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Kaidy Mae

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Posts posted by Kaidy Mae

  1. That iMac thing is killing me though. I'd be so pissed if it had come in the mail and I saw today's announcement.

    My G4 went down $800 from the time I ordered it to the time I received it. Apparently there was "nothing" they* could do. :mad:

    *"They" being a now defunct Apple dealer here in Barrie. I guess they got what was comin' to them. *evil cackle*

  2. Carrie's right. Get more coverage than you ever think you'll need. When my van was broken into I had my own stuff, my ex's stuff and some school stuff to replace. While mine wasn't very expensive, the camera stuff sure was. Also, when you're stranded in Toronto in the middle of the night, pissed about the losers that just killed your wicked post-Bela Fleck show buzz and you don't even have a toothbrush, you're going to start comparison shopping. You're not going to shop around for the best deal. You're going to go and get new stuff. I buy a lot of my clothes cheap/used, but when it came to replacing a jacket and 2 Victoria Secret bras, I had to pay full price. They took EVERYTHING (not to mention a 1/4 lb of unclaimables ;) ). I estimated that the theft was between 10-15K. It ended up costing 22K to replace everything. No good. AND, that was with Guigsy being super awesome and hooking us up with great deals on a bunch of new camera gear. I love Henry's! (hehehe, shameless plug for ya dude)

    AD, is there no way to just insure the contents of just, say, your room?

  3. My family has already spent thousands of dollars on our cat, Nutsy, in the course of her lifetime. The poor little thing has cancer. Surgery, biopsies, tests, shots and check ups are not cheap if you have a sick animal.

    I remember my uncle spending nearly 5K on his dog, Cody, when we were kids. I thought he was nuts. When Nutsy got sick, the "should we?"/"shouldn't we?" question never crossed our minds. The money didn't matter. As long as she is happy and comfortable, we will do (and pay) what we can to keep her that way. She has been such an awesome little friend.

  4. When she was a puppy, she jumped on my sister's bed and ate a ball of hemp that was on her nightstand.

    All of the cats and dogs I've come across love 2 things: ice cream and hemp

    Seriously, keep the stuff away from the little ones, they go nuts for it. When I worked at a hemp farm we couldn't keep the cats out of the barn. They were always playing in the hemp bales, jumping on the seed bags and even eating the pancake mix. If you have twine laying around, they will try the old poop on a string trick. NOT pretty.

    Bring on the chronic kitty jokes... *eye rolling*

  5. While I appreciate the clarification on the quote, the word "dependent" still makes me a little uneasy.

    As well, my happiness at the office can entirely depend on whether my boss feels the need to be a wretched cunt or not. If she's unhappy, I feel her wrath and, therefore, am often unhappy. While my happiness may directly depend on hers, it would be a rather grand stretch to assume that I like her, let alone love her. :)

  6. you can say something like "i don't want to make this a big deal the way some girls (or guys) make a big deal of it. but at the same time..it's a big deal to me, in the way that it's important to me. i love you. i love you in this way and that way (insert definition here) and just explain it all. sum it up with something like "i feel this way, and want to share it with you. i don't expect you to feel the same way, and won't be upset if you don't...really...i won't be mad." hehehe.

    I think I know where you're going here Alexis, but I'd like to stress that we should be honest about how it will affect us. This is obviously something very important to you, Soy Toy, and there's no need to be embarrassed by that.

    As for that Heinlein quote, I wholeheartedly disagree. I think making your wellbeing and happiness depend on someone else is completely unfair. Of course you can affect each other, but if you're all alone at the end of the day, that should be enough to make you happy. We need to be strong individuals in order to be strong partners.

    Popo's advice about keeping the booze out of such an admission is VERY important. It is because of such situations that you end up engaged on your third date. LOL

    Soy Toy, I'll leave you with another quote about love. It is my personal favourite.

    "The highest function of love is that it makes the loved one a unique and irreplacable being."

    -Tom Robbins

    I have been in your shoes before and they certainly weren't my favourite pair. May I suggest other expressions of love before you go busting out the L word? Perhaps say something like, "I adore you". It's also good not to wear that phrase out. I know a lot of people who are bitter that those four letters can be so monumental in a relationship. Be prepared that his reaction may go either way. He may be glad you had the guts to say it first and that he's been feeling it all this time but was too shy to say so. He may also confess that he's just not feeling it. Be ready for both.

    I don't envy your situation. But if I do have any real advice that I have learned that I can pass on to you, it is this: There is no decision in your life more important than who you choose to love. Do not waste your time. Life is so short and once you find someone who is truly unique and irreplacable to you, you'll be so glad that you had the heartaches and lonely days that got you there. Good luck, sister. I sincerely hope that your heart will be happy.

    Oh, and d_rawk, wicked lyrics bro! :)

  7. Dave, if you can get the kiddies to Moonstone I'll watch 'em for the night. I'd love to join you all, but I'm celebrating the end of my contract with an Operation Beige Liberation party. Yeeeehaawwwww!!! It'll be low key though. I have to save my strength for the open bar wedding the next night. I'm going to slay that thing.

    So yeah, responsible aunt KM will watch 'em Friday night. :)

  8. ...it was really the British who had stoked the tensions between them in order to maintain control (partition was really the UK's parthian shot as they left in the late 40s). It comes back, in other words, to a question of British colonialism.

    The British eh? [color:purple]Well at least that explains the rash of bombings in London not too long ago. Time to work on your karma, UK!

  9. 30,000 less people to add to the problem.

    What an insensitive and ignorant thing to write! I'm sure the countless victims of global disasters in the past few years were directly contributing to the "problem". *eye rolling* The vast majority lived in drastically disadvantaged conditions in comparison to you. Exactly how were they themselves contributing to the problem? Wait, nevermind. I really don't want you to answer that.

    And hoping an outbreak of the Avian Flu hits while you're on vacation?

    "Dolt" is a fucking understatement. :thumbdown:

  10. WOW!!! Three days away from a computer and I miss all this? Sheesh! :(

    Deb, I'm so sorry to hear about your scare and achy neck. You poor thing! Please be sure to take very good care of yourself. Seriously, take it easy. I didn't realize how badly whiplash could fuck you up long term until my accident 2 years ago. I still see a physiotherapist, a cranial sacral therapist and a massage therapist regularily. Your insurance should cover it and that's what it's there for. If you end up with permanent soft tissue damage the aches may never go away. GO SEE SOMEONE NOW!!! Oh, and keep on using that jacuzzi. ;)

    I'm so freaked out that you could have been seriously hurt. I am SO pissed off that the (allegedly) wasted lunatic escaped unscathed. Sunday was the 12th anniversary of someone very dear to me dying as a result of a drunk driver. We have a whole lot to be thankful for. I sure am thankful for you, Deb! :)

    Take care kiddo.

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