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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. Who remembers this psychodelic classic? Anyway.. I just found out this morning that Drive In Classics plays it every morning at 7:00am EST (conveniently the same time my wee dog wakes me up to let her out to pee). I loved that show as a kid.. and I hope to love it again as an adult. WOO HOO!!


  2. so.. it's been over 10 years since I've been to a dentist. I just got the bottom half of my mouth cleaned (I go back next week to get the top half done).

    As unpleasant as the whole thing was, all I could think to myself was about Douglas' comment made a few weeks back about how she loves to go to the dentist and get her teeth cleaned. Douglas, you are one strange woman :)

  3. Hey everyone.. for those of you Ottawa people who may be interested, there is a group in the process of putting together two tribute nights for Bruce Blair (of The Bayou, we all remember what went down there).

    Jim Roy (of Jim Roy's Ottawa Blues, Jazz & Swing Guide ), Wayne Nichol, their main working group and blues & jazz sub groups are working towards two tribute nights, one for jazz on Wed, 8 March and one on the blues side Thurs. 9 March.

    Larry Church is coordinating the blues side line-up and Gaby Warren the jazz side.

    They are still very much in the planning stages but are looking for interested bands. If anyone is interested in being a part of the event you can contact either Larry Church at blues4u@rogers.com or Gaby Warren at gjazz@sympatico.ca

    If you just want more information on how you can help get this event going you can contact Jim Roy at jim.roy1@sympatico.ca

    I'll post more info as I get it if people are interested. I've already asked them to contact The Music Never Stopped (always a favourite at The Bayou) to see if they would be up for putting down a few tunes.

    Anyway, there ya go. Hopefully they can pull this off.. could be a couple of great nights of good music and better jams.

  4. man that sucks.. no matter how bizzare the record I went looking for (and sometimes I'm looking for some real strange stuff), if they didn't have it in stock, they could easily order it for me. I love Record Runner!

    man.. first Shake.. now Recrd Runner.. pretty soon I think I'll only buy online

  5. YOU BASTARD!! ha ha!!

    as much as I have the "do what you want in your own home" kinda attitude.. it got really bad a couple of summers ago.

    The guys across the street from us set up a crack take out window.. pretty inventive really. Made it really hard for anyone to catch them in the act because it was over and done with before you had the chance to figure out what was going on.

    I'm still convinced that Hintonburg is a neighborhood to watch though.. it'll take a few years, but it's going to be worth a lot someday

  6. I'd start looking for a place man.. as much as I don't want it to happen..

    I also think Ottawa Centre is going to go to Richard Mahoney..

    and though he totally rubs me like a used car salesman.. I have to say, when I was living in Hintonburg and we were marching the streets to push the crack dealers and pimps out of the neighborhood, though he wasn't our MP, nor was he up for election, he was at every single march.. so I have to say that about him.

    and I don't care what he says.. it's pronounced ma-HO-nee not MA-ha-nee as he claims :)

  7. I think Lee farnworth is much better candidate than John Baird. Those are probably the two only real options you have in that riding. The NDP was very far behind for the last election.

    well that's just it.. Marlene Rivier is so non-present she might as well just drop out now. I'm going to catch the local debates when Rogers runs them but I doubt they will really change my view on her.

    I refuse to vote "strategically" though. I won't vote liberal because I fear the conservative candidate will win and the lierbal candidate has the best chance of beating them. I think that's irresposible voting.

    As it comes down to it, I think John Baird has this riding all wrapped up. He was a very popular MPP and I think that popularity will carry him through this election.

  8. I'm very conflicted this election as to whether I should be voting for my MP or voting for the party as a whole.

    I've never liked the idea of voting for a party as a whole because I always liked the idea that my MP was my voice in the house of commons.

    As I've gotten older though I've realized two things. One, for the most part MPs just tow the party line, so even if you voice is a voice of disagreement with their party, chances are good they'll ignore your voice and vote with the party. Two, for the most part, my day to day life in my riding is not affected by who is representing me federaly, but rather who is representing me provincially and locally.

    I think this election I'm going to be voting for a party as supposed to an MP (cuz don't get me started on my NDP choice in my riding.. good grief), but something about that mindset really rubs me the wrong way. Oh well.. it's only politics eh :)

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