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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. I've got this cool picture disc version of Talking Head's Speaking In Tongues.. plus I've got a sealed copy of Funkentelechy vs. The Placebo Syndrome by Parliament (which includes a poster and comic book).

    oh.. and I've got the first solo album by Steve Cropper called With a Little Help from My Friends.

  2. wow.. radio coverage.. sweet

    yeah.. we'll be rockin with the crazy westerners both Friday and Saturday at The Spirit of Edmonton partyI believe we are on from 9:00-9:45 and then from 10:45-1:30 both nights..

    besides us they apparently have piles of other entertainment including a pipe and drum core and of course cheerleaders..

    I've never done something like this before so I don't know what to expect, but I hear there is no cover so come on out and party!

    and Ollie, if you come out please say hi so I can put a face to the name.. I'll be the guy with the really big saxamaphone

  3. Firefox has been my broswer of choice for the past year or so.. not only is it friendly and opensource.. but it's also web standards compliant (which probably doesn't mean anything to any one other than us web developer/designer types)..

    anyway.. glad so many people are jumping on the firefox bandwagon.. it's an awesome broswer!

  4. I don't wear a poppy, for two reasons I guess.. 1) I'm first generation Canadian, I have no relatives that died for Canada.. but 2) and this is the real reason, I don't wear one because I think it has gotten to the point where people wear them out of duty as supposed to out of reason. Does that make sense?

    I don't like doing things because I'm supposed to.. I prefer to do things because I want to. I contribute, possibly more than most poppy wearers. Whenever I see a poppy box I throw in my loose change (save for maybe loonies and toonies, but those make it in as well). So I feel I totally support Canada's vets, I'm just not as visible about as I can be, and I think I have a right to not wear a poppy if I don't want to, isn't that what they were fighting about as well?

    Anyway, I think I'm going to loose direction here. But I agree with Bouche, people should be allowed to not participate if they don't want to, and don't get mad at the manager of pizza hut if she's/he's not allowed to put out a poppy box. Yeah it's stupid, but it's not his/her fault.

    Also, I still have a scar on my arm from when I got a nasty scratch from a poppy back in high school. Of course I didn't sue anyone though, that's just silly.

  5. it will be interesting to get immigration stats over the next couple of years..

    but you know what.. I doubt many people will leave the US.. I could be wrong.. but I highly doubt it. Yeah.. everyone is all worked up right now, but in a month it'll be business as usual.

    I've got 2 predictions for the next 4 years

    1) the US will constantly be at war for the next 4 years, with either Iraq, Iran or North Korea (who knows.. maybe some other "axis of evil" will pop up as well.. like Cuba.. ohhhh.. watch out.. here come the Cubans!!)

    2) we will see the destruction of the middle class in the US. In 4 years I think the US population will be like the population of England in the 70s.. you are either rich or working class.. then we'll have some fun won't we.

    here's hoping he gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar and we can get a nice impeachment.

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