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Posts posted by SolarGarlic

  1. just the other day he came back to the trail with a face full of porcupine quills. $350 later....... not pretty.

    That sucks. I remember being on a hunting trip (yeah hippies, hunting) with my dad years ago and our dog got a mouth full..through her lips, tongue, etc. Sat there for a couple of hours watching pops pull those quills out one by one. Not cool.

  2. Woke up this morning to my cat freakin' out, tearing shit out of my garbage can and tearing up the room. She does this all the time but usually with just a piece of paper she cornered under a desk. This time it was a plump little mouse. My gf did the mouse dance and split, leaving me and the cat to corner the beast. As I sat on the floor, holding the bed up so the cat could get under to give chase, the mouse was running all around me, under my legs, using me as a shield. I give the cat some credit b/c she did most of the leg work, but in the end, I take full credit for the kill. A nice duo we made!

    What have you had in your house?? Ive chased out gophers, bats and birds...

    Any weird animal in the house stories??

    I should mention that we have a cat door so she comes and goes as she pleases...leaving the gates of hell wide open to her bringing anything in...

  3. No burger pic to share but if you want a TASTY burger, go buy yourself a nice cut of meat, trim the fat/membrane material that may be present and put it through your food processor! Man does that ever make some nice ground beef to make burgers with...

  4. Hey ya'll, just wondering if you had any ideas for a great show to DL. Ive been a fan of these guys for a few years now but have never really found a great sounding recording yet...maybe Im too picky these days but I just want the good shit :) Just looking for a couple "must have" live shows that I can listen to for years to come...thanks!

  5. From The Upsteam board..


    After meetings with the SCRD today, they have officially given us their permission/vote of confidence to go ahead with this year's Bonfire Music Festival & Campout at the Spirit of the Rainforest Amphitheatre & Campgrounds in Ruby Lake.

    The dates will be August 18/19/20 this year, with the gates opening for campers to arrive at 4:00 pm on Thursday August 17th.

    Stay tuned for artist announcements, a new website, ticket info and all that other good stuff real soon!!

    Bonfire 2006... time to take things up a notch!!

  6. My memory's definately slipping, but I think this was one of the shows I passed along to Sean in Calgary about 5 years ago or so. (in front of the Night Gallery!) I could be wrong.... I was never sure if that show made it into circulation or not.

    Jeff, I was JUST in the process of putting those shows in a digital format!! Ive done the Halloween show of that year but havn't done the show above....The sound is far from desirable but I will convert them anyway. I will have to return these tapes to you when you come back out this way for tour;)

  7. If you prefer alternative schooling systems, well the best of luck, but, I wouldn't give up on the public system because of bad experiences during your practice teaching... Wait until you have your own classroom--different story.

    Certainly isn't a question of preference at this point and I actually havn't had any bad experiences that make me want to give up on the public system...just doing some soul searching, poking and looking around really. Again, knowing that there are many teachers of all ability and experience here, your insight is appreciated!

  8. Personally, I preach subversion.

    The public system is where great teachers are needed the most. And while the system is not perfect, it is managable. Remember, once the door shuts to the class, it is really all about you (not the admin). However, it is important that if you are going to enter the system with a predisposition as such, better not to come in at all.

    This is one thing I have been wrestling with. I know that teachers who take a more holistic and creative view towards the world and teaching are needed in our public schools...however, I value my sanity and I value my own time as well. It certainly helps to see the different points of view....all relative notes of experience welcome!

  9. Just wondering how you're not satisfied with how public education is going if you're not yet seeing it first-hand? Wouldn't it be better to get in the system and se it, try to change it through your teaching style rather than immediately give up? Kids are the same everywhere, and if you don't like the public system, there's a good chance the kids there need fresh new teachers the most.

    Ive actually spent the last 2 years doing practicums and research within the public system..you tend to get an idea from the faculty you work with and the "general" student population within the program about what the typical and observed dominant culture is and what sort of climate you'll be working in. It's not the kids that Im worried about, its more the philosophy and teaching practice that certain school boards adhere to. In this town, things are very conservative and dominated by a certain sector of Canadian society that don't generally agree with (and this could happen anywhere really). Im looking for something, a school of thought or philosophy I supose, that I can identify with. Education is a LARGE field and Ill most likely have to take my lumps, but I'd rather not ;) Im certainly not giving up as I have had some GREAT experiences so far...and you're right when you're talking about lending my fresh perspective to these schools.....Cheers.

  10. Hey all,

    So I am about 3 weeks away from finishing my Ed. degree and I couldn't be more excited! Now, I have to find a job!! Ive interviewed with the public board and all went well...well enough that I suspect I will be offered a position for the fall. However, Im not a big fan of the way education is being taught in these local public schools and Im afraid that I just won't be satisfied with it. Im looking into private/charter schools and also checking a bunch of "alternative" schools out here in AB and BC. Just wondering if anyone has anything good or bad to say about Waldorf schooling or if anyone has any experiece with it?? I have read a lot about them, Steiner and all that, Im just curious if any of the hip folks around here have any input....thanks! Looking forward to joining the teacher "club".

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