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Everything posted by ollie

  1. I just hope Bettman doesn't now change his tune that relocation is the last thing he wants for the Predators.
  2. Talk about adding insult to injury. I'm getting frustrated just thinking about it. All the best to you and your friends Rob.
  3. What is "hippiefest"? That's got gold written all over it.
  4. Fantastic Bill Simmons draft diary: Kudos to Canada and the NHL draft
  5. And Mike Awesome committed suicide in February. Fuck.
  6. More sadness in the wrestling world... in reading the message boards I found out that Sherri Martel died in her sleep last week.
  7. Another Low Roller classic.
  8. No idea, I just like the Night Ripper album a lot. I'm a definite newbie to that scene.
  9. Two great shows but I'm putting on my weeknight sissy pants. I might hit Girl Talk on Friday.
  10. I won't disagree with you there, except to extend that sentiment to the entire wrestling world. I can't think of an uglier business.
  11. As far as I know the WWE went with the tribute show before they knew the whole story.
  12. Eerie in the pre-meditation. What do you call it and what is so obvious to you? I mean, it's pretty much a given that every wrestling death has something to do with drugs if that's what you're angling at. Please elaborate.
  13. Wrestling Observer Newsletter is probably the best place to get updates. News coming out that there was a period of time between the killings of Nancy, then son Daniel and finally Benoit's suicide. Eerie.
  14. Unbelievable. I too haven't followed wrestling in a while but was a huge fan at one point. Benoit always seemed like one of the good guys. Can't fathom that he would kill his wife (Nancy Sullivan aka Woman) and their 7 year old son. WTF?
  15. ollie

    Meet Mike Gravel

    Why Hillary Scares Me
  16. Yeah, she tried them but can't get an answer. I've also heard some sketchy stories about U-Haul recently.
  17. But what if you burn your mp3s to CD? Less and less common I know. But it got me thinking... I would probably have hundreds of less CDs in my apartment if it weren't for all the live shows I've downloaded. Not to mention all the mp3 players that are manufactured to house the data. Mp3 players that are becoming more and more disposable as prices go down. I don't think "going digital" is going to cut down on the amount of physical products being produced. We will just produce different types of physical products to compliment the digital component.
  18. Happy Birthday TimmyB!! I hope you enjoy those Genesis concerts in England this summer.
  19. Co-worker is moving at the end of July and is not having much luck renting a truck. Can anyone recommend a good local company? Just need a van rental, no actual movers required.
  20. I'm eating some pizza I just made from scratch, using the dough recipe linked up above and baking it in my oven. It took me 2 and a half hours from the time I started making the dough to the first bite but man is it ever good.
  21. Love the new Capitals jerseys.
  22. I had a half-chicken with coleslaw, beans and cornbread today from Bad Wolf BBQ for $14. I am pleased.
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