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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. or stores that have 20 (literally) checkouts and there are 3 open with 10 people waiting in each, and about 40 employees running around the store doing jack all. and it takes you 5 times as long to pay for what you're buying than it did to park, walk in, walk through the huge place find what you want and make it to a check out.

    i hate the walmart experience.

  2. i know the your, you're deal.

    sometimes, i use things like yer to reflect inflection, and how i would actually be saying it in the moment. i wouldn't have said it "you're so funny" i would have said "yer soooooooo funny"

    sometimes, these things are intentional. to really throw a curve ball, sometimes, on the internet i want to sound like i have a spanish accent, and i actually write joo intead of you.

  3. ha...i remember in school we were taught these word "upgrades"...better versions of simpler words to use to sound smarter...and use > utilize was one of them.

    I HATE when people make plans and don't cancel at all, or cancel at the last possible minute, or after the last possible minute to make other plans.

    i also HATE pencilled in plans. you walk around all week thinking your friday night is taken when really it's been pencilled in and then the pencil gets erased. so then you take it upon yourself to make pen plans over your pencil plans considering the track record and then your pencil plans turn into pen plans and you're fing stuck, looking like a douche with a double booking.

  4. hey mary...i hope you still have that copy of the book. it might be worth something someday! it definitely sounds like a printing error.

    when luke said that it doesn't end, the story literally doesn't end. i knew i had like 5 pages left to read and the story wasn't anywhere near finished. it left me with a lot of questions and a pretty pissed off attitude. 6 weeks of reading and 1000+ pages later and i don't get a fing ending?!?!?

    i just grabbed my copy, which is the first paperback edition with an isbn number of 0-316-92117-3. if your isbn # is 0316920045 then you have the hardcover and none of the following will be relevant to figuring out your issue.

    my copy has the body of the story ending on page 981 with footnotes from 983-1079. i know there is one rather lengthy footnote that is pretty much verbatim a section of the novel, but i don't have any parts of the novel that are just pages repeated sequentially. are the page numbers at the bottom repeated...as in 25, 26...51, 52, 25, 26? or do the page numbers go up with the text being the same?

    i don't think my copy is missing an ending...i think it's a bit of a joke on the reader to just leave it the way it was left.

  5. hey mark, thanks for the update.

    yeah the buick beast died on route last year. my gas line decided to break at that nice little petro can service station off the 401 in cambridge.

    this year tho, i have a new ride that is VERY reliable so i shall be there for saturday night, as originally planned.

    god i love being right! ;)

  6. look, i don't think every night of music you go to see has to be mind blowing and suberbly played. yeah, it's gimmicky, in a way.....but it's also fun to see what punky boys and the quirky girls that love them grow up to be. and in this case, it's a fun, loving, musically creative family unit. it's also nice to see that babies don't have to stop the music that the parents like to make.

  7. ummmm, they're fun to see live. you've really got to hear the music and see the slides to really "get it". they have a video which is funny, but it's not really the whole experience.

    it's got an awww cute factor to it...it's not the kind of thing you dance around to or see night after night.

    i doubt there will be slides with this show as that's more of a family affair. but that's just an educated guess.

  8. just got this announcement on my myspace

    May 2 - Montreal @ la Salla Rosa

    May 3 - Ottawa, venue tba

    May 5 - Wakefield, venue tba

    May 6 - Toronto, venue tba

    May 15 - Winnipeg @ West End Cultural Centre

    May 16 - Regina @ the Exchange

    May 17 - Saskatoon, venue tba

    May 18 - Edmonton, venue tba

    May 19 - Calgary, venue tba

    May 20 - Fernie @ the Arts Station

    May 22 - Slocan Valley @ Valican Hole

    May 23 - Nelson @ Capitol Theatre

    May 24 - Salmon Arm @ Salmar Theatre

    May 31 - Lasqueti @ Jenny's Place

    June 2 - Gibsons @ Heritage Theatre

    June 4 - Seattle, venue tba

    June 5 - Portland, venue tba

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