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Posts posted by SolarGarlic

  1. Damn! Why doesn't any apple I-Pod or I-tunes stuff support FLAC?!!! I mean they are suppose to be on the cutting edge of digital music technology, but they are grossly behind on file compatability! }:(

    Thnaks BradM

    Actually, you can load linux onto your ipod which will then be able to handle flac files...a friend of mine has done it and LOVES it. If you want more info I can scare it up for you...

  2. Canmore LOVED Brickhouse...I guess people have been asking nonstop when they are coming back...

    Im not sure Brickhouse liked the HO as much as the HO liked them though...I think the rooms were a bit "funky" for them...oh well, not for everyone I guess.

  3. [color:black]

    [color:brown]Mushroom drug creates mystical experience: study

    Almost a third of the research participants found the drug experience frightening even in the very controlled setting.

    hmmm, strange. A rigid and controlled enviro while on boomers caused people to wig a little?

    Cool artilce though! Thanks...


  4. Yeah, try coming out here to a show!

    I find myself dancing less and less....though sometimes I love to jump around like the sweaty gorilla I can be...Im certainly not against it but for some reason I just don't get the "feeling" as much. I am very engaged with the music that is being made and appreciate it perhaps more than ever....you can dance if you wanna....or not at all.

    The chit chat and banter throughout a show drives me nuts though!! Depends on the venue, but it can really piss me off.

  5. Check out this place. Craigslits is pretty awesome and Im SURE there are dozens of CHEAP monitors on there


    Oh yeah, and just so you know, flat screen monitor is NOT a "thin" monitor...its like flat screen tvs and lcd tvs...same idea anyhow.

    Some cheap monitors:




    Lots more on there..you can talk these people down on these prices too..enjoy.

  6. Sounds like an experience we had here in Calgary a couple years back:

    Stephen Franke and the Noises were playing a local jazz club for some city festival going on (maybe jazzfest, i don't know). We crashed our way in, about eight of us all in total, and were out numbered by the jazz snobs. I think we were even told "we're full" but pretended not to hear it and went in anyhow....no tables left, where do these guys think they're going?? We all ordered drinks, two at a time and proceded to yell, and boogie in the walkways. We got our fair share of eyes and taps and I can remember old StevO liking what he saw from the stage :) A couple nights prior to this event a buddy of mine had a run in with the bouncer, calling him a "fucking meathead" to his face in the midst of proclaiming his list of injustices that just been laid on him...havn't been back to the club since. The Beatnik Jazz Club....stuffy as hell.

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