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Everything posted by bradm

  1. Only if they get the right theme song. Aloha, Brad
  2. How the heck did you get it on...no, wait, I don't want to know... http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a2_191.html Aloha, Brad
  3. bradm

    The Slip?

    I think my first show of theirs was 2002-11-24 at Le Swimming in Montreal; that was the show where they couldn't get across the border, went back, ditched their gear, came across as tourists, borrowed gear from the sound man (and his punk band), and proceeded to lay waste to everybody who was there. I think my next time seeing them was in Ottawa, at Babylon with nero opening up, in mid-2003 (?). Aloha, Brad
  4. I'm in the same quandry, bouche, and I think it stems from (us) not being in day-to-day contact with the homeless and their experiences. I think the best way for the homeful to help the homeless is to provide resources (money, food, etc.) to reputable agencies (e.g., the United Way, the Ottawa Food Bank, the Salvation Army) that are in contact with them, and can back up the money/food/clothing help with other resources, such as access to programs to help those homeless who want to get off the streets. Aloha, Brad
  5. [color:purple] Well' date=' there'd have to be different categories of fighting (boxing, bare-knuckle fighting, ultimate, wrestling, etc.), with weight classes, and maybe even a separate set of categories for people who want to fight as a pair with their animals by their sides (with vets to check out the animals). There'd be a set of categories for women, a set of categories for men, and even a mixed (man vs. woman) category. There wouldn't be any separation for the gender of the animals because, well, that'd be just silly. [/color'] Aloha, Brad How about crack addict w/scitzophrenia verses a suicidal meth head w/violent dillusions of grandeur...kinda thing? [color:purple] Probably not. First, in order for it to be voluntary, the people volunteering would have to be mentally competent, and severe drug addiction and/or schizophrenia would almost certainly make a person incompetent. Second, it would cause a big increase in the number of categories: we already have {fighting styles} x {weight classes} x {with animals or without} x {men vs. women vs. mixed}; add in {mental disease} x {choice of addicting drug}, and there'd be 'way too many. Aloha, Brad
  6. You need a library card to use the computers, and I think that requires either a home or work address in Ottawa (and proof of the address, like a phone or hydro bill). Aloha, Brad
  7. [color:purple] Well, there'd have to be different categories of fighting (boxing, bare-knuckle fighting, ultimate, wrestling, etc.), with weight classes, and maybe even a separate set of categories for people who want to fight as a pair with their animals by their sides (with vets to check out the animals). There'd be a set of categories for women, a set of categories for men, and even a mixed (man vs. woman) category. There wouldn't be any separation for the gender of the animals because, well, that'd be just silly. Aloha, Brad
  8. [color:purple]Instead of a tourist kiosk, how about we replace it with a boxing/fighting ring? We could have the homeless fight it out, put a betting system in place (with the city taking a cut), and sell stuff (t-shirts, posters, etc.). It'd be on a purely voluntary basis (maybe with those homeless who get arrested/convicted given the chance to go a few rounds instead of being incarcerated), and medical care (probably without drug tests, though) would be provided to the combatants athletes before and after each match. With city official supervision, the homeless could also be used to promote and administer/staff (e.g., selling stuff) the events. How's that for a "businesslike look", Mr. Mayor? Aloha, Brad
  9. [color:purple]Here's an idea: combine the "Help for the homless" idea with the "Feed the animals" idea, and feed the animals to the homeless. We could also use the animals' coats to help keep the homeless warm in the winter. (I didn't say it was a good idea...) Aloha, Brad
  10. Contact thatpatguy, I know he has them (or has had them made). (IIRC, he had them done at an Ottawa hospital, and part of the process of getting them made involves a serious cleaning-out of your ear canals, and that alone improves your hearing noticably.) Aloha, Brad
  11. If you haven't done it yet, and like the heavier/funkier HH, go to http://www.ropeadope.com and click on "Podcasts". There are a couple of podcast entries featuring live Headhunters-era (and a bit past that) Herbie Hancock tracks (including one with Jaco Pastorius). Aloha, Brad
  12. bradm

    The Slip?

