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Irie Guy

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Everything posted by Irie Guy

  1. Hey Skelter, keep checking on it throughout the day. I was in the same boat as you on Monday. By the end of the day I managed to get a login.
  2. Cheers and thanks Alabama Man. I managed to sneak a Login @ Dime by checking every now and again throughout the day. Got the show, it really f*ckin pleases me. Good memories from Friday Night. It will be even sweeter when I pass it on to my boss who finally showed up during Best of You.
  3. Wow, who can e-mail this torrent file?? I guess I don't have an easytree account anymore. I know I used to.
  4. Pretty Much 7:30 on the nose they came on stage.
  5. You almost echo my sentiments from Friday. Dylan is Dylan and he did what I expected. as such I enjoyed him. But as you mentioned the Foo's really took me by surprise. I don't own a Foo CD, that is about to change. I am going to pick up the Live Album tomorrow. Dave Grohl really showed himself that night. Good on him.
  6. We were there Friday night as well. I enjoyed it. We were at the back of the floors doing the hippie shake. I always take my Dylan with a lot of salt, however. It's not something that everyone can stomach. What really impressed me were the Foo's. Dave Grohl really did his best to put on a show. Hey Willy I guess we'll see you tomorrow at Los Lobos. Looking forward to that one as well.
  7. If I was a woman and I could get away with it I would give Ann Coulter a smack down.
  8. Also during the Halloween 2000 run in New Orleans, they opened the 3 night run with Sweet Leaf. I remember being in the arena and hearing those opening chords. The crowd went nuts of course. Oh I miss the days of being able to travel. I'm incredibly jealous of all of you who make it out to shows still. 10/27/00 Kiefer Lakefront Arena, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 1: Sweet Leaf > One Arm Steve > Makes Sense To Me, This Part Of Town > Driving Song > Thought Sausage > Driving Song > Diner, Ain't Life Grand 2: Cream Puff War, Dyin' Man, Mercy > Pigeons > Jam* > Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys* > Drums** > Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys***, Stop Breakin' Down Blues, West Virginia, The Waker, Love Tractor E: Arleen > Climb To Safety * with Jay Rodriguez on saxophone ** with Bill Ware on marimba, Christopher Theberge on percussion, Genji Siraisi on drums *** with Jay Rodriguez on saxophone, Uli Geissendoerfer on keyboards [First 'Stop Breakin' Down Blues'; "Daddy tired" rap by JB after 'Thought Sausage'; 'Here Comes The Sun' tease by Dave after 'Drums'; Groove Collective opened; Last 'Sweet Leaf' - 03/30/98, 279 shows]
  9. Too bad, Johnny Lydon won't make a guest appearance. We sure are into a World Destruction, The human race is becoming a disgrace.
  10. Well I guess I will brag a little here. My wife and I met Dave Schools way back in Dec 99 in the Atlanta airport. We got on the tram to go back to the main terminal and Dave got on the train. Talked a little bit at the time about them not playing Canada and a few other things. He was a genuine nice guy. Going back a little bit more when the Furthur Festival ventured to TO we were vending inside Molson Amphtitheatre and when my wife went back to the car at one point she bumbed into Mickey Hart and shot the shit with him about a few things. The stranger thing was later that night when we were crossing the border heading to Hershey who is standing in line in front of us at the Fort Erie Duty Free. Bob Weir. It was late and he was buying himself a bottle of Crown Royal. We shared a few words and he wished us well on our drive down to Hershey. Later that same summer I had the pleasure of meeting Ziggy Marley talking to him and shaking his hand. This was while we were working at the CNE. That same stretch we got Ken Kesey's autograph whil the Furthur bus was on display at the CNE. Going way back when I was 16 I was wondering down Kings Rd in London England. I came out of a store and walked straight into Rick Okasek. Don;t know how I didn't see him coming he must be 6'5". Anyhow those are our brushes with ROck Royalty.
  11. You can also give Poisoned a shot. It doesn't have all the Bells & Whistels of Azeurus but it works just fine for me. Poisoned And yes the Mighty Mouse makes things a lot easier. Can quite get the side buttons to work though.
  12. Yes that was us with the pop can. How very Mcagyver like. Los Lobos has been one of those bands that I have meant to see again for a long time. Only been able to catch them at a couple different festivals years back. Always thought they would be great to see in a bar where you can really cut loose. Hamilton Place will have to do.
  13. Looks like Jenn & I will be right beside you in Seats 5 & 7. As long as she isnt working. Anyhow, Willy we met you a few years back. Your muffler tape really helped us limp into Bonnaroo 03. We still arrived via tow truck but hey thats OK.
  14. Saw Greg Allman & Friends Jan 1, 2000 down in Hotlanta. Thought it was a real yawner off a show. Mind you we just came off 2 nights of down and dirty Panic. I wouldn't pay to see them again.
  15. Another Loud memory would be The Ramones in Bala in 92 I think. Spent a good chunk of the show out back on the deck as it was too loud inside to enjoy.
  16. Shriekback - 1989/90?? Concert Hall Big Black Nemesis, parthenogenesis No one move a muscle as the dead come home
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