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Kaidy Mae

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Posts posted by Kaidy Mae

  1. Greetings all! I just wanted to post a quick little "adios" note on here as Lacey and I are packing up our gear and heading out west on a well-needed vacation. Finally. *sigh* I know I probably should've written a good-bye letter almost a year back when I stopped frequenting these parts on a daily basis. Alas, skanks, you are never far from my heart. I hope that wherever I live upon return from my trip that there will be high speed. Dial up is the pits!

    So the plan is to hop in the Honda tomorrow AM (the Race Van isn't quite up to this challenge) and start driving west (well, at least after that little Lake Huron thing ;) ). The trek will probably take about 2 months or so. We're going to a huge corn maze outside of Winnipeg, volunteering at soup kitchens, working on an apple farm in Kelowna and clickin' pictures all along the way. We'll be slowly making our way from Ontario to Vancouver and back again trying to hit as many National/Provincial Parks and major cities along the way. If anyone on here knows of any awesome shows, cool parks or just items of general interest, we would really appreciate the suggestions.

    Okay, I think that's it for now. If anyone needs to get in touch with me it may be easier to email kaidy_newman@yahoo.ca while we're on the road. Other than that, I hope everyone has an awesome fall (woohoo Rocktober!!!) and I will see you all again at the end of the year.

    110187709 This was supposed to be a visual sign off, but I can't even remember how to post a photo. Ooooooooh...

    By for now,

    Kaidy Mae & Lacey

  2. I can't believe I almost missed this thread! :o I really have to get back to spending more time around here. *blush*

    Dearest, most wonderful Dave, I hope your birthday was an absolute blast. I miss you and the fam terribly and can't wait until my next (snowy?) visit to Osgoode. May the coming year be full of drunken gut laughs, rich blessings, a healthy family and more rock and roll than you can shake a stick at. I love you from the bottom of my heart and am so glad I have had the chance to share so many amazing good times with you over the last few years. Happy day to a not-so-evil mouse. hehehehe

    Best wishes, KM

  3. Okay, so now all I have to do is get out of my shift on Saturday and I'm set to go. Hmmmm...doesn't look good. Perhaps I'll meet up with a few of you folks afterwards.

    Where abouts is the Tielli/Doucet show? I've never heard of the Aeolian Hall.

  4. it was so great Jerry showed up :)

    Whahahahahaha!!! I saw that dude passed out in his tent the next morning cradling a guitar and a bottle of Laker. Awesome!

    Wowsers! What a time. As always, Mark C and the boys put on a spectacular show. My body hurt like hell on Sunday and I have a whole lot of miscellaneous bruises, but it was well worth it. I also seem to have acquired a pair of sassy silk pajama pants?!?!? It would have been tough explaining that one to Lacey had Brinapple not filled me in on the mystery. *lol*

    Speaking of missing clothing...did anyone happen to see/find/pick-up/steal (<---just kidding) a knitted, dark green sweater. I left in on a table on the boat and when I went back to get it it was gone. :( I figured one of my sisters had grabbed it, but apparently not. I called the Georgian Queen yesterday (Steve rocks!) and they haven't seen it. If anyone knows where it is could they PLEASE let me know. It was a gift from my grandma. Thanks kids.

    Okay, thanks for the hearty gut laughs and good times everyone. It was so great to see everyone in such great spirits this weekend. I can't wait to do it again. The boat owner was already asking me yesterday when we're coming back. Hurray! WE WERE DRINKIN' ON A BOAT!!! :D

  5. YAYYYYY!!! I can't believe in only one more sleep I'll be drinkin' the night away on Georgian Bay. Fuckin' right. Too bad that Team Scully won't be in attendance (especially as I have to redeem my party rep this weekend), but I'll have a few frosty bevvies for ya. Mister Slippery, I'm super excited that you're going to make it this year. In response to your "how tolerant are the crew query", let me just say this:

    vodka watermelon = NO

    fireworks = NO

    smoking uptop = YES

    bringing water bottles on board full of gin = YES

    So yeah, they're cool with the buds, etc. (heck, most of the staff are in their 20s or 30s and understand how to have a good time), but they've never taken well to explosives on board. Hmmm...

    Okay, I hope to see a whole lot more of you folks on the boat tomorrow (Margaret, Bethers?). I'm leaving my better half at home and bringing my A Game. Things are gonna get crazy with all of this whiskey talk. Delicious! I think my folks are even stopping by to blend up some fancy rum drinks. Fuck yeah *kick*! By this time tomorrow I'll be packing up the van and heading to the P-tang. I love summer!

  6. Woohoo! Congrats to both of you guys! I hope all goes well with the delivery. As for involving the little one, I got nothin'. Just try to involve her as much as you can, I guess.

    Do you know if it's a boy or a girl? Yay! This is so exciting. :D

  7. Wow! I don't know if someone would be able to replicate K23 without reading the book. The basenote is beet pollen, but the emphasis is on the quality of the ingredients (namely the jasmine). You may be better off sending her a used copy of the book. Anyone who knows how to make perfume would love it. Good luck, Sari. I really hope it works. I've always wanted to smell that magic. ;)

  8. Wow! It doesn't seem like that long ago when we were doing this thread. Time sure does fly, but if it means getting to celebrate the birth of the legendary KK, then that's fine by me. :)

    I hope it's a great one, Keri. Thanks so much for all that you do. You're awesome.

    Now have a great birthday, or else! ;)

  9. Speaking of those bowling shoes...I've got a shot somewhere of Cory the next morning still wearing his. Hilarious.

    The bowling lady truly did rock though. Those folks were some of the coolest I've met in a REALLY long time. :thumbup: :thumbup:

  10. Oh, we'll be celebrating at the end of the month all right. Yay!!! Deb was born!!! :D

    I'll pass the hug on to Beck. Give me a call at Lacey's this weekend and perhaps we can see you.

    Okay, P-town folks, get your selves down to the Red Dog. The Freeflow boys are ready to go and excited to be playing a "real gig" (shame on you, Hamilton). LOL ;)

  11. Okay, I can't figure out how to get a blasted image on here anymore (been away from the skank for too long). Anyhoo, here's a link to a pic from Large Marge's bday party. In the next 6 years I'll probably get a few more up. But I'm not making any promises.

    Stapes & "the bowling lady"

  12. Oh, how Lacey and I miss the Calamity Evil Mouse team. :( We have to get together SOON. However, I'm moving on Wednesday so perhaps you'll have to come and visit me on the farm. Yay! The kids will love it. And yes, I'll be in the Tdot to celebrate Carrie's birthday with her on Saturday. Yippee!

    As for the gig tonight, the band is Freeflow from Vancouver. They are very funky. Cover is $5 and they go on around 10. I really hope to see some Jambands folks there. If you hear a bunch of people yelling "happy birthday", try to find me if you'd like. We're celebrating my little sister's bday. Woohooo. See you tomorrow, Toronto! ;)

  13. Okay, so I've just arrived in the Peter Patch and am freakin' exhausted. However, I plan on resting up and kicking this sicky feeling nonsense in time for tomorrow's Freeflow show.

    If any of you folks in the area want to come out tomorrow, the band's playing at the Red Dog and will probably be going on around 10. I hope to see some east-of-400 skanks there. :D

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