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Posts posted by jayr

  1. Terrible news. Of all things, my mother has tickets to see him for the first time, when he was to play soon in Orillia.

    Yeah, my girlfriend and her sister had tickets for the 6th at Rama for their Mom for Christmas wrapped and everything when we heard on Christmas day. Sucks. I'm glad I saw him a few years ago at Bonnaroo.

  2. O: People look for the solution to life's issues through celebrities and rock stars.

    Trey: That's the most bizarre thing I've ever heard in my life, that anyone would... Did you ever see the episode of The Simpsons where Lisa becomes a vegetarian? She tells Homer about how she met Paul and Linda McCartney, and he says, "Rock stars. Is there anything they don't know?" I think that really sums it up. If there is a God, He's definitely a rock star.

  3. The flow over the American Falls was stopped completely for several months

    in 1969. The idea was to determine the feasibility of removing the large

    amount of loose rock from the base of the falls to enhance it's appearance.

    In the end the final decision was that the expense would be too great.

    Our Side is Better!!


  4. I think you'd probably be getting the best of the deal in that trade. Does your Ibanez have a hard case? Does the Epiphone come with a hard case? I personally like both. I'm not much of a tremolo guy though, usually you break a string and the whole guitar goes out of tune which makes changing strings an olympic sport when playing live but thats just my opinion although I have never used a Bigsby..........

    EDIT: Oh also, switching out pickups or even fixing the electronics in a Hollow Body like these takes the dexterity and patience of a grade "B" superhero. All the work has to be done through the f-holes. Real tricky, unless you are a guitar tech or know one...........

  5. gateway effect that does exist is "more likely to be social than pharmacological," occurring because marijuana "introduces users to a provider (peer or black marketeer) who eventually becomes the source for other illicit drugs." In other words, the gateway isn't marijuana; it's laws that put marijuana into the same criminal underground with speed and heroin.


  6. Tom Riley, a spokesman for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, cited examples of foreign countries that have struggled with big crops used to produce cocaine and heroin. "Coca is Colombia's largest cash crop and that hasn't worked out for them, and opium poppies are Afghanistan's largest crop, and that has worked out disastrously for them," Riley said. "I don't know why we would venture down that road."

    Comparing Cocaine & Opium to Pot is not Fair. Also, I don't think too much of anything has worked out for Afghanistan in recent years. Also these countries attempt to export their highly addictive drugs while the U.S. has enough demand to meet (obviously) in their own country.

  7. I think Post Phil & Friends @ Molson Ampitheatre 2000-07-18? Maybe?

    This is first time I heard of them. Got a disc with a few live tracks and some studio stuff. My friend ran into the lead guitarist and asked him what he thought of the Phil show and he said he couldn't go because he had to set up for his show. Thats how I remember it...........

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