    Having been in the opening band of a three-band bill, the first band often gets squeezed as well, between the lateness of arrival of people, and the need to finish early enough to allow the second (and then third) band a good amount of stage time. Aloha, Brad
  13. How about chocolate mocha cake for breakfast, to give the added benefit of a morning cup of coffee? (Or chocolate banana cake. ) (My Dad, the youngest of three, was born in 1934, and thus grew up during the Great Depression. One of his favourite desserts as a child was stale chocolate cake with milk on it: you could get older, stale chocolate cake from the bakery for a lot less than the fresh stuff, and if you poured milk on it, you ended up with something soft, tasty, edible. I figure it wasn't much different from some of the sugar-laden breakfast cereals of today.) Aloha, Brad
  14. For those who are going, this is the most recent uploaded show by the opening act. I gave it a listen, and it's not bad. Not great, pretty mainstream blues/rock/soul, with competent musicianship. Aloha, Brad
  15. I'm just finishing listening to Donavon Frankenreiter Band 2006-11-14, in prep for his/their opening up for Gov't Mule on Dec. 1. It's not bad, pretty straight soul/blues/rock. Donavon has a pretty "smooth" voice, without much in the way of "pushed" vocal tones. The keyboards, drums, and lead guitar are competent, but not outstanding. In general, the music is pretty palatable, and fairly mainstream. After listening to it, I'm interested, but not especially excited, to see him/them open for Gov't Mule. Aloha, Brad
  16. I fully support all Canadian troops in Afghanistan having and and enjoying an (or at least one) orgasm on Dec. 22. Aloha, Brad
  17. bradm

    The Slip?

    According to http://theslip.com/calendar.php#13581 Aloha, Brad
  18. bradm

    The Slip?

    Yeah, that's one of the things that's making me not want to do the Guelph > Hamilton > Toronto run: three acts before The Slip in Guelph and Hamilton, two before The Slip in Toronto. Add in the likelihood of The Slip playing very similar set lists from night to night (not to mention similar ones to ones they've played recently), and I'm passing on this run and waiting for the Ottawa show (at which there'll be two openers). Aloha, Brad
  19. bradm


    Fug. Thanks, AD. I don't know how it happened, but I guess the system thought I had specified "Don Valley" when I'm sure I specified "Downtown." I just got off the phone with Priceline, and they cancelled the reservation, at a charge of $100 ($25/night). If I re-enter the request, I can get $75 of that back. I'm not sure if I will or not. (I've booked with Travelodge, but I can cancel that right up to Friday, Dec. 1.) Aloha, Brad
  20. bradm


    This sucks. I got in at the Crowne Plaza Don Valley, which is at f*cking 1250 Eglinton Ave. East, which is nowhere close to downtown. (I did it using 3* for US$54.00.) I'm seriously contemplating eating the charge and booking at Travelodge. Aloha, Brad
  21. bradm


    Something's wrong, because I put "59" in the price field, and clicked "Next", but it still thinks I mean US$49.00. Basher, any ideas? Should I go back to the start? Aloha, Brad
  22. bradm


    Well, it couldn't find anything. Should I increase my price to, say, US$59? Aloha, Brad
  23. bradm


    I'm really uncomfortable with the name-your-own-price thing; I really want to select (and scope out) a hotel first, then decide if/whether I want it; I'm really particular when it comes to things like location and facilities (esp. breakfast). Buying blind kind of scares me, especially because Velvet, phorbesie and I are trying to co-ordinate our stays, and Velvet got a certain hotel, but I'm not sure I'll get the same one (especially because I'm staying longer: Friday night through Monday night vs. Sunday/Monday night). I'm at the point where it's asking me for my credit card info, after which I can click on the "buy" button. Somebody please tell me to go for it. Aloha, Brad
  24. Sandwiches again for me: whole wheat bread, black forest ham, swiss cheese, romaine lettuce, sliced plum tomatoes. Aloha, Brad
  25. According to http://www.ottawaxpress.ca/music/artist.aspx?iIDGroupe=12844 The John Henrys will be playing at Irene's Pub in Ottawa on Saturday, Nov. 25, with Lil' Andy & the Karaoke Cowboys (which I've never even heard of, let alone heard). I missed the last one or two TJH shows, and haven't had a chance to pick up their new record, so I think I'll head Glebeward for this one. Anybody else interested? Aloha, Brad
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