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mister slippery

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Posts posted by mister slippery

  1. It's funny to me, anyway.

    Q - What's the difference between myself and Brett Favre?

    A - I'm going to the Super Bowl!!!!!

    Holy crap, I can't even believe it. Woulda loved to be there with my Vikes, but Colts/Saints is gonna be a monster.


    Yay, me.

  2. I thought this was to be about torturing people.

    Anyway, on that note, i think the Wu Tang Clan said it best......

    "I'ma sew your asshole shut, and keep feedin' you, and feedin' you, and feedin' you."


    That's some pretty intense punishing going on there. I sure wouldn't create/distribute another virus if that was the punishment for the first one.

  3. Sorry Julia,

    I didn't intend this as a "Lets ask Julia for stuff" kinda thread, just hoping for some luck.

    You've hooked me, and a lot of this board, up with various goodies in the past, and I hope you know how much you are appreciated.

    All the best.


  4. I got the email from Scene a couple days ago saying I won tix for GnR in Hamilton. A buddy and myself are using them though, if I hear of anyone else not using them I'll diret em your way.

    Oooh, so the emails are still coming?

    Thanks, Esau, that's the kind of news I was hoping for.

    Not to ignore you ollie, but I dunno how the shows have been. Somebody said that there were shows in Japan (i think) which were 3plus hours in length, but i know little.

  5. Sloth,

    Are you actually a Cowboys fan, or is it just something to do with the article you posted that I didn't read yet?

    We've already got a good Arsenal/Chelsea thing, do we actually have a Cowboys/Vikings thing brewing as well?


    All the best.

  6. I've entered every contest out there, trying not to spend too much money right now, and especially for a very unproven GNR, but have had no luck.

    No, they are not playing together, if my thread title might be unclear.

    My question is this? Anyone have access to cheap/free tix for either of these? Seems to me there were tix won by some folks here through SCENE, and I wondered if somebody won, but wasn't gonna use em. I will buy em off you.

    Otherwise, I'll check stubhub as they approach, just thought I'd see if this might turn anything up.

    Thanks in advance, you wonderful people.

  7. This thread is a wonderful testament to a well-loved man.

    I don't think I knew Jesse, but obviously many here did, and there are some lovely words in here.

    Jambands.ca, yer good people.

    Eric, condolences to you and those around you.

  8. Happy New Year, everybody.

    I hope it treats you all great.

    Special wishes to shainhouse, may your passage back and forth across the ocean be significantly easier than last year, and to Large Marge, knowing that 2010 is gonna be real different for you. All the best, with new home and with new baby.

    To the rest of you, keep on kicking ass, you all rule.


  9. Brodeur






    Neidermayer ©





    Crosby (A)



    Iginla (A)






    E. Staal



    hmmmmm........ As long as Marty starts, I'm happy, but a total lack of Flames D seems odd.

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