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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. I also agree with what p.p and djmelbatoast have to say.

    There is totally a place for bands that play songs people want hear. Many times I've gone out to see a band play covers, dance a little, hung out with some people, usually that I haven't seen in a while, and just have a general good time.

    I'm glad that those bands are out there having fun and playing live music.

    I think a lot of this sentiment come from the fact that there is a little bit of a void in our music scene right now and people jonesing.

  2. its just my opinion

    if you think you can do that shit forever, you, my friend, are in for a big surprise

    if you knwo that the shits bad for you, why do you defend it? why do you defend it if it isnt bad for you? i went thru that same phase defending my habit.

    its pretty ignorant defending that crap when you know that its not good for you

    I was merely defending a persons right to make their own choices without someone passing judgement on them.

    You can't decided what is good for someone. What if I think sugar, coffee, TV, driving cars, smoking are bad for people, do I get to call them morons or say that their preference in music is not valid?



    I am aware that by calling you a square, I have in fact, done the very thing that I said I'm against. But what fuck, I high on irony.

  3. The Liberals will have hopefully exciting new leadership

    I think this will be key to the future of the country. I feel we really need somebody to come in that is fresh and passionate about being a true leader to this great country.

    Perhaps, the liberals can take a page of of the republician's playbook and convince Justin Trudeau to be the new Liberal leader.

  4. [color:purple]YOU SUCK

    Really, well spoken Marco. I think it expresses the sentiment of what most of us are feeling these days. Lately, I've been feeling starved for music that rocks my world, which can be frustrating and sometimes comes out in a negative way.

    Thank you for that. Cheers

  5. I don't think there is an passionate music fan in the world that hasn't thought or said, this band sucks. But to post that on this board is so 2000, take that shit to phantasy tour brah. Seriously, if you don't like a band that's fine, but to say they suck is not really constructive. You can say what it is about them you don't like, which is cool. The appreciation of art is purely subjective.

    I would like to think that as we cultivate our little Canadian scene here we can go beyond the bashing kind of crap that seems so prevalent south of the boarder.

    We should be encouraging to the people that risk themselves and actually get out there and try to make music. Like them or not at least they are out there giving it a try.

    Yes it can be frustrating when the music that gets you off doesn't seem to be out there, going to show after show, always coming home slightly disappointed, wondering how the hell all those people were having such a good time. Must be the drugs/booze you think and maybe so, but not every band out there is going to make you have that spiritual experience that music can make you have.

    So as a musician, which you said you are, do something about it. form a band get out there and hit the road. As a music fan, I am always on the search for that new and innovative music that takes me to that place that only music like that can. and when I come to check out your band, like it or not I will try to support it and give it a chance, because that what a fan of music does.

    That is the kind of Canadian live music scene I want to be a part of.

  6. Got this email from a friend who works at EMI and thought I'd pass it on to you youngster out there.

    Guitar God Needed

    Influences must include: Zeppelin, Aerosmith, G‘nR, AC/DC and the

    Crue. We sing about bitches, good times, and good times with bitches. This

    shits moving fast, the right people are involved to make it last.

    Candidates must have their own gear and be old enough to drive but look

    under 25. No time to waste, reply post haste…Done.


  7. I've listened to Soon so many times I think I could proablly do an acapella version of it.

    I would LOVE to hear this! Actually I could do harmonies. ;)

    sounds good, we need to find some who can beat box and someone to handle the low end, then I say we take this mother fucker on the road. I'm thinking maybe we can call ourselves NEARO

  8. Like I said before, I would totally be willing to pay for all of the shows from this run. They were on fire and I've listened to Soon so many times I think I could proablly do an acapella version of it. I love listening to this while I'm mountain biking. God damn it I need some more Nero and some live muti track sbd's would be the fuckin' monay shot.

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