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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. so the crowne and the marriott eh? after getting off the phone with quality, rooms are 110, what?! i'm thinking of doing one of these online bid things. but i need a pet friendly hotel, can i know that ahead of time if this thing chooses my hotel for me? are they far from the bar?

  2. what an interesting issue.

    i think this plays to so many angles.

    simple human biology and physiology. women and men are capable of producing babies and are sexually mature (for the most part) in their early teens. we are physically capable of doing something that today, is culturally forbidden, or certainly looked down upon. men generally tend to go for younger women so they can create more children. women tend to go for older men who have had the time to establish themselves and will be better providers and protectors of their children. these desires are instinctual and programmed into us just as much as breathing is.

    i don't understand why contemporary society has rules that go against thousands of years human evolution and instinct.

    i don't understand why men (and i have to assume that it's men doing this) constantly promote a double standard that in the end doesn't get them what they want. wanting a sexually experienced woman in the bedroom and a virgin to marry...the constant sexualization of minors, yet laws and cultural views that deem wanting what's been alluringly placed in front of you as wrong.

    this whole culture we have now of trying to preserve innocence in children for as long as possible, in my opinion maturationally retards our youth. if we're physically capable of being adults at a certain age, mentally we should be there too, and 12/13/14 year olds aren't there. not by a long shot. protecting our kids until we just can't has given us a generation or two or three of youth that has or will see quarter life crisis', 23 being the new 18, and leaves our young women completely unprepared for the sexual predators we've created through highly functional marketing campeigns for various products. panties, britney spears and pornogrophy included. prolonging innocence, and then sexualizing it, is wrong.

    i think it's unfair for the powers that be to take a natual human instinct, ban it, and then dangle it in front of us all. these vicious cirlces we're sent in just go nowhere and don't lead to any progress in our society.

  3. I would also like to fomally appologize for anyone that had to deal with me at 2006's Caution Jam's Boat Cruise! I remember absolutely NOTHING and I'm very appreciative that you people didn't toss me off the boat!

    you know, there are...photos...from that weekend. if that type of thing might help deter you in the future.

    you already know how i feel about all of this. you've got all my love and support. good on ya buddy.

  4. hahaha, nice to know you're paying attention.

    it'll be battle time next weekend buddy, come prepared!

    and all i'll say is that sometimes, it's best to know the true depths of your enemey's madness. attack from within!

  5. my apologies if this has been said already but the reason it happened so fast was because when saddam appealled the verdict and they upheld it they said they'd kill him in 30 days and eid started at dawn today, and lasts a month or soemthing like that so if they didn't do it then they wouldn't be able to do it within their 30 day time limit.

  6. i don't think that anything coming out of a deep fryer is going to be healthy anymore....i guess if you're going to use it make sure it's something you really really love. i'd suggest instead of regular fries, try making sweet potato fries....also, there's this italian thing, i can't remember what it's called, but it's tomatoey rice in a ball that has a piece of moz cheese in the centre that's rolled in breading of some kind and fried...served with more tomato sauce. those are yummy.

    you can also try different kinds of oil, like peanut or sesame...or make flavoured oils to enhance the flavour of your food.

  7. mmm i had real butter chicen at the indian place tonight...i was surprised to see naan in the grocery store. also PC...a bit pricey, and i ended up burning it...but worth a try.

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