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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. Really looking forward to this. Really looking forward to the whole weekend!

    Really looking forward to seeing you Babsy ... it's been too long!

    I'm liking the looks of this Madgrass duo ... a very nice fit with the rest of the bands I think.

    I hope that you can make it Baj!

    Peace, Mark

  2. Fun times in Hamilton ... big birthday hugs to Mark C. and Mark W. It was great to hear Mark Wilson's voice ... it's been a while since that last happened. And it was great to connect with some friends at the show ... it felt like it had been too long!

    Nice to put a face to your name RayRay ... thanks for making the connection for me ... I have a hard time keeping my own name straight sometimes! :)

    Peace, Mark

  3. "Dusty Dickeson"?!?

    ::eyebrows up::

    Yes, when I first read his name I couldn't believe it. The article that I first read about this case did not name him. His name makes the case even more "interesting."

    when I was in high school a teacher and a student at my school hooked up

    she was kind of "falling through all the wrong cracks" and he stepped up and helped her out... they ended up interested in each other

    school board caught wind and told him to sever ties or face charges... he told them to shove it, quit and they eventually got married... still happily married last I heard

    I had a good discussion with some friends about this over the holidays. We came to the conclusion that this happened much more often back when we were in high school. The times have changed, and I believe that fewer teachers end up in these types of situations than did in the past. There has certainly been much more discussion in the profession over the last five to ten years about professional ethics and relationships with students than there was when I first started teaching. Obviously certain teachers still find certain students attractive, but I think fewer act on it than would have 20 or 30 years ago. If you are going to be a teacher, it is blatantly obvious these days that it is professionally unethical, unacceptable, and illegal to pursue a relationship with a student. At least it's a lot more obvious than it was 20 or 30 years ago. Not to mention all of the professional guidelines of late to try and prevent false accusations and tragic stories like the one mentioned by zero.

    I like the Heather Ingram case in particular because she is female, which adds another dimension to the discussion, as most cases like this involve a male teacher. I remember the first time I handed out the article, with a picture of the teacher as the cover page, and a male student in my class said "she's hot" before he even knew what the article was about!

    A few other random thoughts on this topic:

    In my first year of teaching, an older teacher said something to me like "you know you're getting older when you go from thinking that some of the students in your class are hot to thinking that some of the moms at parent-teacher interviews are hot." Funny at the time, and funny now because it's true in many ways. Having said that, as others have said, there is so much more involved in an attraction to someone than their age and their looks.

    This topic takes on a whole new meaning to me when I think that my daughter is almost 13.

    Re: the Heather Ingram case, I don't think that in her particular case she should be branded as a criminal. What she did was wrong as a professional, but calling her a criminal just doesn't sit right with me given the particular circumstances of her case.

    My resolution for tomorrow ... stay away from this topic so that I can actually get some work done!

    Peace, Mark

  4. No worries, SM. To be honest, at first I was actually kind of excited at the thought of giving a lawyer legal information. And then I was worried that my information was wrong! :)

    Back to the topic of "hot teens" ... here is a photo of brothers Michael and Mark Tonin taken more than a few years ago. :)

  5. Okay, so you are not saying that a 14 year old must only have sex with someone 16 or under, correct? You are strictly referring to a situation in which the older person is in a position of trust, right?

    If so, I agree with you. If, however, you are saying that a 14 year old can only have sex with someone up to 16 years old, I think you're incorrect, and I am quite certain that is what you said earlier, as I quoted on the last page...

    If you are under 14 years old, and you have sex with somebody more than two years older than you are, the other person can be charged with Sexual Assault.

    Agreed SM. If you are 14 or older, then you can legally consent to have sex with a person of any age, unless they are in a position of trust.

    If you are under 14, then the older person must can't be more than 2 years older than you. So 13 and 15 is legal, but 13 and 16 means the 16-year-old has commited a crime.

    Peace, Mark

  6. Hmmm, maybe I'm misinterpreting your question SM? Or maybe this is a different question than your first one? Or maybe you're just having some fun with me? :) In any event, here goes:

    If the younger person is under 14 years old, then section 150.1 (1) (Consent No Defence) and Section 151. (Sexual Intereference) apply, which is the law I posted above.

    If the younger person is 14 to 17 years old, then section 153. (1) (Sexual Exploitation) and section 153. (2) (Definition of "young person") apply, which read as follows:

    Sexual exploitation

    153. (1) Every person commits an offence who is in a position of trust or authority towards a young person, who is a person with whom the young person is in a relationship of dependency or who is in a relationship with a young person that is exploitative of the young person, and who

    (a) for a sexual purpose, touches, directly or indirectly, with a part of the body or with an object, any part of the body of the young person; or

    (B) for a sexual purpose, invites, counsels or incites a young person to touch, directly or indirectly, with a part of the body or with an object, the body of any person, including the body of the person who so invites, counsels or incites and the body of the young person.


    (1.1) Every person who commits an offence under subsection (1)

    (a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of forty-five days; or

    (B) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding eighteen months and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of fourteen days.

    Definition of “young personâ€

    (2) In this section, "young person" means a person fourteen years of age or more but under the age of eighteen years.


    Peace, Mark

  7. If you are under 14 years old' date=' and you have sex with somebody more than two years older than you are, the other person can be charged with Sexual Assault. [/quote']

    What makes you say this? I have only ever "heard" this, but have never seen any legal authority for it. I don't claim to be an expert, as I do not defend sexual assault actions, but this is certainly a question that I am often asked.

