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Posts posted by paisley

  1. hmm....there's no way I found all the episodes in the guid. I think I setup about 5 episodes. So it looks like there are 7 of them altogether.

    no thats probably right bouche (5 episodes)... each of the episodes I watched was 3 hours long (guess one is only 2 hours or something)

    7 episodes in total

  2. if I go out and buy a good book, it usually costs more than not so good books... same goes for a meal and many things

    Neil Young is in a caliber of a very few and worth coughing up good money to see in a fairly intimate venue... only thing I've disliked about seeing Neil in the past was being crammed in with rock radio drones screaming for "Heart of Gold!" at the end of every song... think catching Neil somewhere where you have the possibility of sharing a smile with him during the show totally makes the price worthwhile... far as I know Neil is fairly charitable with his money as well, but that aside I think he's earned the prestige to charge the price

    people can cry unfair all they want but the bottom line is the tickets sell out and the fans walk away happy

  3. great team we make pais....

    i really can't wait to see ya my friend...its been too long!


    actually if you're goin down early anywho Steve maybe you could get him there and I'll get him home... saves me waiting killin time in dundas before the show (broke) and saves you worrying about stayin too late if you start to fade later on

    good funs tonight!

  4. yeah, its great, watched parts of 3 installments last week (the whole thing is 14 hours long)... most in depth low down on what was going on on all levels from the meeting the supply needs end to the happenings on the front lines... lots of unseen footage and untalked about facts (like that the americans got slaughtered anywhere they fought the first 8 months when they entered the war, had no combat experience)

    and as stated, tells a lot of the story from a human perspective... brings up a time and situation in the war then follows the story of someone (or a few people) who was there in their words

    definitely gets across the horror of war, along with the strength of the individual and imminent need for bright tactical leadership

  5. Well, it also depends what show you're at. I received a black eye at a Forgotten Rebels show. I was kicked in the head at a Public Image Limited show. These are the bands and shows where slam-dancing (later called) thrashing (later called) moshing was born. I would have had to be a moron not to expect it.

    Does a mosh pit belong at a Smashing Pumpkins concert? To me, I'd say no, because they're just a pop-band, but if you get into a mosh pit at a Slayer show, that's foreseeable.

    I should also point out, though, that when these were only happening at punk/hardcore/thrash-metal shows, the crowd was generally way more respectful, and if you ever ended up on your ass, some huge guy would throw you right back up onto your feet, so you had a fighting chance.

    (Do I have a point here? I don't know.)

    definitely have a point I'd say... old hardcore show mosh pits you'd have very physical, very tuned in people all around you attempting to keep people from going down hard and helping them up quick when they went down... had a wrist fractured at a forgotten rebels show too, but it was by a big jock who was trying to hurt everyone around him (had a look on his face like "you idiots don't know how to tackle!", didn't seem to be able to figure out that we weren't playing football)

    I've felt perfectly safe in lots of old school mosh pits... great exercise for the body and the reflexes

  6. got a system admin at work? whoever set up or configured the network is the person to ask wtf is up with not being able to get access to your gmail... or one of those well dressed, nose pierced, chronically busy with something else tech support dudes you see on tv

    sounds like a glitch in how the network's setup... if you have a computer at work obviously you want to be able to access your e-mail


  7. TV was made to be on DVD.

    I polished off the planet earth series in a day.. and arrested development season one in a day as well... Lost season one was a serious commitment at two days and i felt like i needed a three hour shower after that one.

    been an Arrested Development addict for the past while now, one of the funniest shows ever (if not the funniest)... try to make sure I'm at a tv every day at 5:30 to catch the episodes I still haven't seen... will have to find the DVD just started to d/l the first 2 seasons

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