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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. Jerry Garcia's Appliances to Be Auctioned

    Tue Nov 29, 5:56 PM ET

    Jerry Garcia's dishwasher, toilets and other home appliances will be auctioned by a nonprofit group hoping to raise more than $100,000.

    The items, which also include stereo cabinets, cupboards and a freezer, will be available for bidding on the online auction site eBay from Dec. 18 through Dec. 24.

    Revenue will benefit the Sophia Foundation, a San Francisco Bay area nonprofit that aids children and families during marital separations and divorces, said the group's chairman, Henry Koltys.

    Koltys bought the Nicasio, Calif. home of Garcia, the lead singer and guitarist of the Grateful Dead, in 1997, two years after Garcia died of a heart attack.

    An appraiser has valued the items at about $75,000, but Koltys said he expects people will end up spending more.

    "There's a lot of Deadheads out there with money, and they want a piece of Jerry somehow."

    I would love to take a crap on the same toilet as Jerry.

  2. So I am what people refer to as a chronic user of the herb and after last weeks weed and driving debate it's got me thinking about what it is I love about the weed.

    For me it is a great alternative to conventional treatments of chronic pain, but it is more than that. I was a chronic many years before I got injured.

    I have taken extended breaks from the herb just to see what it was like and really it was fine. Didn't have a problem with it at all but at the same time didn't really notice any great benifit either.

    Smoking (or eating) herb makes me feel very connected to everything and brings about a sense of calm happiness.

    So, after much blah, blah, blah I pose the question of the day.

    What is that you like (or liked) about the herb? or what is it that you don't like about it? Do you use daily or once in a while?

    follow up question: do you think that the things you like about it can be achived without it.

    (refering to the idea that everything exist within yourself)

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