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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. I thought it was an excellent venue with the number of people there. I'm guessing that there were 500 or 600 people during the second set. I'm thinking another 200 people could have fit comfortably in the front section.

    The only other times I've been there (SCI Big Summer Classic and Little Feat) it was much busier and thus not nearly as enjoyable inside the venue. The venue can hold 2600 people, but doesn't work nearly as well with a large crowd.

    Peace, Mark

  2. Totally enjoyed the Kitchener show! Thank you Tungsten Gruvsten for the hook up!

    I highly recommend this show for you Ottawa folks. If you are a Zappa fan, this is a must see. If you are not knowledgeable about Zappa, you will still dig it in a big way. A killer 8 piece band!

    Is anybody currently writing music like this? Who is a modern Frank Zappa? Wow ...

    Peace, Mark

  3. Looking forward to my first Panic show! I'd love to hear some stuff from Live In The Classic City, as that was my first exposure to WSP. Everything from Bear's Gone Fishin' up to and including Tall Boy would be a treat for me. From the new disc, I'm thinking that Angels on High could turn into a huge groovy danceable ball of musical fun ...

    Peace, Mark


    Friday June 27:

    9:00 pm - to be announced

    midnight - Dexter and People (in the saloon)

    Saturday June 28:

    1:30 pm - Beaver Jockies

    2:00 pm - Brian McMillan

    3:00 pm - The Stand Up Guys

    4:15 pm - Doug Feaver

    5:30 pm - The Overplayers

    6:45 pm - The Undesirables

    8:00 pm - Alfie Smith

    9:15 pm - Tara Lightfoot

    10:00 pm - The Acousticats (Fat Cats acoustic)

    midnight - to be announced (in the saloon)

    Sunday June 29:

    2:00 pm - Diana Sound

    3:00 pm - Cindy Doire

    4:00 pm - Snack! (Acoustic)

    5:30 pm - Heart Broken Souls

    7:00 pm - Hokum Runners

    8:15 pm - Jamie Oakes

    9:30 pm - Wayside Ramblers

    11:00 pm - Espanola (in the saloon)

    late night all star jam in the saloon

    Mark Wilson will also be hosting an open stage in the Saloon on Saturday and Sunday in the late afternoon.

    More info at http://www.cometogethermusicfest.ca/

  5. Is there a schedule up for this yet?

    Maybe I'll check the website... it's "always" up-to-date...

    even a broken watch is right twice a day :P

    OK, that's freakin' hilarious! :) :)

    I just emailed Mark Wilson re: a schedule fo the weekend and hopefully I'll hear back soon. And according to Gatch, Stumbleweed is not playing during the Canada Day weekend festival, as a couple of guys in the band have another gig. Still some great acoustic acts at the fest though ... I wish I could make it!

    Peace, Mark


    Sat. June 28

    upstairs at the Lanc in Kitchener

    I'll be playing with the Chris Mulligan Band as part of a benefit show for a friend (Kelley Bruce). All of the proceeds are going to support her with this cause.


    Sea Turtles have been on earth for over 65 million years. They have witnessed the fall of dinosaurs and the rise of humanity. Their habitat spans the globe from the North Atlantic near the Arctic Circle to the South Pacific around New Zealand. Extraordinary creatures, they hold important secrets about biology and medicine. Leatherbacks are the largest turtle, reaching a shell length of 1.7m and a mass of 700kg. In 1980 there were over 115,000 adult females, but there are now less than 25,000 worldwide, and they are close to extinction in the Pacific Ocean. Similarly, Olive Ridley Turtles have experienced a 50% reduction in population size since the 1960s. The risks to these amazing life forms are the loss of beach areas used for nesting, marine debris, accidental harvest by commercial fishing, disease, poaching/hunting of turtles and eggs, and pollution. If action is not taken soon to protect sea turtles in the ocean, and on nesting beaches, they will disappear in our lifetime.

    MY EFFORTS: July 3rd I am flying to Costa Rica to volunteer at a Sea Turtle Conservation camp. I will be working six days a week, 7 to 8 hours a day, for four weeks helping in any way I can: cleaning and monitoring beaches, tagging adult turtles, collecting data, monitoring egg incubations, and releasing newborns. I have recently begun my “training†in order to achieve the guideline goal of walking 15 km per day. I hope that my small contribution will aid in the preservation of these marvelous animals.

    HOW YOU CAN HELP: Over the next few months I need to raise funds towards my trip, which will cost approximately $3000.00. As this is an. entirely volunteer position, I must pay for my flight, lodgings, meals, and provisions. In order to raise these funds I will be doing a series of fundraisers including the sales of promotional materials, and hosting a 50/50 poker party, a wine and cheese silent auction, and a possibly a concert. I would appreciate any support you could provide including the purchase of products, attendance to event(s), donations of silent auction items, monetary contributions, or more ideas. Thanks so much for your support! Please stay tuned for more information on fundraising efforts, and log on to www.volunteerabroad.ca to find out more about the organization behind this project.

  7. I'll never forget our trip to Evolve 3 in Jazzy. Super fun times, and I still smile thinking about our "Push on 'Til The Day" drive back. :)

    And all of those Come Together Fests where Jazzy served as party central. And fantabulous trips to Darien Lake.

    I wish I could afford to buy Jazzy from you my friend, and then give her back to you as a gift.

    Peace, Mark

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