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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. In Ottawa we've got three choices for talk radio

    The CBC (always my choice, but for the summer they were locked out right)

    CFRA (Ottawa's answer to Fox News)

    Team Sports 1200 (all sports, all the time)

    so really, in Ottawa, when The CBC was locked out, there was much selection

  2. what I don't understand is how the presence of Mike made the Benevento Russo Duo so unbearable from an aural stand point (that's right.. I said "aural")

    Ignoring the audience, if she was just listening to the show like on CD or something.. would Mike getting on stage really change how the band sounds to the point where someone would find it unlistenable?

    It's not like he gets up on stage and all of sudden they sound exactly like Phish or anything..

    [color:purple]Closemindedness rocks! :)

  3. I think a lot of hip hop artists do understand the power they hold.. the problem is, none of them have major label support and are all underground.

    It's a crazy cycle really, crap like 50 Cent sells lots of records, so labels go out to look for more artists like 50 Cent, which pushes out more of this "gangsta rap", which people buy because it's easily accessable and rammed down their throats a lot of the time, which shows labels that it sells, and they go out and look for more of the same.

    Like any genre, the real original artists bringing new ideas to the table are swept by the way side, left to struggle with the indepents.

    Lastly, just to possibly cover my ass here. From the records I've heard from 50 Cent, I don't think he's a real major offender here, I'm just using him as a familiar name because I'm not really up on my mainstream hip hop artists.

  4. C-Jane, I hear what you are saying. I fear that I may sound like I'm flip flopping on my position on the issue, and maybe I am.. it's a tough one for sure.

    I don't have anything against labelling products that may be inappropriate for certain audiences, it's good to know about this stuff ahead of time sometimes. I also don't have a problem with limiting access to products to minors.

    I just don't like the idea of a governing body telling me what I can and cannot purchase if I'm of the age of majority and can make up my own mind as to whether I find something offensive or not.

    It's tough though.. where do you draw the line between individual rights and what's best for the society as a whole. Probably something that will never get solved.

    I also commend you for standing up for your morals and ideals by fighting with Much Music. I'm all for protests and what not, even if I don't agree with what the protestors want (not to say I don't agree with you, just in general), as long as everything stays peaceful of course.

    I hope I'm making sense here.. if not I'm sorry.

    It's a killer debate though eh

  5. [color:purple]I dunno Brad.. do you think we really want to get ourselves mixed in with these touring bands from Toronto

    especially a band that has such similar, danceable roots? I mean common.. why would we want to hook up with a band that would provide a night of insane grooves and dancing pleasure.. use your head man


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