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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. I never went to that cafe' date=' but have gone to a few different in Ontario and BC. I always looked at them as a way off callenging the current laws.

    I would never want to open one but I am glad that there are people out there that would.[/quote']

    I agree with that as well. It still baffles me that I can buy cigarettes but not weed when cigarettes will just kill me and I get nothing from them. I liked the idea in amsterdam 'cause I could get together and smoke with like minded strangers that wouldn't normally just drop by the house (though I have had a random stranger drop by a house I lived in who happened to have some and became a friend of the house)

    Yes that would be nice. I was having lunch today at the Only Cafe in Peterborough and once I was finish and looked at all the folks enjoying their beers, coffee and cigarettes, I thought about how great it would be to go up to the bar order a gram of some bubble hash and smoke a big fattie.

    Damn the man for making go home to do that!!!

  2. I am a big fan of (and I'll use the term loosely) JAZZ FUSION. Can't enough of it lately, which I blame on all the 1974 Grateful Dead I listened to all summer. (Check out 05-21-1974 for a 45 minute playing in the band !)

    Anyways, I've been listening to lots of Mahavishnu Orchestra,John McLaughlin, Weather Report, Bitches Brew era Miles, Al Di Meola, and Herbie.

    Does anyone have some suggestions for some more albums to check out. Return to Forever is on the top of my 'to listen to' got any others to add?

  3. The other thing to realize is that there haven't been any reports of the shops in Vancouver being busted. If the bust was instigated from the federal level, I'd expect them to go after Vancouver first, as those shops are thriving and (with the recent 60 Minutes story on Marc Emery) in the news.



    I won't be surprized to see it happen though.

  4. yeah...very cool, very "old school" site...though I'm thinking you're (and most here) are actually too young to really remember that acid-green type-font (on a Radio Shack Tandy computer, no less!!!) and those type of prompts.

    edit to add: glad I've finally hit the age where birthdays start to count backwards!!!!!! :P

    When I first used a computer I had to save my work on to audio tape, old enough for you?

  5. I've never seen it, but I've always had my eye out for a book I've only heard of called "Off The Road", which I think was written by his wife; essentially complaining about being left at home while Jack was out there; on the road. Anyone ever read it?

    I read Off The Road. Good book. It was interesting to hear about Neil Cassidy from a different perceptive. It reveled Cassidy more as the person then the cultural icon.

  6. What kind of work would you be looking for?

    I am self-employed, so I haven't had to look for work in Peterborough. I have a glass blowing and recording studio, but I think you actually have to be making money to call it a job. Someday I might be able to call it that.

    Let me know what kind of stuff you're looking for and I'll see what I can dig up

  7. A rehearsal space is a good suggestion. A friend of mine has a space in Toronto and he rents out his space to other bands when he's not using it which he said usually pays his rent for the whole month.

    I have a home studio in my garage that I did my best to sound proof. I works pretty good. I find it's the low end that really causes the most noise(all thos big sound waves).

    Having an open dialog with your neighbours is key. You should try to find out who is complaining and then work something out with them.

  8. I would love to see fareed haque group and/or garaj mahal.

    Also, when the hell is WEEN going to play in Toronto?

    Big thanks to all the promotors that put their asses and sanity on the line. I'm really glad that you guys are out there making an effort to bring us live music. HIGH 5's

  9. DEFINITLY improved by getting baked, but its almost harder to swallow stoned, thats what i found anyways, harder to comprehend, but i smoked a huge friggin cracker to my head so there ya go.

    What????? you do drugs???? [color:purple]MORON

  10. I'm down for Toronto and Peterborough.

    7th row and 14th row.

    Oh ya we are in too for the Peterborough show !!!Its going to be a blast :)

    You guys should drop me a PM and I'll pass my info on to you guys. We should get together for some pre show action.

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