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Everything posted by ollie

  1. 2-1 Canada final. Was this an eliminiation game? Not totally clear.
  2. 1-1 Canada/Norway after two!
  3. I can't believe DOA are still around. They were already washed up back when I was a teenager.
  4. Hopefully this ends up doing him some good. Maybe Hitch can put a scare in that boy.
  5. Hope you're having a good one! Listened to 5/8/77 yet?
  6. We're looking for a programmer. What is your skillset?
  7. There's your zeitgeist right there.
  8. Funny thing is I find these movies tend to turn people into bleating sheep. It's just that they're bleating for the left instead of the right. I also worry about the negativity they inspire. You can get discouraged pretty quick if you take it all to heart. Not to mention that movies like this tend to prey on people who are already pretty paranoid. I don't see a lot of good out of that.
  9. I thought it was an Alexei Kovalev avatar.
  10. [color:purple]Way to be clutch Heater.
  11. Can ayone recommend a good hotel in Ottawa?
  12. Problem still exists. Anything you can do about it Mike? Seems to be hanging on "adpeeps".
  13. So which one's the winner? FWIW, the art reminds me of Love & Rockets.
  14. Anyone catch the shot at the end with Briere hugging Carbo? Aw.
  15. Greatest board ad ever. Seriously. Wow. I thought the Flyers would be happy to get out of the 2nd down 3-2. Should be a hot finish.
  16. I'm thinking of you Andre!
  17. Happy Birthday Brian!!
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