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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. maybe I was getting my message mixed up. I wasn't trying to say he was what was wrong with music, but rather trying to say that he is an example of why we shouldn't censor. He created this offensive Slim Shady character very much the same way an author creates an offensive character in a book.

    I'm sorry if I caused a misunderstanding, I think we are both saying the same thing :)

  2. fair enough.. maybe I should have said Slim Shady then, as supposed to Eminem. :)

    I was trying to show him disrespect, just trying to say that he has written songs with the specific purpose of getting people riled up, and his lyrics may or may not be ideas that he as a person actually agrees with. It's my understanding that his Slim Shady character was set up just for that, but I'll admit, I could have it all wrong.

  3. fair enough that some parents suck ass and won't be able to educate their kids in a responsible manner. Of course this also opens the whole debate as to who truely decides what is considered a responsible manner. There are lots of religious freaks out there (strictly as an example) who aren't necessarily dead beats or wife beaters or whatever who teach their kids in a why that I don't think is a responsible manner, but lets not get into that right now.

    It would be great if there was some way that the rest of society could kick in and raise these kids, but I think we'd be in a much worse situation than we are currently in if we really let someone control what people can and cannot listen to, watch, read, whatever even if it is just an honest attempt to make sure our society doesn't become a bunch of sick and twisted sociopaths.

    Though there is not good solution, I'm completely and totally against censorship.

    I guess ultimately this is just another case where humans just suck and are making life difficult for all of us, but how do we all stop being human beings?

  4. I think it's the parents that need to teach the kids. I listened to lots of hardcore rap when I was younger and I always knew the difference between listening to a song and actually approving of the message.

    A lot of these songs are either portrayals of everyday life or characters taken on by the artists. Anyone remember the whole cop killer thing with Ice T? His main arguement was that Steven King could write a story about people kidnapping people and crippeling them because they were obsessed with them (like Misery) and no one says a thing, in fact they even make a movie about it.

    Ice T writes a song about a guy who is so fed up with the police that he decides to start killing them and gets into piles of crap for it.

    Eminem (not that I'm a fan) has made a mint writting raps that are designed to offend and piss of parents and adults. So did Marilyn Manson.

    If parents sit down and educate their children I honestly feel that kids will be able to figure this stuff out on their own. I did at any rate.

    I quickly outgrew a lot of that stuff too. It was fun for a while, made you feel all hardcore and tough and stuff.. but after while it just gets tired and you move on. I doubt guys like 50 cent will any more than a foot note in the history of music (if that even).

    Just my 2 cents

  5. "They are actually trying to re-create an experience that no longer exists."

    Not always. There are lots of tribute acts out there that are doing music by bands that still tour.

    yes, you're right.. I sit corrected

  6. I mark a difference between a cover band and a tribute band.

    I see cover bands (and I'll be the first to admit that I'm currently in at least one.. and have been in many, and probably will be in many more) as part time musicians who like to get together on the weekends with thier buddies and maybe get some gigs and make some coin.

    Tribute bands are a different thing in my head. They are actually trying to re-create an experience that no longer exists. I think it takes a great deal of musicianship to pull something like that off convincingly. And I agree with Freak By Night that a lot of the guys in tribute bands use it as a way to make money to finance other projects. I bet if we looked into the histories of a lot of pro musicians out there we'd find tribute bands (and most certainly cover bands) on their resume.

    And I'll tell you this, I'll take a cover band or a tribute band over a dance club DJ (not a good club DJ, but those crappy college dance club DJs that just spin whatever is hot in the r&b/mainstream rap charts) any day of the week.

  7. so.. I got an email back from Dimitri (local Metal Lord) and he said this:

    I don't really know Killswitch Engage all that well, but Cryptopsy is

    incredibly popular (at least amongst metalheads I know). It's hard to say

    what makes one band better than another. You could apply that question to

    any genre, not just metal. It really comes down to what the person likes to

    listen to. I know a lot of metalheads who hate (listening to) bands like

    Cradle of Filth, Dark Funeral, and Dimmu Borgir because they see bands like

    that "bastardizing" black metal because they incorporate certain elements

    that were typically never found in metal (keyboards or blastbeats, for

    example). Other people love these bands and have no qualms about calling

    them metal. In the end, it really comes down to taste. The guy needs to

    experiment a little with other bands if he's looking for something to get

    into. If he's not into either Killswitch Engage or Cryptopsy, maybe he

    needs to try listening to other genres of metal. Maybe older school stuff.

    There's some amazing musicians in some bands, and some pretty cool concepts

    that others use. I think it's really difficult to try to pinpoint what

    makes one band better than another, since it's entirely subjective. It's

    not an equation that if you have x and y, you will automatically get "great

    band z." If you like it, listen to it. If not, move on.

    I dunno, does that kinda answer the question (albeit in a meandering way)?

    so I dunno.. probably doesn't help you out.. but I tried

  8. I'm going to forward your question off to my buddy Dimitri, who happens to host Ottawa's best metal show, the Monday Night Metal Mayhem on CKCU. He is amy resource to all things metal and I'm sure he'll be able to offer some insight.

    I just want to add, if you are at all into power metal (a genre of heavy metal that is bigger in Europe, especially Northern Europe, that is very melodic and features themes that would be more commonly found in a D&D manual) I recommend checking out 3 Inches of Blood from Victoria BC.. they are amazing!

  9. hey Sharon, congrats on pushing yourself forward and I wish you the best of luck.

    My wife Nat is a graduate of the Interior Design program at Algonquin and now works for foreign affairs. She started in the design division but is currently a logistics officer. All that to say, if you learn lots and apply yourself in school there are lots of avenues that will be open to you beyond the obvious design type jobs.

    Also, if you ever have any questions I'm sure Nat would be more than happy offer answers and thoughts (I love to volunteer my wife for stuff :) )

    Anyway.. good on ya man!

  10. hey thanks guys.. I'm glad everyone really dug the show.. I'm really happy that we are putting something out there that people really dig. I know that we really get off on playing it and it's really nice to know that people get off on hearing it, makes me want to get us booked every weekend :)

    kaytebrACEletrock, we'd love to play Hammertown (I hear everyone down there is 2 legit 2 quit.. yeah.. that was a really lame joke.. sorry).. and Deeps, anytime man.. not sure who to talk to get it set up, maybe Bouche? maybe TomFoolery.. I dunno.. but yeah, love for you guys to come back to town (loved your set) and I'd really love it if we could share the stage again, cuz that was a bloody riot!

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