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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. Lookin' forward to a fun night! I'll be heading to the show right after our high school graduation ceremony, and will undoubtedly be ready for a cold one and some boogeying!

    As well, a friendly hijack to remind people that the next night we are having a birthday bash for geomouse at the Boathouse, which will be lots of fun. Live music all night long, including an early set by Harvard Mouse followed by an open stage.

    Peace, Mark

  2. The Captain Underpants series is hilarious! Everyone in our family loves those books ... full of toilet-humour, misspelled words (on purpose), and pokes at education ... guaranteed to stress out some educators and parents. Some would say they don't belong in school, but getting boys to read can be a challenge, and my partner Liana is convinced that our son started reading because of those books, as did other boys that we know.

    Peace, Mark

  3. I wish you could be there too my friend! There's nobody that shakes up the dance floor like you can and I love a dance party!

    Thanks my friend, for putting a smile on my face this morning! I'll actually be spending some special time with somebody who also knows how to shake it on the dance floor. And she's better looking than I am as well! ;):) She doesn't visit this board or attend many shows, but she's got huge amounts of great energy and certainly knows how to dance. We'll be celebratin' 20 years ... and it's been even longer since I first saw her dance and fell in love ... ok, I was a teenage boy then so maybe fell in lust is more accurate. Now it's all about the love! :);):)

    Sorry for the thread hijack ... this show will rock I'm sure!

    Peace, Mark

  4. I wish I was Close enough to offer my help Willy.

    I even have a dolly. but that doesnt do you any good either.

    I definately can't wait for the next dining room jam at Willy and Leannes. ;)

    I've only moved a piano once, we used 2x6 planks to wheel it out of the back of the pickup. although the porch was almost equal height to the the truck bed at both places. Your front steps are pretty steep.

    Good luck man, [color:purple]remember to lift with your legs


    Ditto to what fretman says! Except for the part about having a dolly!

    Peace, Mark

  5. Wow, this thread moved quickly ... lots happened as I was typing my last post.

    Just to clarify for people that may be reading the thread but aren't sure what is going on, the band Fat Cats is generally fine with somebody burning a copy of one of their two existing studio discs for somebody else to listen to (as long as it's done for free), because they are out of print copies of each disc and don't have plans to print more.

    The rest of what is going on in this thread is related to some fanatical Fat Cats and MarcO fans who post on this board! ;):)

    Peace, Mark

  6. I'd like to know just who the hell this guy is!! (Not to say the guys care about having their music distributed for free, but if someone else is actually charging for copies???)... somehow that doesn't sound very cool

    Very bizzare, that's for sure! I'm thinking it's got to be a used copy, which would be fine, or a bootleg copy, which wouldn't be very cool at all.

    Greg, if you need a copy of Cruelty's Cure, I can burn you one. I'll only charge you $10. Notice the lack of purple font or other indications that I was joking. I hope I didn't need them. :) Seriously though, if you want a copy from me just PM me your snail mail addy and I'll burn you one and send it to you.

    And MarcO heading to Ottawa ... now that's news! :)

    Peace, Mark

  7. The beginning of 2nd set they started playing a little Makisupa Policeman tuning while the cops came around and confiscated all the beer bottles and then they proceeded to pick up playing Chevron at the same point they had left off.

    Thanks for the added info and for the above memory jolt briguy ... I clearly remember the huge smiles and laughs that happened when they started back into Chevron ... a magical musical moment!

    Wish I could be in Hamilton this Friday ...

    Peace, Mark

  8. Thanks for the update Jeff!

    That 10 year anniversay bash looks intriguing ... at the Opera House! Good luck with that and with the other shows ... hopefully I can squeeze one in.

    Peace, Mark

    Nice to see that the 10 year anniversary show is on Friday Nov. 10, not on Tues. Oct. 10 as I initially read. That makes the 10 year anniversary show much more exciting news!

    Sorry for the thread hijack, but it's not realistic for me to get to Ottawa for NYE, and I've got to get my Burt fix somehow! I'll move my excitement to the official thread about the show from now on.

    Peace, Mark

  9. Hey Adam,

    The disc is copied and will be dropped into the snail mail system tomorrow.

    Here is the track list:

    (Waiting for) Spring


    The Station

    I Give it Away



    Sing Me Gently Home

    Montana Haze



    I agree with edger that there is a lot of great live stuff by Fat Cats up on the archive. Having said that, this is a solid cd. In the May 2002 issue of Scene & Heard, there is a list of some Canadian albums that never got the attention that they deserved. Here is what Mike Knoll (mk) had to say about Daredevil as one of those releases:

    "I've never been able to figure out why this CD isn't in everybody's collection. These are the songs that the Fatties will be celebrated for forever and they are some of the most beautiful, catchy, riffin', feelin', Deadly, rock 'n' roll songs recorded in Canada. If this CD can't catapult the band to massive success nothing could. Summertime songs that sooth and fuse the need for skilled playing and deft songwriting."

    Peace, Mark

  10. Burt rocks!

    Hey 'ersh, any news or info on the state of Burt's web site? Or if not, do you guys have any other tour dates booked for the fall that you could post here. I would love to hit up a Burt show at some point before the end of the year if the timing works out ...

    Peace, Mark

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