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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. I guess what I'm getting at is that not everyone out there smoking and driving is impaired, or stupid. I am refering to medical users, who would have some kind of excemption. So a lot of this doesn't apply. Though I think most medical users are reponsible enough to know if they are impaired or not.

  2. If you take anything, anything, that impairs your ability to drive, and drive while you're impaired, you're stupid. This applies to alcohol, pot, Oxycontin, allergy medication, whatever.



    Well then what exactly is impaired then?

    By this logic the impairment of someones ability to drive is some what subjective.

  3. http://www.petitiononline.com/deadpet/petition.html

    On November 22nd Grateful Dead Productions, in a swift move, had

    Archive.org, Nugs.net and other sites remove all of their nearly 3,000

    downloadable shows. This contradicts not only the official statements

    of GDP, the comments of band members and flies in the face of 40 years

    of grassroots support and loyalty by the fans. Therefore we, the

    undersigned, ask that the band, who once stood for no walls between

    themselves and the audience, tear down this wall they just constructed

    and return the music to the fans.

  4. Oh well, I did get to go for a bone-chilling late night Grey County swim in a farmer's pond. I shivered for a day.

    Grey County ROCKS ;)

    Great show last night. Good times, good times.

    great to see a lot of friendly faces I haven't seen in a while.

    high 5's to everyone

  5. some interesting points......

    Why the fuck is Trey Anastasio's new album on Columbia? If this isn't a

    record crying out for independent release, what is? I always thought his manager,

    Coran Capshaw, was brilliant, but I'm going to need an explanation on this

    one. Maybe Trey should have called Howard Kaufman, and put out the record

    through his network. Making three to four times the revenue on each disc sold.

    Jimmy Buffett only went to the Universal empire when he wanted to have a HIT!

    When he needed that infrastructure. What the fuck is Columbia going to do for

    Trey that's worth leaving all that money on the table?

    Oh, maybe Trey's delusional. He thinks he's actually going to have a hit.

    Yeah, right. As if a decade plus of history hasn't disproved THAT theory.

    And where exactly does Mr. Anastasio plan to HAVE that hit? Top Forty? Unless

    he's going to get Jay-Z to rap on his record, that's never going to happen.

    And it's not like his music is Active Rock friendly. And AAA is a marginal

    format that can't sell tonnage.

    The only people interested in buying "Shine" are fans. And based on the tour

    numbers Trey's putting up, that's a dwindling base. Because Phishheads

    perceive that Trey broke up the band on a whim. That it was presented as a group

    decision, but really wasn't. And they're unhappy about it. Sure, the main

    creative force remains, but the CULTURE is gone. Never underestimate the value

    of culture. God, Mick Jagger could never have a solo hit.

    Then again, Phil Collins was more successful than Genesis. And Sting has

    done quite well without the Police. But their careers were sustained on HIT


    I say bring the old team back. Which Trey will eventually do anyway. Once

    he finds out that people aren't interested in his solo works, just the brand.

    Own it. You don't get everything you want in life. Beef up the original

    band. Like Talking Heads. Add players, work within the confines of the

    structure. Or end up David Byrne. A footnote in history and completely irrelevant


    Why do acts have no balls. Why can't they stand up to the system. Are they

    getting bad advice, or just that dumb. Or just that afraid. God, they take

    risks with their music but when it comes to business, political views, they put

    up their hands and say no. They don't want to stick out from the crowd.

    Don't want to hurt their image. When their success is BASED on putting forth

    their ideas. Makes no sense!

    Then again, maybe Trey knows his solo career is going to be a failure. And

    he likes the Columbia advance. That would be kind of sad, but he wouldn't be

    the first money-grubbing "artist" out there, primarily interested in being paid.

    But Phish were different. Phish was establishing a new culture. Of bands

    playing MUSIC! With their careers built on the road. God, Phish NEVER sold

    tonnage. Even though they tried. God, you'd figure Trey would be happy that his

    deal was over with Elektra. So he could take ALL the money. But no, he just

    goes and makes another deal with the man.

    My understanding is Dave Matthews re-upped with RCA because they gave him his

    masters back. Columbia can do no such thing for Trey Anastasio. So what's

    the deal?

    Believe in yourself Trey. Be the guiding light for musicianship. Show us a

    new way. To build an independent enterprise outside the corrupt major system.

    This is who we thought you were. We were wrong.

  6. I predict Martin will embark on a mediocre and over-hyped solo career which will spawn one or two mildly successful but terribly annoying singles that we will hear in department stores for the next ten years (see: Edwin [nee I Mother Earth], David Usher [nee Moist], Thornley [nee Big Wreck]).

    don't forget this this guy.... trey_single.jpg

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