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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. Too many people getting cancer...

    I just found out last night that a teacher at our school died of cancer. She has a one month old child (still in Sick Kids Hospital) and a loving husband who is now a single father of three young ones.

    My grandmother always used to say "that damn cancer" ...

    It's going to be a teary, blurry day at school today.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery Phil ... I'm itchin' for another dose of your musical magic after last summer's show.

    Peace, Mark

  2. Wassabi are only playing two dates on this tour:

    Oct. 27 Toronto

    Oct. 28 Saint John

    you won't see Wassabi Collective back in this area until spring of 2007.

    FREAK MARKET: any artisans/crafters who want to show off your stuff email me: jay.cleary@gmail.com

    Hey Jay,

    Are Wassabi not playing in Waterloo at the Starlight? According to the Starlight web site:

    Thursday October 26

    Wasabi Collective

    with Irie Band

    $10 advance

    Door at 9 PM

    All Ages

    Peace, Mark

  3. That was a FUN night at the Lanc! :)

    Thanks to What The Folk for opening, I walked in about 3 or 4 songs into your set and thought you guys sounded good. Thanks to Diesel Dog for the two sweet sets of music (acoustic and electric), and thanks to Schwa, Instagator, Mama Pink, and whoever else made it happen! Loads of fun, and once again I was reminded of how much fun it is to party at the Lanc! We don't have lots of shows there, but when we do, it's a blast! And once again I was reminded of just how much I love to boogey to the sounds made by Diesel Dog.

    And it was great to see so many out-of-towners along with a crew of familiar friendly faces and new friendly faces.

    I was feelin' a bit low and down at the end of a long week, but that show put a bounce in my step and a smile on my face! :)

    Peace, Mark

  4. I enjoyed reading the article.

    As we've seen more than once, message boards have their drawbacks as a forum for healthy communication.

    Thanks to zero, Jaydawg, kitkat, and everyone else who does what they can to give musicians and bands such as Dave Lauzon and JSB the publicity and press they deserve.

    Peace, Mark

  5. Hey Sarah,

    I'm hearing your voice right now ... "the reverse name tag" :) ... can't listen for long but now I know why it's called the XX show ... sounds like you're having a blast!

    Peace, Mark

  6. Hey Rich,

    A while ago you sent me a message asking you to check out some of your band's songs and give you some feedback. My apologies for not getting back to you ... it's just tough to keep up and give meaningful feedback to people. I'm listening to some of your myspace stuff right now and I'd say that your band definitely has potential ... jammy, funky ... I'm currently listening to "U do my U" and it is cooking. I wish I could say more but can't without more listening, a live experience, etc. Unfortunately, there are only so many hours in the day.

    I like StoneMtn's idea ... it's a good way to get the music and the band name out there I think.

    Good luck, stay positive, keep on playin', and keep on doing what you can to get heard.

    For anybody else, check out Automatic Groove Mechanics web site and give them some feedback.

    Peace, Mark

  7. I swear to God, if I fucking hear Shakedown Street I am rushing the stage and breaking instruments.

    At the last Fatties show I was at, Gatch (member of the band) said something like "if we play Shakedown Street tonight I'm quitting the band." It was pretty damn funny.

    Have a blast everyone ... I wish I could be there, as I love the Fatties!

    Peace, Mark

  8. Brian Eno is regarded by many as a musical genius. I remember first hearing about him many years ago, as my buddy is a Robert Fripp fanatic and had a Fripp/Eno album along with some solo Eno albums, including Taking Tiger Mountain. To be honest, the stuff never grabbed me at the time, but I'd definitely be willing to give it another listen at this time.

    Having said that, when it came out I fell in love with the album that he did with David Byrne called "My Life in the Bush of Ghosts," and my favourite Roxy Music album is called "For Your Pleasure," which was produced back when Eno was still a part of the band.

    Peace, Mark

  9. Come to think of it, I actually bought my copy of the cd, so I didn't even receive the cd as compensation. Damn, I've got to negotiate more aggressively next time! :)

    Good luck with things Deeps. I haven't listened to much progressive rock in the last number of years, although as I've mentioned before, that was pretty much all that I listened to for a period of time in my life. I enjoy when that element weaves its way into and out of other styles of music.

    Peace, Mark

  10. I'm sensing that Deeps bribed Tonin to say that though.

    No bribes involved, although maybe I should have asked for compensation. :)

    No one actually says shit like "It's got a strong modern progressive rock element to it."

    I guess I'm a no one! Oh well, I've been called worse. :D

    I couldn't think of a better way to describe a cd that contains lots of progressive rock which uses modern sounds. I'm open to creative writing suggestions from an expert writer. ;) :grin:

    Seriously, I like the disc, and have been humming bits of it to myself all morning.

    Peace, Mark

  11. This disc is growing on me, that's for sure. I listened to it once a while ago, and wasn't grabbed by it, but put it on again the other day and really enjoyed much of the disc. It's got a strong modern progressive rock element to it.

    I like the vocals in the first few tracks ... poetic story-telling rather than singing.

    And I'm guessing I know who "listens to Jerry in the morning." ;):)

    Track 8 (here kitty) is infectious! A jammed out version would be fun!

    Peace, Mark

  12. Lookin' forward to a fun night! I'll be heading to the show right after our high school graduation ceremony' date=' and will undoubtedly be ready for a cold one and some boogeying!


    congratulations on your upcoming graduation. its good to see and old man like you geting your grade 12 diploma.

    :laugh: :):D

    Hopefully things will go smoothly and we won't end up locked in the school like I was yesterday. Seriously ... this is the school I teach at ... fortunately no one was hurt, but it certainly wasn't a fun day.

    Peace, Mark

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