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Posts posted by Weirdness

  1. Her voice was totally shot from the get go. It was very low in the mix to begin with which I couldn't figure out at first but once she started coughing and weezing it was apparent that she wasn't in top form. The last tune which is was one of the better songs that they played was terrible on the vocals and this was the obvious reason that there was no encore. Pretty mellow overall though which was to be expected.

  2. Yeah, that was me on the balcony.

    Regarding the staff, ushers, fans, screamers, out of time clappers etc. I can handle that but those Gremlins get me every time. When the counter starts to run backwards, that's when you know things have gone too far...

  3. It may take a few minutes for the torrent to actually show up on the main bt.etree site but the link will take you where you need to go...



    Massey Hall

    Toronto ONT

    June 30th, 2007

    1 Set:

    Disc 1

    Sunken Treasure

    You Are My Face

    Side With The Seeds

    A Shot in the Arm


    Either Way

    Handshake Drugs

    Impossible Germany

    Sky Blue Sky



    Disc 2

    Via Chicago

    War on War

    Jesus, etc.

    -crew intros and thank yous-


    I'm The Man Who Loves You


    ------------------------- ---------

    Ashes of American Flags>

    Spiders (Kidsmoke)

    ------------------------- ---------

    Hate It Here

    The Late Greats

    Hoodoo Voodoo (w/Josh [bass and keyboard tech] on cowbell)

  4. I don't think that they make them anymore but if you can find them used/ebay, the Rock Solid by B&W is a great sounding outdoor speaker. Here are a couple of ebay links, fairly cheap:

    Ebay Rock Solid 1

    Rock Solid 2

    The Paradigms are a solid bet as well for sure, they just came out with a rock style speaker that looks really substantial compared to the usual ones that you see. Didn't hear them though. Klipsch could be a good bet too, I'm pretty sure they have outdoor speakers.

  5. Yeah, I want to pick through for sure. Dibs on the Bobby and the Midnites, thanks for calling me first man. Anything that is good and not beat or that can be cleaned would be of interest. If dude has a copy of Nick Drake Pink Moon, please have him hold onto it for me. Thurs. Sat. or Sun. would be ideal. Thanks...

  6. I have a copy which is missing somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes around a half hour in. As a result, I didn't plan on sharing it with the world but if you want a raw copy on DVD and are willing to cut the nasty bits out, track it and do whatever you want from there, you're welcome to it. PM me if you like and I'll give you my info...

  7. There have been alot of compatibility problems with HDMI and various digital cable/satellite boxes, receivers, TV's and DVD players that have had problems communicating through HDMI.

    To flesh out exactly what the problem is here:

    Your 51" rear projection doesn't have an HDMI input right?

    If not, then you are better off running component video directly from your cable box/dvd player to the TV and forget about HDMI altogether. You will only get the benefits of HDMI if the TV has that to begin with.

    Also, running video into the receiver and then to the TV is an additional step that you don't need to do if the TV has sufficient video inputs. You will get better results running the video directly into the TV and the audio to the receiver. If the TV has 2 component inputs or HDMI inputs, best to run directly into those.

    If your TV only has 1 component input, your best bet would be to run component(and digital audio) from your digital cable and DVD player into the receiver and then component into that input on the TV. Don't be too convinced that HDMI is always the way to go, you will get an excellent picture either way.

    Also, if you're in the market for a new TV in the next year, I wouldn't touch rear projection of any kind with a 10 foot pole. They are dying a quick death and won't exist in the near future.

  8. Haven't spoken to Luke directly over the past few days but apparently he had a bail hearing and part of the conditions if he should make bail is that he have a place to stay that is stable when he gets out. Asked me to ask you folks if anyone has a free room. Apparently he is good for the rent and can make first and last as well. If anyone can help out, let me know.

  9. Missed the first half hour or so figuring that it would be the usual late start so I can't tell you about that but from the Airplane>Primitive on, it was solid but not mind blowing. Brad's voice sounded really good which always makes for a good show. Very sparce crowd which was a real surprise. Apparently everyone leaves the city on the long weekend but this was pretty rediculous. Maybe 50 people??? Way too much open space, although I like my space it was a bit strange to have such a weak turnout. I believe that they played 2 or 3 new songs mid way through, no idea what they were called. Moonlight Mile toward the end. Otherwise, it was pretty much Eisenhower material.

    Methinks tonight will walk all over last night but we'll see what happens...

  10. I agree that it's peaceful but from what I can tell he has both friends and enemies on the board. We know where you stand obviously. If I had known you since we were 10 and you called me from the Don Jail asking to get in touch with some people that were friends I would certainly do the same for you.

    Have a nice weekend...

  11. Howdy all!

    I heard from the Lukester this morning, he is looking for some friends to talk to. In particular, he was looking for M and Dave/Laura's numbers but if anyone else wants to hear from him feel free to PM me your digits and I will forward to him later on.

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