that Star Wars blew...what a pity

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