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Posts posted by boogieknight

  1. sorry, i missed your post momack. went last night. very funny. again i highly recommend this. as for the 17th of april, i'm pretty sure it will be on. if it is not going to happen they let people know the week before.

    maybe we can get a skank night out on the 17th. there's a little bar upstairs that has a band for the aftershow party.

    hey jeff you should put something together for the after show on the 17th. maybe bring back the trio with steve and gavin :)

    yeah skanks night out!!!!!

  2. N-treck is exactly what I was looking for but the demo version inserts annoying little beeps into your tracks every 10 seconds or so. Protools free says it won't run on winXP, which is what i've got. Acid pro and Audacity seem pretty good for my purposes. The effects processing is pretty weak for those two though. What does Soundforge do?

    the free n-track i used(4years ago) only had the bleeps for plug ins. you could record and play back with no issues. bummer.

    At $49 or $75 for 24bit it is one hell of a deal. I talked to a friend this weekend who uses the 24bit version and he loves it. told me it's the best software he's ever bought.

    too bad about the pro tools free. i guess now that they've become the standard they don't really feel like giving it away for free.

  3. check out something called N Track. I use to use it when i was first getting into recording. it is very good. They have a free version. the full version is pretty cheap, It is great value for the money. very functional and lots of features.

    N track

    also check out this home recording message board. a great resource for home recording. You can find out about other system there as well.

    home recording

    You might want to check out the free version of pro tools. you can only use 8 tracks but it is a good one to learn since it is the industry standard

    pro tools free

    hope this helps and good luck

  4. So for the last 3 weeks i've made the trek to toronto to check out a live comedy troupe called the Sketchersons. They do live skecth comedy every sunday at the Poor Alex Cabaret (296 Brunswick). It's only five bucks and totally worth it. It's basically the SNL structure. Live house band, with skits and the news. Ususally very funny.

    Just thought I'd share this little jem with you all. definatly a good way to spend a sunday evening

    The Sketchersons

  5. hey jules thanks for the help, you to todd.

    the reason that i'm asking is because he is one of the few AUTHORIZED RETROFITTERS of BUZZ FEITEN TUNING SYSTEM

    Thinking about trying this out on one of my guitars. Great axe but it goes a bit sharp on some open chords and it drives my nuts.( it's barley noticable but it's one of those once you hear it, it stands out loud and clear) I am a bit nervous about retrofitting this guitar and do want someone who has a insane amount of attention to detail. So thanks for the advice maybe i'll do some more detective work before i decide.

    here's the list of other ontario installers. if anyone has any info on them that would be appreicated

    Musical String N Things Ltd

    Clint Benoot - Jeff Mifflin

    542 Grand Ave. E


    Patrick Marcotte Custom Guitars

    Patrick Marcotte

    136 Cedar Dr RR #2


    Kingston Sound Works

    John Goodale

    267 Ontario St



  6. Everyone is trying to get to the bar.

    The name of the bar, the bar is called heaven.

    The band in heaven plays my favorite song.

    They play it once again, they play it all night long.

    Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.

    Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.

    There is a party, everyone is there.

    Everyone will leave at exactly the same time.

    Its hard to imagine that nothing at all

    Could be so exciting, and so much fun.

    Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.

    Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.

    When this kiss is over it will start again.

    It will not be any different, it will be exactly

    The same.

    It’s hard to imagine that nothing at all

    Could be so exciting, could be so much fun.

    Heaven is a place where nothing every happens.

    Heaven is a place where nothing every happens.

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