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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. It would be wonderful if you could make it boiler rat. And you too Karin, although I know it's a bit of a drive for you. ;):)

    Harvard Mouse is George Ensing, Tim Fisher, Dave Scully, Mark Tonin & Dave Voigt.

    For this show, our musical guests will include Blair Babcock, Chris Mulligan and Colin Read.

    We are going to play some music and have some fun doing it! We'll probably play some cover songs, some original songs, and do some jamming. We may even play a Dead song or two. ;):)

    Looking forward to a fun night at the Lanc!

    Peace, Mark

  2. I'm soooo looking forward to another Gratefulfest spent with wonderful friends, music and fun! Hey Mr. Tonin! How's does celebrating our birthdays together again at Gratefulfest sound? I hope this one isn't going to require too much arm twisting. :)

    Consider my arm sufficiently twisted. But I'm sure I'll twist it around some more when I'm dancing and grooving with my friends. :)

    Peace, Mark

  3. Hoping for a WARM April in Buffalo ;)

    Coldest Phish show in history.

    Niagara Falls Convention Center

    Thursday' date=' December 7, 1995, 7:00pm

    Temperature: -10 F ( -24 C)

    Windchill: -22 F ( -30 C)

    It is reported that hundreds of testicles did not descend until NYE. Several never did. [/quote']

    I was also at this show ... my first Phish show. It was certainly cold outside waiting to get in! An excellent show, one that hooked me on Phish and had me describing their jams as "spiral jams" to my friends. Like many others I suspect, I may not have been at this show if Jerry was still alive and the Dead were still playing.

    Peace, Mark

  4. Ever since a couple of the mice relocated to various parts of Ontario, we don't have an opportunity to get together nearly as often as we'd like to. So I'm excited that we'll have a chance to play some music together at the end of the month. We plan on having a few friends join us on stage, and I hope that some of our friends can also join us for the party!




    More details to follow in the near future ...

    Peace, Mark

  5. What a fucking joke.

    VIP tickets for all the good seats. Baloney

    I missed this thread when I posted to the other one. I thought that you wouldn't be impressed when you saw the VIP info. The ticket prices are not what I expected, that's for sure. I was thinking $60 or $70 for a "good seat" and a chance at a "really good seat." Part of me would love to see this incarnation of The Dead, but I think I'll pass this time around.

    Peace, Mark

  6. MoMack, if you haven't seen the posted info about VIP tickets and packages yet, I think you are going to flip when you do. Wow! Not only are "good seats" $100, but it looks like a fairly large supply of "really good seats" will be limited to people with a lot of cash.

    It's not what I expected, that's for sure. I was thinking $60 or $70 for a guaranteed "good seat" and a chance at a "really good seat." Part of me would love to see this incarnation of The Dead, but I think I'll pass this time around.

    Peace, Mark

  7. My family and I recently recovered from a nasty stomach bug. It hit my son first, and he was also the first to recover. It hit me last, so I was still very sick when he was better. At one point I was huddled under the covers in bed, hoping and praying that I would feel better soon. My son quietly entered the room and whispered "Are you ok Dad? Is there anything I can do for you to make you feel better? Is there anything I can get for you?" Words to warm a Dad's heart.

    I have a running joke with my daughter about being "the best Dad ever." If I do something nice for her, we'll kid around with each other and she'll call me "the best Dad ever." This morning we all woke up and a request was made for somebody to head out on this snowy cold morning to get some freshly baked bread from our favourite bakery. My wife and I were both reluctant to go, as it meant getting dressed and venturing into the snowy cold. Finally I joked and said that I'd go in order to retain my status as the best Dad ever. My daughter said "you'll always be the best Dad ever." Words to warm a Dad's heart.

    Being a parent can be extremely challenging at times. It's amazing how a few words can warm the heart and make it all worthwhile.

    Wishing everybody a new year filled with words and actions that warm the heart.

    Peace, Mark

  8. Looking forward to the show!

    Below is an article about Mike that appeared in yesterday's paper.


    Burt Neilson Band's Mike Filipowitsch ready to head in new direction

    Aside from finishing his degree, he also plans to start working on two new albums in 2009

    December 18, 2008

    Jason Schneider

    for Nightlife

    When it comes to the creative process, it normally holds true that when an artist starts to feel comfortable, that's usually the right time to start doing something different.

    In the case of singer/songwriter Mike Filipowitsch -- better known to many as the front man of the Burt Neilson Band -- years of being a favourite within the jam band scene forged his reputation, but now he admits that after getting his personal life in order he's ready to reintroduce himself with a more diverse sound.

    "Recently I took a little hiatus from touring to go back to university and finish my degree," Filipowitsch explains. "Going on my first tour in 1998 meant dropping out of school. I guess I never really let go of that (lifestyle), and felt that before I could have a clear head I really needed to tie up loose ends. But you know what never fails?

    "Music always comes a-knockin'. It's strange because the closer I have gotten to finishing my degree, the more opportunities have arisen musically."

    Among the projects Filipowitsch plans to start in the new year is an album with Calgary singer/songwriter Billy Manzik, on which he'll be playing guitar, and also his own new solo album that is still in the development stage.

    "I have always been a fan of blending as many styles as I can within the writing process: blues, country, folk, rock, groove, bluegrass and so on, and I think things are pretty reflective of that right now," he says.

    "I have a new band in Thunder Bay and its pretty much gypsy music -- violin, guitar, mandolin -- so as usual, I am a little all over the place. The one thing that remains somewhat constant is the thematic nature of the lyrics: growing up and getting older. You know, piecing together all the stuff that has happened over the past 10 years, which has been a lot of good and bad."

    One thing Filipowitsch is focused on is distancing himself a little from the jam band scene, even though he won't deny how good it's been to him.

    It's a fine line that he knows he has to walk carefully, given how dedicated fans of the Burt Neilson Band still are. The group is in fact playing a special show at Lee's Palace in Toronto on Dec. 27.

    "I will admit to having moments where I felt trapped by the whole 'jam' label," he says. "It's always tough when people assume you are one thing and one thing only. I was always like, 'Hey, I write songs as well!' However, as time passes you realize the things that are important. The jam scene is important to me, not only because I had the opportunity to play for fans of the style all over Canada and parts of the U.S., I too was once -- and still am in many respects -- a fan."

    So what can those fans expect from Filipowitsch's current live show?

    "This Boathouse show is a special one for me. Not only do I really enjoy playing at that venue, but I am playing with (Fat Cats singer/guitarist) Todd Gillies. Growing up in Kitchener, I spent tons of time going to see the Fat Cats, and I guess I looked up to Todd.

    "It's great that we became good friends, and really enjoy playing music together. So, there will be a mix of new and old material on both our parts. I know I am returning home with many new songs that I am excited to debut in my hometown."

    Live Mike Filipowitsch w/Todd Gillies Saturday, Dec. 20 The Boathouse, Kitchener Tickets $10 Show starts at 9 p.m. More Info: 519-745-7202


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