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Posts posted by Alexis

  1. the sauce is "butter chicken sauce" it's not a memories of. it's not even in a bottle like that. it's in a jar that looks like a smaller big salsa jar...if you can picture that.

    i think it's in the international foods aisle in the grockery store.

  2. best moment of my day: when all the jesus freaks are leaving after dinner, they're standing at the door putting their coats on and thanking us for the lovely meal, and i come out of the kitchen and say "wait, we forgot to sing happy birthday to jesus"...they all look up at me disbelievingly, like they couldn't believe i'd finally accepted heyzeus into my heart. second best moment, a 45-50 year old woman asking me who james brown was when i mentioned he'd died today. to which i replied "SHUT UP! you did NOT just say that"

  3. thanks for reminding me about alcohol...yeah i know, how could i ever forget. i was wondering how i'd get through the rest of the day now that the anticipation of it all has been taken away with a few quick rips. now that i have a drink...bring on the jesus freaks! happy holidays everyone!!!

  4. it's a pretty good article, and i guess it's nice to see the meals of the holidays (=family togetherness) up front rather than the tyical commercialism, even if it was a slow week for contributions.

    a small critique...i probably wouldn't have used the same phrasing twice in one piece.

    The Rude Native bistro is likely your best bet.
    Bollywood Bistro is likely your best bet
  5. i think when i'm up for nero i should go to one of these places and buy a big jar of sweet sauce to take home so that i can turn a gyro minus the tzitzeekee (sp) into a yummerful donair. pita pizzazz is the only place in town that sells a donair. stupid hamilton.

  6. if you're looking for a good kids book, i'd suggest the artemis fowl series by Eoin Colfer....i'd also say that for 10-12+ this series by philip pullman The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, The Amber spyglass isn't too much for them to grasp, but i don't know....i thoroughly enjoy it...but the main characters are 12, 13 year old kids, so i'd imagine that age could handle reading what they do. it's a really great series.

    I think movie deals are in the works for both.

  7. happy bday...i couldn't decide on the butt crack picture, or the cigarette man pic. i went with the latter so zero wouldn't get too excited. gotta keep those homo erotic impulses under control.


    (why can't i do the picture thing anymore? has something changed?

  8. if you're not into baking might i suggest some NO BAKE christmas cookies? my family makes a huge variety of christmas cookies and i know of at least 3 (mint bites, rum balls (you can use non alcoholic rum flavouring) and white chocolate truffles) off the top of my head that were all easy enough for me to make from age 10 on...if you're interested PM me and i'll send you the recipes.

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