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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. Nice piano on the second song, but nothing beats the cowbell. Boy, do I ever not like that Tim VJ.
  2. Jaimoe

    Shows in April

    Ray Davies at The Danforth Music Hall in early April. Great area of Toronto and a great venue to see a legend.
  3. Jaimoe


    I believe Wu hates San Francisco cocksuckers most of all.
  4. I wasn't working on Monday, but I'll go and yank the MOD Beta tape in a few minutes.
  5. And folk and bluegrass festivals have a long and successful history and their breed of fans certainly will continue to support such events.
  6. A related question: Does anyone know if this concert will offer organic food options?
  7. I don't have an air-conditioner and I've lived on the 23 floor of an apartment building for 5 hellish years. Hey phishtaper, I'm green-thinking because I'm trying my best to go as green as possible. It's been a slow process, but the payoff is worthwhile. To answer you questions: no I don't drive an electric car since they don't make them anymore (although I think they are going to make a comeback), I do drive my Mazda 3 on occassion, but I'm thinking about getting rid of it and just using my bike and transit to permanently get around. If I buy anything, it will be a scooter. I've replaced all my burnt-out lightbulbs with energy-saver ones - no use throwing-out existing bulbs that are still working. I wash almost all my clothes in cold water, but I still use hot water for dishes - but I use All Natural products for both. Yes, I have use a green coffee carrying mug that I bought at the organic store Grass Roots. I wish I could be more green, but I'm sure my Environmental/Urban Studies wife will take care of that. Still, I generally like what the organizers for the Jack Johnson show are trying to do.
  8. Indeed it is a start Allison. I'm not saying to not go - although I wouldn't be caught dead at a Jack Johnson show - but realistically, how many people will pack their camping gear on public transit based in Toronto? Even those not camping will drive, but I do like that the website is suggesting options. I realize camping with concerts makes for an appealing summer weekend excursion, but commuting to Barrie using public transit can be a nightmare even for green-thinking people like me.
  9. I assume no plastic bottles (i.e. for water) and/or pop cans will be sold on the site? What's the recyling policy (which isn't the best form of enviro-friendly method)?
  10. Of course, almost everyone has to drive on a major highway to get to the venue, so that isn't too green. How about having the concert in the afternoon and not use lights?
  11. Family Guy is a hit-and-miss kind of show. One-liner/slpastick/ and sight-gag shows are always like this. I hope the Cleveland show tries to go with stronger stories and character development, which his character's nature should dictate.
  12. I find it fascinating that Jeff actually had two guitar styles, his innovative lap guitar blues as well as his Django/Charlie Christian inspired hollow-body electric jazz, with his guitar held normal. The first time I saw Jeff playing jazz at The Rex shocked me because I'd never seen Jeff play and hold his guitar in a normal fashion, and he was unbelievably adept at it. His more famous blues was innovative, but often really flashy. There was no flash to his jazz. It was honest and emotional. Jeff was a wonderful musician and a fine coronet player as well.
  13. Devastating news. Jeff was actually a better traditional jazz guitarist than a blues player. I loved that he was a jazz historian and radio personality as well... and I loved his jazz band. Sad.
  14. If I asked the director and/or producers of today's broadcast why they cut to a comercial break during a homerun, no matter what they answered, they would be wrong.
  15. I was at a funeral this weekend and my friend sent me the email regarding this show when I was away and I only read about it today. I hope a few of you can make it down. I hope there'll be another one for John too.
  16. To the former sheet-metal worker, The Detours/High Numbers and early Who leader... and to the just ok actor, Townshend and Moon beater, rudimentary guitarist, passable harmonica player, brutal tambourine man, bad songwriter, fashion-trend failure, insightful interpreter, occasionally annoying to great singer, eternal 4th place Who on-stage finisher AND the only Who member you'd like to have a beer with: Roger Daltrey turned a healthy-looking 64 yesterday. Happy Birthday Roger! Keep on aging gracefully.
  17. It almost feels too soon to spin-off The Family Guy. The show's supporting characters have started to feel developed only in the last few years. Let's hope Cleveland's jive-talking ex-wife is included in the cast.
  18. City also cut to a break DURING a homerun.
  19. Shameful broadcast. It was nothing more than a giant Rogers infomercial.
  20. In fairness, it's not all horrible. It is only spring training and City's Kathryne Humphries' roving reporting is pretty entertaining. She is one of the best and funniest sports announcers in the country. The Fan's fluff-reporter Barb DiGiulio is more in her element doing spring training nothing stories.
  21. Fox is also planning on spinning off Prison Break - I believe both shows were mentioned in the same press release. I'll watch both spin-offs.
  22. I know Sundin's big points years are gone, but I really love his all-round game the older he gets. He's been a near proto-ypical power-forward only after he turned 30... and I think he will drop the gloves before he retires.
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