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Posts posted by SolarGarlic

  1. mrrp!

    So what are your favourite beers LATELY??

    We've been trying Belgium beers at work the last few days for an upcomming beer and cheese workshop we are putting on next month. So far, the Corsendonk beers have been outstanding!! Ive had the Brown and Pale Ales....damn!! Im so impressed with these that I had to share and start a thread about them.

  2. Have a great trip! Will clean the mind and the body for sure...

    A couple of weeks ago this lady came into our shop to use our cryovac machine...she had bread, samiches, meat, cheese, etc etc, all dehydrated. Anyhow, she was easily over 70 and was going on a 2 month kayak trip up to Great Slave Lake here in AB. I was amazed at how tuned her mind and body were and the fact that she was going alone...gives us something to work for! Sweet old lady...

  3. YES! I was there.... Would love to score a copy of that one sometime Del..

    Velvet, you were lucky enough to have the only room with a bathroom and sink (and TV) in the entire place. The honeymooon suite!! Anyhow, I remember a stirring rendition of My Cats on Crack played in that room.. Sadly, a couple of those characters who were living up there at the time have passed on. I slept in the TV lounge that night and had some good converstation with Shirley about whatever cooking show we were watching..

    ahh, the HO. Will be there on Saturday night for the Uncas I believe... Cheers for the memories on this one!!

    Del, wanna do a trade like the old days for that show?

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