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mister slippery

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Posts posted by mister slippery

  1. That's really sad.

    RIP Corey.

    I remember several years ago (5? 8? God, I've been at this bookstore a while now!) he came into the shop looking for a job, but he was barely coherent. Had something in his hand that might have been a resume, but honestly, we didnt take it. By the time his visit was over, we nearly called security on him, he was pretty volatile.

    All the best, kid.

  2. I'm there!

    Slayer, Testament, Mastodon, Anvil, Fear Factory, and Kataklysm? All on the Saturday? Count me in.

    Don't much care about Alice Cooper, Megadeth, Korn, Hatebreed, or FFDP, but hey, last time I wasn't super-stoked for Warrant, and that kicked my asss.

    Buying tix Saturday!!!

    ps Here's hoping for the Sonicsphere West idea to come true, with the addition of Metallica and Anthrax.

  3. Thanks for that jab Nibbler -

    But I wouldn't put you in the category of music fans that "effectively pay my rent' date=' buy me beer, and put food on your table." I don't think you've ever paid to get in to any of my shows.


    Problem is both your sense of timing and your guitar playing suck. Change the guitar player and I would gladly pay to see HPD.


    In my opinion, you come off as a real prick with this post, nibbler.

    Again, my opinion, but that's low.

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