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mister slippery

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Posts posted by mister slippery

  1. That's pretty incredible mr. s! Did you win a contest or just incredibly well connected?

    Incredibly well connected.

    The stadium's naming rights were just bought by Sun Life. My pops is the Chairman of the Board of Sun Life.


  2. Well, here goes.

    So, I arrived in West Palm, bout noon on Saturday, in time to hit the driving range for a couple of hours before running into my folks. Nice to hit a few, good way to kill a couple hours in my book. Met my family for a quick visit before they went out to dinner and I hopped in the limo to Miami. That's right, unbeknownst to me, I had limo access all weekend. So, off I went to the Owners Party in South Beach. Didn't meet a single owner, but met Venus and Serena Williams, which was pretty cool. Man,those are some large women. I had hoped to meet Common, but Serena said he was elsewhere that night. Oh well. Was only there for about an hour or so, but it had been a long day, so I headed back to West Palm to rest up for a busy Sunday.

    Sunday morning, I woke up to realize that my folks have a 24hour soccer channel, so that meant I could watch CHELSEA BEAT ARSENAL 2-0!!!! What a great start to the day. Eventually, it was time to head to Miami and get it started. Upon arriving in Miami we went to a pre-party in Steve Ross's box, which was pretty neat. The only former Dolphin that was there at that time was Nat Moore, who held most Dolphins receiving records before Clayton and Duper in the 80s. Apparently both of those 2 showed up later but I missed em. Why? Because that was when I was taken on the Field!! Holy crap. The Saints were warming up 10 feet from me. Upon there retreat to the locker room my liason asked if I wanted to do anything special. I said I wanted to lay my hand on the NFC logo in the end zone, and was told that that'd be no problem, and doing that was great. It's the little things, sometimes. Soon enough, game time. You know of the game, you probably wantched the game if yer reading this, so I'll just cover the "extras". For example, it became clear that in the box next to ours were the Black Eyed Peas. Now, I've not liked the since they hired the hooker meth addict, but to each there own. The point is, when it was found out that they were there the crowd went nuts. Then, people in our box looked at me as the only one under 50 and said, "That kid will want his picture taken with Fergie. So, once logistics and bodyguards had been sorted, off I went for a photo with Fergie. By this point, the whole end of the stadium was cheering Fergie's name. So, I got to their box where Will.I.Am, Tabu (sp?), and Apl D Ap (sp?) greeted me like long lost friends, while Fergie's manager told us that the crowd had her totally freaked out and she wasn't moving. That's understandable, but meant I had a pic taken with the good 3 Peas. Suited me fine. The Who I've seen before, but at the Super Bowl it was a blast, sounded good live. After that, a good fun 2nd half, and out into the night.

    Whew, guess that's it. I had a blast, was treated like a king be Dolphins staff, and I can't wait to go back.


  3. since this forum conveniently exists.....

    Dear BlackHawks,

    would you please trade us Patrick Sharp? He'll look good with Kessel, and we'll give you Exelby and Ponikarovsky. Rather have Finger? Fine. Rather have Stempniak? No problem? Weed? Concert Tickets? Whatever. Just please, can we have Patrick Sharp?

    Thank you for your time,

    Mister Slippery

  4. Love these moves.

    We were nothing.

    Now we're different.

    Can't hurt' date=' imo.


    Typical Leaf fan, cant think this one through.

    ::edit for poor skills on my part::

    And with their next 2 first round picks going to the Bruins?

    Wow. Good luck with all of that.

    Look, "imo" means "in my opinion". Geez, are you just paid to piss all over everything here, or just the parts I read?

    We are last in the Eastern Conference. What are we gonna do, go last - 1? No, we're last. Toskala hasn't stopped a thing since he got here, Giguere is a #1 goalie who has an existing relationship with our goaltending coach. Can't hurt.

    Ian White has had a good year, but gives the puck away far too much, and will likely have his salary doubled or tripled. Moving him, can't hurt.

    Matt Stajan will prob be a good 3rd line centre. That was not going to be his role on our team so he was expendable. Therefore, can't hurt.

    Mayers wanted out. He's out. Can't hurt.

    Phaneuf, Beauchemin, and Kaberle are top 3 on a good hockey team. Seems like a good thing that we have them. Therefore, IMO, can't hurt.

    Again, this is my opinion. I just figured when I made my original post yesterday and saw Booche joining in the thread that there would be some reason to check back today.

  5. Someone should go dressed as a giant cock and see if they get in!


    I'm still gonna head down tonight, and look for a cheapie.

    I wanna see it, even if it is a trainwreck. One of my favorite shows was GNR, about a month pre-Appetite, and it'd be fun to redo it now, just for youth's sake.

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