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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. I saw some guy skiing down the middle of Argyle Ave (for those of you who don't live in Ottawa, Argyle is a side street just of of Elgin, one of the main streets downtown) this morning on my way to work.. that was almost surreal, except for the fact that I also saw 5 cars stuck in snow banks trying to turn off of the main roads (which had been plowed) onto the side roads (which hadn't).

    I think maybe today the guy on skis had the right idea.

  2. it actually doesn't mean either.. Siobhan is a woman's name (I have a couple of friends named Siobhan).

    if you do a search on Irish baby names you'll get something that reads like this:

    Siobhan is another Irish form of Joan meaning "God is gracious." A popular name in Ireland where the anglicised versions are often used. Siobhan McKenna, an Irish actress who died in 1986, was considered by many as a woman who personified all that was good about being Irish.
  3. it's my understanding that they are just going to play out the shows they purchased for this season and not make any more.

    The official word by Fox, back in late October/early November, was that AD was getting put on "hiatus" (how apporpriate) for the sweeps month of November (don't ask me to explain that logic) so they could really push Prison Break. After that they'd play out the shows they had already purchased and that would be the end of it all.

    Hopefully the AD writters had time to write a final episode. I hate it when shows I like and have invested time into just get yanked and there is no closure. I NEED CLOSURE!!

  4. 3) Rob Frayne can't play the sax anymore since he had a stroke last year. Very, very sad. Last time I talked to him he said he was looking to start playing bazouki.

    holy cow.. I had no idea.. that's sad, but at least he's still out there playing

  5. said keyboardist Rob Frayne

    hmm.. last time I checked Rob Frayne was a saxophonist..

    though he has been known to play piano..

    too bad about the bayou.. it'll be interesting to see what Jed does with it.. I hope it doesn't become another "blues mafia" joint where only a select few local insiders can get gigs.

  6. At least Inglewood Jack Merchandising hasn't pulled all their shows off the Archive... (I see Slammin Jack has a couple up there too).

    [color:purple]I have it from a source close to the band that Inglewood Jack has been in some very serious talks with their record company about whether or not they can keep their shows on archive.org. So far so good, but there may be some conflicts when they release their entire catalogue of live shows as actual records for purchase.


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