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Irie Guy

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Everything posted by Irie Guy

  1. Push comes to shove, if you are going to jump into something like Facebook and not read about your security settings and willy nilly accept friends you dont even know, well then expect the possibilty of problems. I love all these pics younger ones like to post of themselves hitting the bong online. Put your thinking cap on folks. The net is not a safe place to open up to the world.
  2. Cheers for that, theres a few ill drink anyhow. I get to see how the other half lives at Bally McKeough in the afternoon should be interesting.
  3. I understand it is part of Wheels Inn???
  4. All right Chathamites, I am in the neighbourhood on Sunday and the coworkers want to go to Axel Annie's for drinks after the late afternoon book launch social. What sort of lameness am I in for. Do they at least have a good draught selection???
  5. It's really amazing how much a frickin idiot this man really is and it's even more amazing that Americans put him in power not once but twice.
  6. I've heard before that she has a thing for gardening in the buff
  7. Well I am too, but I certainly don't look that good naked!!!
  8. Ding Dang were at Par!!! I guess the other question when buying through the US is how many people have 30k sitting at their disposal. If you are putting it on a LOC, quite often the manufacturer financing rate is cheaper than the bank rate. I got 0% for 5 years this summer on a new Dodge which saves quite a chunk of money.
  9. The one thing to watch out for is that most manufacturers will not honour the US warranties. I believe Toyota is the only manufacturer that will honour it. Subaru requires you to pay for the repair and then submit a claim to Subaru US. A lot more info on the subject can be seen here http://www.redflagdeals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=477998
  10. http://www.roythomson.com/eventInfo.cfm?E=2101&YearMonth=2007,11
  11. Cant see how you buy ticks for the 29th yet though
  12. What is the deal with the Bid for seats bullshit. Ticketmaster is now scalping their own seats for whatever the market can bare. I call crap on that!!!
  13. I was really hoping more to be able to get the shirts, cds and I think Kit Kat stickers to someone related to the the Fatties and they can decide what to do with them. Edger, Draw Bar message me an address and ill get the things packaged up and sent off.
  14. Well here's a snapshot in time for the Fatties from 10 years ago. It took me a few days to dig through some old computer files to find it, the fonts may be off but hey. Cheers to the Fatties for many many memories I wish Jenn and I could join you guys but the twins come first. Fat Cats Newsletter - Spring 97 I have 40 odd "Daredevil" T-Shirts that weve moved probably 6 times in the last 10 years that I'd love to send to someone I think we even have 20 or so Daredevil CD's somewhere as well.
  15. Keep Trying Kids, Just got some for Monday with a friends CC
  16. got ticks in my cart but it wont process my card (music today) tried 2 different cards fuck anybody else have this problem
  17. All I can say is that is fcked up. Crazy nutters. Why would you want to screw with your sight like that.
  18. Why o why does music sometimes end up in a loop. Saturday on our drive down to Cambridge we remembered about 32 just outside Listowel. Heard a great Eyes > China Doll from 72 I think and then 20 minutes later it starts up again. What the F*ck is that. This seems to happen on other stations too, MArgaritaville, Jam-On, the Reggae Station. Does someone walk away from the controls do they have some crazy random algorithm for picking the songs that is in now way random and nobody pays attention to it.. I really don't understand it. Rant off. Sirius Rocks!
  19. Take a peek here. Everymac Page I wouldnt pay any more than $400 for that mind you. Pretty long in the tooth. You would need a bigger HD and more memory to really do anything useful with it nowadays. Mind you if all you are going to do is surf, email and use office. IT should suffice. Also that machine is really 6 years old not 4.
  20. Willy you got close to what you want. 160GB iPod Classic but that iPod Touch sure looks sweet too.
  21. Well that one unfortunately was true Chris Gaines
  22. Introducing the Behemoth! http://attraction.canadaswonderland.com/
  23. The Jam should definitely be on that list and if we are pipe dreaming about Bands where an original member isn't with us anymore let's get some sort of Clash back together.
  24. I love this show too. The Bowie episode from a couple weeks back was brilliant.
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