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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. reminds me of a certain night many years ago that a certain pair who shall go unnamed climbed into a pickup truck with a very crunken son of a mechanic and took a "tour" of the quarry in Kgtn twp... while enjoying the *sunshine of california*
  2. cuntybollocks! that sounds incredible. i can only imagine the goosebumps
  3. puts booche's casserole dish predilection to shame. actually it even might give him something to *reach for*
  4. if you could post alink to their specials of the week while you're at it, that'd be great
  5. i worked in a steel yard for a summer- it was horrendous and really hot. there was a crazy heat wave that summer and sitting atop rebar cutting it with a torch was hellish. 'would blow out black crap from my nose afterward, not a healthy place to be really. also broke a couple of fingers there, and was lucky not to lose the ends of my fingers in the process. that said i've never been as strong as i was that summer and certainly never will be again i can't believe how often i'd go boosing during the week back hten- mind boggling really. one time my grandparents (Oma & Opa) came to visit us, i got home from work and my Opa (who was a blue collar worker all his life) just grinned when he saw me, filthy and exhausted
  6. oh yes and cowboy shirts are designed to be worn dirty
  7. i'm sure it's open already drawk, but the shoves are on around 11:00 or so, i'd guess the 'skies are on at 9:45
  8. http://www.football365.com/john_nicholson/0,17033,8746_2253596,00.html
  9. maybe Doritos will stump up and sponsor a lawsuit for him mmmmmmmm Doritos
  10. Agreed. I'm bet there would have been stronger action taken, opposed to five marijuana supporters with signs standing across the street[color:blue], smoking bombers.
  11. Not at all sure how well these protests work but if there's enough of them maybe the idiots in charge won't think they've gotten away scot free (again) I'll be writing in when i get home
  12. shocked. fucking gobsmacked. the adrenaline is going to keep me up all night i just pray that there's a formal complaint, protest, anything hell i just tried calling the CSA but got nowhere anyone know a good csa extension to leave outraged calls at?
  13. dave i apologise for leaving the rather sweary message i left on your home phone- are you at work?
  15. bah, whatever you have on right now should be fine
  16. I think it was Kingston's own Portsmouth Tavern that put you off, way back when. They could probably grow mushrooms out of their beer lines and taps. 'Course back then you could smoke indoors as well and that place was theee smokeyest bar ever (you'd be in there for all of 10 minutes and your clothes would stink of smoke the next day) which made us think that that was the reason for the hangovers (not to mention the epic sessions) ahhh the Ports....
  17. i'll drink to that^
  18. i found it a touch insipid
  19. oh yes and whatever you do don't let POG poison yuor mind into thinking that there's anything worthwhile about the Toronto Maple Leaves i just hope it's not too late
  20. we were hanging out with some friends of friends the other day, two of them were crackerjacks as you describe, MS. i laughed at them and asked if it was worth having to drink so much shite for 2 stupid hats. they didn't look too happy, but at least they kinda matched and as for best beer out of a can it's far and away creemore (IMO), although i do prefer it in bottles of course
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