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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. I don't know why I am posting this... other than it's funny as hell if true.

    Subject: FW: MR AND MRS CRUISE


    >Some celebrity gossip....


    >A friend of mine just got back from LA and heard this scoop about Tom

    >& Katie from someone who works at Universal. The source said that they

    >(Tom & Katie) have a 5-year contract and he's paying her $8 million.

    >The engagement happened so fast because Rob Thomas' (Matchbox 20)

    >wife caught Rob and and Tom in bed together and they rushed the


    >so that it would overshadow that scandal. Obv., take it with a grain

    >of salt.

    >Read below. This was just published.



    >Independent Sources Confirms Existence of Tom Cruise/Rob

    >Thomas Rumor.


    >Independent Sources announced today that it has

    >uncovered a new, previously undiscovered Tom Cruise rumor:


    >Tom Cruise and Matchbox Twenty's Rob Thomas are lovers!

    >Independent Sources has hesitated writing about Tom Cruise/Katie

    >Holmes for many reasons. First, there are other Hthings going on in the


    >that, believe it or not, rank higher on the importance scale. Second,

    >pretty much everything that can be said is being said.


    >However, someone (I'll call her Mistress of the Hollywood Rumor) just

    >walked into Insider's office with the following dish that I feel

    >compelled to pass on. I did a quick check of Technorati and it wasn't

    >there. So even if it is not true, it is at least original.


    >No doubt that anyone with an Internet connection has read about Tom

    >Cruise being gay. According to rumor lore, he has had a long-time

    >boyfriend in Chicago who is an Asian pilot for American Airlines.

    >This is an accusation that Cruise and more importantly Cruise's many

    >attorneys vehemently deny.


    >There have been many stories that supposedly corroborate his

    >Sexuality but never a smoking gun. Rumor mongers attribute this to the


    >that Cruise goes to great lengths to cover his tracks. We are told


    >everyone around him signs extensive confidentiality contracts with

    >enormous penalties for indiscretion. (Exhibit A: the 8-page

    >confidentiality contract Cruise's housekeeper was forced to sign).


    >Such stories have been around for years and Cruise has evidently

    >attempted to counter them with a series of high-profile

    >heteronormative relationships. First, Nicole Kidman, then Penelope


    >and most

    >recently Katie Holmes. In each instance, the "relationship" is

    >actually a contract that gives the women a boost to their careers, a



    >money, and an elegant lifestyle.


    >Here is where this particular rumor gets interesting. Not long ago,

    >Marisol, the wife of Matchbox Twenty's Rob Thomas (who has had to

    >contend with his own rumors of bi-sexuality) found her husband in bed

    >with Tom Cruise causing Cruise's people to shift into high gear.


    >First, Mrs. Rob Thomas was bought off for an undetermined sum.

    >Second, Cruise and his handlers set out to immediately find Cruise a

    >girlfriend. Second-tier actresses were targeted. A list was drawn up

    >with Jessica Alba (#1 pick) and three other girls who fell out for

    >various reasons. Originally targeted (#3 I think) but later rejected

    >as "undesirable" was rumor queen Lindsay Lohan. Way down at #5 on the

    >List was Katie Holmes, but that was the one with whom they were able


    >strike a deal.


    >Once the contact was signed, photo ops were set up, leaks were made

    >to the right places, and we've had celebrity relationship on steroids

    >ever since.

    > > >

    >One thing I will credit this rumor for is how it nicely explains

    >Tom's behavior this past few months-including the couch jumping



    >Oprah. Cruise simply didn't have time for the Holmes rumors to

    >circulate at its normal speed and he couldn't allow it to be second

    >page news while the tabloids focused on Brad, Jennifer and Angelina.

    >No, this relationship had to immediately become the "it" topic.


    >Well, that's how we hear it.

    >[A reminder to those of you reading this who have trouble

    >differentiating truth from unsubstantiated rumor: at this point this

    >is all conjecture. All we are doing is confirming the existence of a

    >rumor that the Mistress tells us is all over Hollywood.]

    >We should also add that this story is a bit of a departure for us.

    >If you are interested in keeping up to date on it and

    >other celebrity gossip, we suggest Defamer.com

  2. call your new dog heady nuggets. that way when you find yourself in need just go down to the

    park, let your dog go and start calling out 'heady nuggets, anyone seen my heady nuggets' Not only can you easily score some 'heady nuggets', you will also have sweet cover in case the 'man' comes around to give you a hard time.

  3. speaking of amps' date=' look what came in the mail....


    Good work BK. Did you buy the cab too? This guy's site intrigues me, but I've never heard of him. Did you play one at a dealer in Ontario first, or buy it sound unheard?

    I played one of his combos at a guy in bratford who deals vintage and boutique gear. Within 2 minutes of playing it i was sold. it was that good. So i just looked him up myself and dropped him an email. he called a few days later and just chatted about amps and what i was looking for. great guy. i told him i wasn't in a hurry and that he could takes his time to get it perfect. well, a year and a half later that was i got.

    the power scaling thing is amazing. I can dial in really driven tubes with half the volume or just unbelievable clean and clear tone so warm it melts butter. I've only had it for a week now and everyday it just keeps getting better. yes i did get a 2 x 12 cab as well

  4. i am in the middle of doing the wild rose herbal d-tox. i'm finding it a gentle and easy cleanse. no wheat, yeast, dairy or sugar for 12 days. take some herbal pills and drops 2x a day with food. you can get a little book that has some helpful recipes and info. pretty easy really. we're at day 8. it's really straight forward Didn't consult my doctor. really, i didn't even consider it. mainly because it didn't think there was any risks doing a cleanse and second because he wouldn't really think was worth doing. he thinks anything outside of the medical profession is a bunch of quackery.(bunch of unregulated weirdos)

    it's funny, my doctor will give me enough pain killers to take out a small army but will think i'm a quack for trying a herbal cleanse.

  5. not really a big thing but i thought you might like to know. when i was trying to change the number of views to 60 and i got a warning in an almost impossible to read yellow.

    other than that things seem okay. keep up the good work. well done.

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