    Sections 150 and 151 of the Criminal Code cover this. Technically I think you'd be charged with Sexual Intereference and not Sexual Assault. Here is the wording from the Criminal Code:

    Sexual Offences

    Consent no defence

    150.1 (1) Where an accused is charged with an offence under section 151 or 152 or subsection 153(1), 160(3) or 173(2) or is charged with an offence under section 271, 272 or 273 in respect of a complainant under the age of fourteen years, it is not a defence that the complainant consented to the activity that forms the subject-matter of the charge.


    (2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), where an accused is charged with an offence under section 151 or 152, subsection 173(2) or section 271 in respect of a complainant who is twelve years of age or more but under the age of fourteen years, it is not a defence that the complainant consented to the activity that forms the subject-matter of the charge unless the accused

    (a) is twelve years of age or more but under the age of sixteen years;

    (B) is less than two years older than the complainant; and

    © is not in a position of trust or authority towards the complainant, is not a person with whom the complainant is in a relationship of dependency and is not in a relationship with the complainant that is exploitative of the complainant.

    Exemption for accused aged twelve or thirteen

    (3) No person aged twelve or thirteen years shall be tried for an offence under section 151 or 152 or subsection 173(2) unless the person is in a position of trust or authority towards the complainant, is a person with whom the complainant is in a relationship of dependency or is in a relationship with the complainant that is exploitative of the complainant.

    Mistake of age

    (4) It is not a defence to a charge under section 151 or 152, subsection 160(3) or 173(2), or section 271, 272 or 273 that the accused believed that the complainant was fourteen years of age or more at the time the offence is alleged to have been committed unless the accused took all reasonable steps to ascertain the age of the complainant.


    (5) It is not a defence to a charge under section 153, 159, 170, 171 or 172 or subsection 212(2) or (4) that the accused believed that the complainant was eighteen years of age or more at the time the offence is alleged to have been committed unless the accused took all reasonable steps to ascertain the age of the complainant.

    R.S., 1985, c. 19 (3rd Supp.), s. 1; 2005, c. 32, s. 2.

    Sexual interference

    151. Every person who, for a sexual purpose, touches, directly or indirectly, with a part of the body or with an object, any part of the body of a person under the age of fourteen years

    (a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of forty-five days; or

    (B) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding eighteen months and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of fourteen days.


    Peace, Mark

  8. This is a very interesting thread for a number of reasons. I wish I had more time these days to jump in. Over the years, I've had numerous discussions with students, teacher colleagues, and friends about issues related to this topic.

    On the student-teacher front, in our Grade 12 law class we use an interesting case about a teacher-student relationship as a way of looking at legal, ethical, and moral behaviour. A brief article about her can be found here:

    Heather Ingram article

    Is what she did illegal? Should it be? Immoral? Unethical? What should have happened to her?

    It makes for some great class discussion, that's for sure, and gets people to question what they believe and why they believe it.

    Peace, Mark

  9. From: http://www.sacc.to/sya/crime/law.htm

    CONSENT (Your Rights About Saying Yes or No)

    The law about consent can be complicated.

    Even if you do say yes, there are some cases when the other person can still get charged. Sometimes, you're not legally allowed to consent to have sex:

    Basically, the legal age of consent is 14 years.

    If you are under 14 years old, and you have sex with somebody more than two years older than you are, the other person can be charged with Sexual Assault. If you're 13 years old, you can consent to have sex with someone who' s 15 years old but you can't consent to have sex with a 16 year old person. The 16 year old person can be charged. If you're under 14 years old, you can't consent to have sex with anyone more than two years older than you are.

    If you are under 18 years old, you can't legally consent to have sex with someone who is in a position of trust, power or authority over you. For example, a minister, coach, employer, teacher, police officer, etc. can be charged.


    For the most part, I agree with the above law. So do most of the high school students that I've taught over the years. But it does make for interesting discussion, that's for sure.

    Peace, Mark

  10. I love the band nero, the music that they make, and the great people that I've met via the band and their music.

    As much as I'd love to be in Ottawa this upcoming weekend, it just isn't going to happen for me.

    Here are a few memories:

    1. Jay McConnery is the first person who I ever met online and then in person. I first met him and the rest of the band on Saturday May 19, 2001 at the Come Together Music Festival. They played an early afternoon set, and I was impressed. If memory serves me correctly, they had to head back to Ottawa to play a show later on that night.

    2. I was excited to have them play at the Jambands.ca Fall Music Fest on Friday Sept. 21. They barely made it on time, as their was a huge thunderstorm that night that slowed them down. I remember telling Tungsten Gruvsten how excited I was about this band, and I remember how stoked he was about this band after hearing them.

    3. The Phil Lesh afterparty in Toronto at the Comfort Zone ... the energy was through the roof.

    4. The SOON shows and recording ... I didn't make it to Brantford, but the Kitchener and Chatham shows were awesome ... the band was on fire at that time. I'm so glad that this run of shows was recorded and that SOON was released from it. It was such a thrill to be a part of that experience. Does anybody else remember the ice storm that happened during that weekend? My school was actually shut down on the day of the Kitchener show (Do I ever know how to pick a day for a show!) and I remember driving to Chatham with Tigger the next day and watching a sheet of ice fly off of a vehicle in front of us and crash right across our windshield!

    5. A show at the Rivoli, I don't remember the date, when the guy next to me who I didn't know and who had never seen the band, turned to me and said "Wow, that guy reminds me of Hendrix."

    6. My son Nyell helping the guys bring their gear into my basement so that they could practice. I still smile and get warm inside thinking of that moment.

    7. The band playing at my highschool in the music room, as the kids in the room sat and watched without saying a word or moving a muscle.

    8. Opening for moe. in Toronto and Ottawa. What a huge thrill!

    Have a blast this weekend everybody, please share your stories, your photos, and dance your asses off!

    Peace, Mark

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