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mister slippery

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Posts posted by mister slippery

  1. I've only seen one Dylan show.

    It sucked, although the company was great. (Large Marge took me as a birthday gift.)

    Can't imagine I will ever bother seeing him again.

    I did, however, own a copy of "Blood on the Tracks" at the age of 5.

    Now, my question is.....

    How big of a fan am I? I'd hate for my longtime admiration of the man to have all been in vain because someone on the internet says so.


  2. Top 10 not played during mister slipperys 20 shows


    1. Hold yer Head Up

    2. Poor Heart

    3. Fee

    4. Uncle Pen

    5. The Landlady

    6. Rocky Top

    7. Sweet Adeline

    8. Slave to the Traffic Light

    9. Horn

    10. Buried Alive

    This summers Darien got Rift off my list (finally!), what's Detroit got for me?

    As an aside, man, I'm having a lot of trouble spelling Detroit, think I've had to change it every time. :)

  3. Roll Call: Has not received Fall Tour Tickets from Phish's Lottery...

    Should I be worried yet?

    My Dtroits shipped yesterday (Mon)' date=' so hopefully you'll be all right.


    Update, my Detroits are now somewhere in Toronto, but my roomate was in the shower and didnt answer the door.

    Hope yers arrive soon, YATS.

    Update, my Detroits are at my house, looking sexy.

    Any news, YATS?

  4. Roll Call: Has not received Fall Tour Tickets from Phish's Lottery...

    Should I be worried yet?

    My Dtroits shipped yesterday (Mon)' date=' so hopefully you'll be all right.


    Update, my Detroits are now somewhere in Toronto, but my roomate was in the shower and didnt answer the door.

    Hope yers arrive soon, YATS.

  5. Thank you.

    I always think of my Grandfather who was at Vimy Ridge, Paschendale and all the other Canadian hot spots.

    Got gassed and shot.

    Luckily when he was shot he was reaching for ammunition and the sniper's bullet aimed at his heart hit his arm.

    Thanks Grandpa


    Thanks, localgrandpa.

  6. nice picture.

    Today, I feel very lucky, due to the contributions of those who came before me.

    "Rest eternal, grant unto them, O Lord,

    and let light perpetual shine upon them.

    May they rest in peace."

  7. I won a hat but got sick of holding it. Who knows where it wound up...

    Retarded question though: What does 'Jack on the rocks" refer to? What does anything on the rocks refer to? Crack' date=' baby! Yeah...[/quote']

    Jack Daniels with ice.

    Dude, you missed my point. I didn't win the hat for saying 'Crack.' I know it's ice. Anything on the rocks is ice. Just a retarded, not very Jack Daniels-esque, question...



  8. All' date=' I really got from yer answer was a guess, which aint really what I'm looking for.


    Sorry if a) my sarcasm was lost on you and b)jambands.ca isn't the source of all your yellowing carding answer needs.

    Yes, yes, we've done the diving thing already, Eduardo, put a new record on.

    I'm fairly certain you were one that had that record on repeat. For fucks sake, don't give if you can't take.

    :content: Point taken.

    I haven't been able to find any explanation for his card, which was why I asked. Found a couple reports saying that when he was subbed off 10 mins later he was being examined for breathing difficulties, which could be a result of a set of cleats to the chest. Might've explained the on-field twitching too.

    I'd just like to hear a report, officially.

    Yer right, though, Sloth, it's tougher to take when it's yer own, I just really don't believe he was faking it.

    And, Ollie, yes he is.


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