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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. The Frames - Set List As live albums go for this decade, I think I like Set List quite a bit better than MMJ's Okonokos (which I really like).
  2. Gotta love this good little festival from my hometown getting some press on one of the net's most influential movie/TV/pop culture sites: http://www.aintitcool.com/node/35890 ... and some typical K-Town bashing from U of T losers and snobby Queen's grads in the Talkback section.
  3. From the description, the album could be an exciting monster breakout hit or a miserable failure.
  4. Dave, isn't it all related? They wouldn't care as much if it was some local no-name idiot with no prior connection to the Leafs. The Fan's Gord Stellick hasn't been muzzled and he's been really critical.
  5. Stick them in Hamilton. I'll gladly support them.
  6. When I saw the DMB, I saw an incredible amount of people (mostly girls) passed-out or on the verge of passing-out. It reminded me of a Ben Harper concert. But the crowd was good and into the show, even if I wasn't.
  7. I really did hate that thing. It sat on a strange slanted angle on your head.
  8. I've seen the DMB in concert once, and it was a good show. His early albums were kind of exciting, but his recent releases are pretty darn boring. I think I'd like DMB better if he fired chesseball LeRoi Moore. He ruins every song he touches.
  9. I don't like Watters too much either, although I love him when he's critical of the Leafs, although they are easy targets.
  10. MLSE has done many disgusting things over the years, my favourite being the selling of Maple Leaf Gardens to Loblaws and rejecting Eugene Melnyk's plan of buying the iconic art deco building and turning it into a community rink and an amateur sports hall of fame. Now it looks like they are into revisionist history as well. From Monday's Toronto Star: Banning Watters: Another petty MLSE move Unable to get their veteran players to waive no-trade clauses, the Toronto Maple Leafs are apparently making other moves to improve their lot in the NHL, such as putting the boots to those who criticize them. Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment has erased all images and references to AM 640 announcer Bill Watters from the Air Canada Centre, the kind of thing the old Soviet Union used to do with those who had fallen into disfavour. This would be a shocking move anywhere else, but this is the same organization that moved quickly to sack the team's dental staff after missing the playoffs two years ago. So what has Watters done to merit disappearance? According to MLSE, it considered Watters' criticism of the organization and bosses Larry Tanenbaum and Richard Peddie to be personal in nature. If you didn't know better, you'd think Harold Ballard had risen from the grave. The radio station is standing behind the commentator, although it values its position as rights holder enough that it provided MLSE with Watters-free posters on request Friday. Still, it's to 640's credit that it didn't sack Watters, which some might have done. Watters says MLSE is taking his commentary the wrong way. "There's no vendetta," Watters said yesterday. "What I do is strictly an analysis of the Leafs' situation and the people I think are responsible." If Watters has been harsher on the Leafs lately, there's not much evidence of it. Watters admits he might have ramped up things a bit when general manager John Ferguson Jr. was sacked recently, but the guy's been verbally bludgeoning management since he got behind the mike at 640 in 2003. He's called Tanenbaum and Peddie "dimwits" for their handling of the team. He once said Tanenbaum had a PhD: "Papa Has Dough." More than once he's said the dismissal of that pair is the only thing that will improve life at MLSE. Watters says Friday's move didn't come entirely out of the blue. "They've sent messages that I'm being hard on their people," he says, adding that he has ignored them. "Well, I was hard on them when a lot of others should have been hard on them. Until they get those two guys out of there, the hockey team is going nowhere." Watters says he won't back down because it's not a matter of personal grudges even though Peddie was the guy who fired Watters as assistant general manager five years ago. "Richard treated me better than anyone there," he recalls of his Leaf days. "But that doesn't make him any less incompetent. "If I slip and say something personal, then I have to deal with that. But speaking about incompetence, I have free rein." Still, Watters admits he does get a little carried away at times. "If you lock (Peddie and Tanenbaum) in a room with a basket of apples and a jockstrap," he said recently, "they would starve to death before they figured out how to put the jock on." That's pretty harsh stuff, especially by the rather tame standards of 640 and other electronic media outlets, but it hardly justifies this kind of move. Watters is paid to make strong comments. And while some of his comments are more indecipherable than caustic, he does a great job of speaking his mind with both colour and authority. For MLSE, this not only looks petty, it exposes one of the reasons this franchise has been struggling for the better part of four decades. In future, they might want to worry more about what's happening on the ice and less about what people are saying about them.
  11. Having seen what cancer did to my dad, grandmothers, grandfather, family friends and one of my great Ryerson pals, I have trouble with levity. I just hope Swayze can kick this awful form of cancer.
  12. McCoy Tyner? Fucking awesome!
  13. I really want to see it, but as for getting snubbed, the Oscar Best Picture category was pretty darn great this year.
  14. I hope he kicks this fast-moving cancer, which has one of if not the worst survival rate. If Ronnie "The Hawk" Hawkins can do it, let's hope Patrick can beat it too.
  15. It's going to be a short, terribly painful and inhumane death, so knock yourself out.
  16. Well Basher, regular news is reporting it, so I hope they are all wrong because this is just a sad story if it's true.
  17. I've heard this from legit sources like the Toronto Star and some local news channels, but it looks like it is true. Here's one blurb. Really sad news even if I don't like any of his films outside of Donnie Darko: http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/article/309681
  18. Bluegrass and country ain't the same, although it makes sense to lump them in together. In fact, they don't have much in common in relation to what influenced Bill Monroe to create the bluegrass genre in the first place. I meant that Krauss was a bluegrass fiddle player at a very young age, almost as if she was born playing. I've seen old footage of her playing the fiddle and she was scary good.
  19. What kind of a singer is she? Bluegrass, but dabbles in roots music. She was born a fiddle player.
  20. I was implying that Krauss isn't a country singer.
  21. So is this one (the last part, not the success bit): "wants to concentrate on his new success with US country singer Krauss."
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