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Posts posted by aberg83

  1. Yup, that was the Mamasan trilogy - Alive, Footsteps, and Once.

    They sent him a tape with the music recorded, he took like 72 hours to dub lyrics overtop ... and apparently was surfing the whole time he was thinking up that shit - and yup, hired instantly. His childhood is definitely interesting to read about too and was the source for lots of the lyrics on TEN.

  2. Whether or not this is www.jambands.ca or not, it's obvious that there are enough people here that appreciate non-"jambands". My comments were mostly aimed at the very misinformed and immature post that I quoted in my first reply. Comments like that aggravate me to no end, but I'm not losing sleep over it. I agree with what you're saying Jaimoe, I really do. I don't consider myself short-sighted, I just get my back up when people display such astounding levels of ignorance and fail to give credit to bands where credit is due regardless of whether or not they like the music.

    With respect to Pearl Jam though, their decision to leave the path to over-inflated egoism in 1993 by ceasing to do interviews, videos, singles, and by attacking ticketmaster, etc... I believe those actions gave the band the longevity it now has earned. It bugs me when people crap on the band having only heard TEN songs on the radio. Does the band decide what songs are played on the radio? No. Those songs are played because they are the ones that fall within the early 90s "grunge" label which still takes up radio airplay. I feel the band has only gotten more creative as they've aged, going to the roots of rock and roll, and they've now got their own cult following. All you need to do is read up a little on the band to realize you're not dealing with a stale group still "milking it" from their early successes. I could go on, but I think I'm probably starting to bore people.. in any case, like Eddie Vedder or not, you can't deny his creative genius.

  3. Also, what pisses me off about a lot of people on this board is that they can't break free from the jamband scene once in a while and just appreciate anything slightly more mainstream that is good. What is wrong with some good hard-driven rock and roll? Why do musicians need to circle jerk on their instruments for 30 mins to get a rise out of some of you people?

  4. Pearl jam's record company is probably affiliated with USA today so they just whipped up a list to help promote the struggling Pearl Jam who are, most likely, still milking songs from their first three albums. Which is also too bad, because they had a lot of promise. I also think The Chilly peppers have just had more success at mediocrity (artistically-wise) than pearl jam. And Id bet the farm that if Kurt was still alive, Nirvana would have at least 4 aweful albums under their belt.

    What I guess you don't realize is that Pearl Jam no longer has a record company. Learn the facts before you start trashing a band. They are completely independant now and that's something to respect. They are above all my favourite band and I think it's great to see them make the #1 spot on this list. For those of you that haven't seen them live, I urge you to find tickets for this Canadian tour and GO! You will not be disappointed unless you can't appreciate great rock music. I potentially have a few ottawa tickets so email me if you're interested.

  5. Hey, anybody that hasn't got their moe.down tickets yet... do you wanna share an order so we can save on shipping. You can save as much as $15 CDN per ticket or even more if we pool together and order a bunch of tickets at once cuz no matter how many we order, it's a flat rate $15 USD shipping fee. I missed out on the early bird tickets but they're only $90 now and I wanna jump on 'em.... let me know!

  6. Count me in.. I just found out about this show today from bradm and have been downloading some shows off the archive.. these guys are intense. I'm looking forward to it! I'm curious about the timing also since I'll be doing some taping too. Any word on realistic start times?

  7. ps- Thanks for taping Aberg. Sorry for the lack of 'weight'.

    It might take some time my friend, but I think I'll manage. By the way, the new track "get what you give" is stunning and the whole disc has a very complete professional feel to it. I wish you guys the very best with it! Cheers.

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