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Posts posted by MarcO

  1. Check Daley out! Mike's probably the most gifted songwriter I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing at the local level, nevermind his insane guitar playing and the fact he's a walking jukebox of the highest quality tunes. He can also look right through me like the Devil, leading me to drink.

    I'm going to try to pop down for this tonight.

  2. Hmmmm..... well I once did a Florida trip with a good friend who happens to be on this board, but whose name I think I'll leave out here so as not to identify the guilty (it's timmyb, by the way). Anyway, he likes his fast food joints and is on an all-cheeseburger diet ("you're beautiful, Randy"), so on this trip there and back I had the full sampling of Wendy's, Burger King, McD's, etc. In the end? My favorite is McDonalds. Sorry, I know they're evil, and I don't eat there too often but if I had to make a choice, it would have to be McD's. Taco Bell sucks beyond comprehension. Burger King isn't fit for swine consumption. Wendy's is really good - even my girlfriend will patronize them for their good salads - but for fast food, nothing beats a Big Mac or a couple of cheeseburgers and those sugary salty fries. I dunno, I guess I just like the taste of earthworm protein, edible plastic and exploitative mercenary assfucking too much to pass it up.

    Pizza Pizza is pretty reliable for a cheap dinner too. They just introduced a whole wheat crust option that is really good. And yeah, SubWay is really good as well, except that by the time you order your sub and get a drink, it's like $11 later. It's worth it though.

  3. The black # is the total # of posts in the thread, the red # is the # of those that you personally have not yet read. I think.

    Um, Ms Hux, don't you live with the lucky devil who designed this site?!? ::

  4. Well, put it this way, DMB does a million more shows per year then Phish, so he's experienced, if nothing else. I bet you 100% he'll be just fine. It'll make for an interesting experience for those in attendance. No doubt Phishheads will complain about him incessantly for the next gazillion years, or until they unveil more new material or the new album comes out, whichever comes first.

    Unfortunately, the word on Kuroda is: rehab. :(

  5. www.phish.com


    We're sorry to announce that Phish lighting director Chris Kuroda won't be at the board for the Las Vegas shows due to personal reasons. Our good friend Fenton Williams, longtime lighting director for Dave Matthews Band, will be filling in. We're grateful to Fenton for rallying to the cause on such short notice and hope you'll join us in welcoming him to the fold for the Vegas shows.

  6. You know, I've yet to reach a firm conclusion about John Mayer. That "Your Body Is A Wonderland" song is pretty creepy :: but I've heard a couple of others that were not so bad at all.

    Anyway, my one strong impression of him is from watching him on Letterman a couple of weeks back: I was shocked at how he failed to even attempt to hide his Dave Matthews complex. His feet turned inward, his knees clucked back and forth just like Dave, his vocals mimicked Dave and his general demeanour was just unabashedly Dave-like. I mean I know a dude with an acoustic guitar and that husky yet high voice is bound to be compared to Dave Matthews, but I didn't think the guy himself would perpetuate the comparison so blatantly!

    The funniest part about that appearance was that John seemed to be "rocking out" all intense and hard-as-fuck, meanwhile the song he was singing was as light and passive as a summer's breeze. Me thinks his success is leading him towards a crack-up.

    Gonna be a lot of hotties at that show! ::

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