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Posts posted by SolarGarlic

  1. Hi all,

    For those of you who might not know (most of you on here) the famous Canmore Hotel has a sale pending on it that needs could be going through by Dec 15th. The 'Ho has been a gracious host to many of your favourite touring bands over the years is a favourite venue of those bands to play. Nobody really knows what this will lead to but I'm sure you can all make some assumptions. Anyhow, the only way its going to be kept the same is if it is designated as a historic landmark by the town...which has its own problems that I won't discuss. Anyhow, if you feel strongly about this, please visit the link below and vote in this poll (right side of page) and pass it on to anyone who might be of benefit...


  2. consider that those people see the world like an Albertan, a barren landscape of cowboys, oil and guns where every man woman and child is on their own.

    As a kind and considerate Albertan, I take offense to this inconsiderate generalization. :(

    As much as I hate to admit it (being and Albertan and all), I find this statement all too true. Don't take offense to that CM, you live here and surely realize the egocentric crap one has to put up with in this city.

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