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Posts posted by SolarGarlic

  1. 735241745lnt3.jpg

    So don’t try to change who you are boy, and don’t try to be who you ain’t.

    And don’t let me catch you in Kendale with a bucket of wealthy-man’s paint.

    Don’t call what your wearing an outfit. Don’t ever say your car is broke.

    Don’t sing with a fake British accent. Don’t act like your family’s a joke.

    Have fun, but stay clear of the needle, call home on your sister’s birthday.

    Don’t tell them you’re bigger than Jesus, Don’t give it away.

    Awesome disc, Awesome song. Scotch sounds like a great idea...dont mind if I do!!

  2. Just got back from the show in Vancouver...pretty fun!! Played all the hits...even got the crowd to boo him when he put on his Oilers cape. Fun night, check it out if you have the time!!

    Oh, all the better if he's playing at a smallish club with lots of booze going around! He plays to large crowds out West now...no more Canmore Hotel shows, thats for sure...

  3. Bell has been ok for me....Ive down graded to the most basic service available (im in the middle of a contract) and we've just bought into the 20/mo from Vonage...should be much better than using/paying and arm and a leg for wireless to cover all our needs..

    And YES, Emily the robot at Bell can SUCK MY ASS! I hate that trick..

  4. Just be your cool, cool self! I just got hired for my first contract and just spoke my mind. Common sense goes a long way and so does a happy, calm personality....Of course it's ok to be nervous, Id be worried if you weren't! But be honest with yourself and your interviewers and if it's supposed to happen it will...good luck.

  5. So I grew a bunch of beets this summer and now I don't know what to do with them...Never been a fan of the things but the dude who I grew the garden with loves 'em...anyhow, I ended up with a bag full of these things..

    IDEAS??!! Checked out vegweb.com but found limited results so Im looking for your favourite, unique recipes for BEETS :)

  6. My new avatar is awesome and I don't care who knows it....

    For all the Packer and Lions fans out there...all the heady people are like family to me but you guys are like the uncle that nobody talks about...you've walked down the wrong path and who knows what will save you now...

  7. Hey man, there are some decent cats hangin around cowtown still...most of 'em have been hangin low, at least that was the case a month ago when I moved...

    Post in the regular cavern cause I think some of them check there from time to time...

    Hit up the Ho sometime too..Sept 1st and 2nd Jackfruit will be there...

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