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mister slippery

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Posts posted by mister slippery

  1. There are only 2 assumptions I am willing to make out of all of this because the story is so grey and murky.

    1 - Mike Danton was fuckedup for a while there.

    2 - He has gotten a 2nd chance and is trying to better himself.

    One conclusion I am willing to make is that David Frost is dangerous and probably a sociopath.

    I think that's 100% accurate Booche.

    I agree with you.


  2. I was reading something about this (unless he had another tape?).

    Apparently Vivid (some porn company) advertised a prize of $1 000 000 to anyone who could disprove it was Hendrix. Nobody collected. Apparently he'd just gotten a video camera in, I believe, 1969 which he used constantly. Guess you shouldn't film EVERYTHING.


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